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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can a homeopath take my case?


I am in search of a consultation. Physical and emotional symptoms.

Can a homeopath on this forum take my case?

If so, send a questionnaire and I will write an in depth response promptly.

  Ad1234 on 2020-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
At first give full description of your all sufferings, cause, suffering, how aggravates, how do you feel better, your food likes and dislikes, weather likes and dislikes, a clear picture of your mind and body, your behaviour with others, relation with others, how everybody behaves with you, about your sleep, about your dreams etc etc.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Thank you greatly.

Male, America, age 30


Anxiety/ fear - A great feeling arises that is at the core of Anxiety' "I have done something really wrong." For example the government reached out to me stating something in regard to taxes. I believe it is just a process to make sure everything is in correct order, but I feel as if I have done something wrong and that I will be punished by law. Incredible fear of authority. The feeling of guilt takes up my entire system often, as if I am bad. Shame. generally overwhelmed.

Insomnia/ light sleep- Wake up every night at around 2 am, the nervous system is 'wakeful' and almost panicked. I cannot get back to sleep for at least a couple hours.

Headaches/ migraines- Incredibly challenging. Every two- three weeks since about age 12. Right over the nose to the right side. Nausea ensues, sometime vomiting, so much pain that suicide is desired. Does not go away until sleep overnight. Aggravated by lack of sleep.

Canker sores- Canker sores weekly since young age. Have been diagnosed and am being treated with epstein barr.

2) Foods

Sweet, salty and sours/vinegar taste.
Enjoy meats, spicy foods.

Averse to foods such as Quinoa, fish. Bland foods.

3) Weather

Love heat. Summer. Sunny. Better by heat.

Dislikes cold/ wet. Get chilly to the bone easily.

4) Behavior

Very sensitive. Easily offended. Desire others to have similar opinions. Wants attention at times for accomplishments.

Great silence of mind at many times, great inner turmoil at others. Generally 'teetering' between the two.

Overly sexual thinking since young age, had great challenges with opposite age until mid 20's. Generally jealous/ insecure in relationships. Great thoughts and feelings of sexuality. Masturbation since young age and can see women and think of sex with them soon after meeting. Overwhelming sexual thoughts.

Anger - very angry and easily frustrated at times. Can be very critical of others.

Seen though from others as very sensitive, without a 'backbone' very watery. Very kind and compassionate, thinking of others often.

Obsession- Get obsessed with one topic at once, then drop it for another. For instance in my studies, cannot stop reading about one topic, it takes up my life, then get bored and drop it.

5) Dreams
Often of death of self, and close family members.
As well as partner leaving me for another man.
Ad1234 4 years ago
Please let me know if more in depth/specific answers are needed. Thanks!
Ad1234 4 years ago
One more question:
Do you feel that, someone has noticed your condition of mind and he/she may realise that, you are going to be mad?
Are you feeling that, you are becoming a patient of psychological disordered?
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
No, I do not feel that if someone sees my condition they may think I will go mad or that I may have a psychological disorder. Thanks
Ad1234 4 years ago
Arsenicum Album 30
6pills 3times a day in empty stomach

Cell Salt: Kali Phos 6x
6tablets with a cup of warm water.
Before going to bed at night.

Give feedback after 7 days or if any change is noticed.
freehomeoforall 4 years ago
Thank you very much. I will purchase and get back to you 7 days after first dose.
Ad1234 4 years ago

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