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DepressionPanic Attacks



Posts about Depression, Panic Attacks

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1Postpartum depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank u sir!!
Will I stop taking nux and phos as said by Dr anuj sir?
pabitra 5 years ago
You may ask anuj at first.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Hi Pabitra,

You can only follow ONE person at a time.

Ask Anuj, if you should take the rest of nux
Vomica or start on the phosphorus now.

When homeopathic meds are a good match
They will often at first increase old symptoms
And then after there is relief. Old things are being
Released, which is the opposite of allopathic
Meds which suppress symptoms.

Please always look at who is posting so you
Do not get confused.
If you find that one prescriber is not working,
Then you can always thank them for their time
And work with another.
simone717 5 years ago
The grid appended ought to be your current active grid. What's happening? Is that not the grid you're seeing or are you hoping to see a different grid?

If it is not the current active grid being shown, any idea where the displayed grid came from? Do you recognise it?

Trial grid attached with no problems.
moderator 5 years ago

this was my current grid,in the saved case file of your app.How and from where the grid attached got uploaded is a million dollar question.

I had recommended that when the add button is activated it should direct to the SAVED CASES and from there the grid should be uploaded.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Having a stucking pain at head throughout the day! Woke up today with anxious feeling and hot ears and the thoughts came much later!! this is the worst this month! ignoring those i went to tuitions though concentrating was a big deal! I went to play forcefully just to feel happy since happy feeling is all lost since 3 months! Had panic attack while resting in afternoon which is very common since sept thats why i dont sleep at afternoon. . talking in an anxious voice with people i dont know why.But amazingly having clear defaecation of satisfaction at morning which was not happening last week...but stucking pain at head which sometimes stiffing the neck.is this nux effect? today is the last day of nux dose! But headache is uneasy throughout the day
pabitra 5 years ago
Before taking the remedy i was pretty much convinced that im not infertile but it was my thoughts and worries thats creating the problem! Suspected ocd and googled about it and feeling every symptoms of it! Getting scared about it was my problem! Questioning everything was my problem! overthinking was my problem...and getting no clue what was my real problem...
After taking Nux Vom my symptoms just got severe....waking up in the morning and mind in within seconds tell me you thought these things and its time to worry...and my loop of worrying starts waking up with same headache....as if a motor starts in the brain....with much heat in my brain... ears getting heated up....have to take cold shower and put some water on ears on back of head and same intrusive thoughts ruminations what wrong i thought...
Palpitations remained same....no interest in studying....pressuring my self in studying ...constantly thinking of such sexual thoughts when im sleepy during day....please look into this matter
pabitra 5 years ago
do not take any medicines for a week and give a feedback,before starting phosphorous.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Oh my god! I already took the phosphorus as schedule because i didnt open the blog because email didnt cone in time....and the last day I was administered by a dry dose of sulphur by my uncle since at home saw me panicking everytime which i cant deny to take in front of him by saying I self medicated myself from internet. Though hot pain by nux vom is not there but old symptoms of rumonation and intrusive thoughts are still there....
what should i do now?
pabitra 5 years ago
Repeat Phos and give a feed back after 7 days.Only one dose.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
when should i take phosphorous? at night or morning? Only 4-5 drops?
Ruminations and intrusive thoughts are strong after few minutes after waking up and at the evening
pabitra 5 years ago
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2019-11-28 11:58:35]
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Panic attacks are not severe than before. But Strange feelings with intrusive thoughts is there. i have observed that any obsession doesnt remain if i overdo it and it remains for 3 to 4 days. Sex obsession is there...and meaningless thoughts regarding sex is there like i saw some girl's leg Im sexually aroused by it! Another like while masturbating to any erotic video i feel like My focus is not in the act of video but in any object kept in the video and attracted by it.Though i let it go. Masturbation is like im doing everyday! Its like its been a habit to any video or appealing pic. I make vow everyday that I will not masturbate and i break it! Like 2 days before my friends were deciding to visit a sea and then on next day after seeing the sea in internet I had strange feeling which i cannot explain then i put strange vague logic to satisfy my strange feeling but it went in vain! Then i went almost gloomy and started scrolling net and atlast u broke the gloomy feeling to any random erotic video. On the next day only I saw a dance video in a spacious background suddenly had that same strange feeling...like why is that spacious and I compulsively look at the roof and how high the roof can be! Imagining any pic in mobile in 2d or 3d aspect or viewing the background ignoring the people....but nothing can satisfy my strange feeling. I understand these are meaningless but these are bothering me. So many obsessions!!!! I cant bear anymore!!
Even one day I saw some dirt in bathroom drain while urinating I felt like i will pick it up and put it on skin. Sometimes i simply get scared to imagine anything while remembering answers of chapters fearing that i will get into some wierd stuff. Sleep is right now nice! But if wake up for toilet early morning like 3 or 4 then again sleep i dream of having sex with someone to whom i attracted with even i dream of going to tour with her....i had consecutive three dreams like that! In all these silly stuffs im wasting my time at home which was given to study for upcoming exam at the end of this month...as i cannot concentrate as all these things going inside head....even i cannot learn answers...plz help
pabitra 5 years ago
pabitra said Panic attacks are not severe than before. But Strange feelings with intrusive thoughts is there. i have observed that any obsession doesnt remain if i overdo it and it remains for 3 to 4 days. Sex obsession is there...and meaningless thoughts regarding sex is there like i saw some girl's leg Im sexually aroused by it! Another like while masturbating to any erotic video i feel like My focus is not in the act of video but in any object kept in the video and attracted by it.Though i let it go. Masturbation is like im doing everyday! Its like its been a habit to any video or appealing pic. I make vow everyday that I will not masturbate and i break it! Like 2 days before my friends were deciding to visit a sea and then on next day after seeing the sea in internet I had strange feeling which i cannot explain then i put strange vague logic to satisfy my strange feeling but it went in vain! Then i went almost gloomy and started scrolling net and atlast masturbated to break the gloomy feeling to any random erotic video. On the next day only I saw a dance video in a spacious background suddenly had that same strange feeling...like why is that spacious and I compulsively look at the roof and how high the roof can be! Imagining any pic in mobile in 2d or 3d aspect or viewing the background ignoring the people....but nothing can satisfy my strange feeling. I understand these are meaningless but these are bothering me. So many obsessions!!!! I cant bear anymore!!
Even one day I saw some dirt in bathroom drain while urinating I felt like i will pick it up and put it on skin. Sometimes i simply get scared to imagine anything while remembering answers of chapters fearing that i will get into some wierd stuff. Sleep is right now nice! But if wake up for toilet early morning like 3 or 4 then again sleep i dream of having sex with someone to whom i attracted with even i dream of going to tour with her....i had consecutive three dreams like that! In all these silly stuffs im wasting my time at home which was given to study for upcoming exam at the end of this month...as i cannot concentrate as all these things going inside head....even i cannot learn answers...plz help
pabitra 5 years ago
Food craving has increased has increased very much! specially sweet comes to kitchen and eat anything sweet! and feels like something mentally wrong in me sometimes and watch mental illness videos by doctors suspecting to have one...
pabitra 5 years ago
Please reply sir! Having brain fog and bit restless! Sitting with open book in front of me....but cannot study...huge syllabus left...plz help sir
pabitra 5 years ago
Shall I start with Staphysagria since sexual obsession is not yet gone! For anxiety and intrusive thoughts can I do with arsenic alb.
If yes!? Then say its potency and doses
pabitra 5 years ago
Sir please reply
pabitra 5 years ago

You can click Anuj name, see his email and
Tell him you are on. People volunteer time
And are not on here every day.
simone717 5 years ago
Emailed Anuj Sir! Didnt get a reply! So if anyone else do a favour...i will be obliged.
Exams are about 2 weeks but cannot concentrate full fledged way. I get easily overwhelmed with may be 10 minute serious studying had to fiddle with phone uncontrollably.
Sexual obsession is not yet gone though previous thoughts comes but dont haunt me. Compulsive masturbating if any sexual content comes in internet.
intrusive thoughts with sexual content still there:
1. does Woman breast give sex appeal? I remember i need to masturbate for this meaningless questions
2. Listening to songs gives sexual appeal which is just added to my recent dislike to listening music. Once a music lover gives irritation of music
3. Urge to pick any dirt or maybe stool to feel and taste it.... this was the worst...which gave me panic attack
4. talking to women or seeing them except family members must give sexual appeal or erection which makes difficult for social events...though i managed a marriage ceremony always conscious about the music play and women around
Dreams are likely for almost all alternative days maybe good or bad ...and my third intrusive thought came during the end of a dream and I woke up with disgust.
Panic attacks are like almost everyday anytime of the daytime. Sometimes depressive attacks feeling sad where head gets light or sometimes heavy as if there something inside the skull apart from the brain with strong ruminations of happy past...which is the only source of happiness.
Eyes feels like sunken with prominent dark circles with stiffening of head , neck , shoulders and sometimes little back pain and knee pain
pabitra 5 years ago
repeat phosphorous for three days and give a feed back after a week.one dose every day.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
phos 200?
When should be taken? afternoon?
pabitra 5 years ago
morning every day.
anuj srivastava 5 years ago
Had phos 200 today! But having heavy heart beat throughout the day....feeling very restless cant even lay down.Heads are heavy with dull pain eyes are feeling deep sunken ....feeling alienated..feeling massively depressed and mood off overall feeling today very alienated sir!
yesterday i was better though...except those intrusive thoughts
pabitra 5 years ago
today i cant even sleep due to massive heart beat.with pulsating at various parts for which remained awake with eyes closed. i took 3-4 drops of phos 200 in cup of water after that these things started....gone throughout the day and now in night also...should i continue?
pabitra 5 years ago
Do not take anything until you hear from Anuj.

Homeopathy is individually based on each person’s
Reactions. One dose of 200 c can work for weeks
On some people. The remedy will often bring back
Past states as it is releasing them -

You should tell Anuj if you have ever had these
Symptoms before ???
simone717 5 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.