The ABC Homeopathy Forum
anal fissure
I'm 25y old woman, pale skin, skinny, dark blond hair; with anal fissure problem (internal fissure). The oroblem is going on for about a year and a half now I'm also taking some homeooatic prescriptions (sulfur 200c, thuja 12x, rathanhia 30c) and tissue salts (calc flor, silicea, calc sulp, nat mur).I got some reopenings because the constipation douring this time but pain and healing phase it's not so long as in the start.
I start to take triphala for constipation right now and it seams to work quite well for now.
Use som creams for internal aplication nothing help much (just temporary or a little).
The pain is most common when i streach (up, down) sometimes when i sit. Ther was a times when i think im at the end of the suffer and than other thay the problem is just opposite.
P. S. Also my immune system is not quite good, taking some withamins for 3 months now bot find out just a little improvement.
one doctor suggest me to stop all of this remides because i take to much of them and going to an opposite direction of homeopathy. after his suggestion I only take Acidum Nitricum 6C for a mount now. but I still use some cell salts, because of their benefits on some other part of my helth (dermatitis etc.).
idk if i get bennefits from this remidey. I yust got some new fissures but they are external not internal as before. my internal fissure maybe is a bit less painful, but i'm not quite sure.
I would be glad if somone would help me or suggest right remidey or something.
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-11-21 11:14:02]
GmariA on 2021-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Did you ever take Sepia?
♡ telescope 3 years ago
nope, I didn't try sepia yet
GmariA 3 years ago
OK. But let us know your symptoms.
How old is your constipation?
What type of climate do you prefer?
What foods do you prefer?
Is there any time when you feel hungry?
Do you feel thirsty?
How much water does you drink?
Your medical history.
Medical history of parents.
How old is your constipation?
What type of climate do you prefer?
What foods do you prefer?
Is there any time when you feel hungry?
Do you feel thirsty?
How much water does you drink?
Your medical history.
Medical history of parents.
♡ telescope 3 years ago
i guess that i always have constpation prbles since primary school or so. i had constipation prblems always when i travel. but costipation that caused me fissure is about year and a half old. i had some days when i'm not constipated, i try to eat lot of fibres etc.
i prefer warm climat. I always have cold hands and feet. i eaven dont like cold drinks that much.
i prefer especialy fruit and vegetables. cheese and yoghurt I have a lot of sugar cravings wich i try to control. I'm not a meat fan. carbs and meatcaused me constipation so i try to avid them.
breakfast is the most importnat meal for me. sometimes when i'm tiered i feel great hunger even in the afternon when i come home from work.
I drink from 2l or more a day but i still feel thirsty most of the time.
ganglion in left heand, scoliosis, problems with nose (sinuses)and ears (inflamation). i had dermatitis or. psoriasis (since i drink cell salts it's slowly getting better), my skin is veary dry especialy in the winter. problems with migraines from time to time, low blod pressure.
father: high blod pressure, calcinate, hemorrhoids
mother: sinusitis, nose prblems, thyroid, anemia, migraines
(those is medical history that is known to me).
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-11-29 21:48:08]
i prefer warm climat. I always have cold hands and feet. i eaven dont like cold drinks that much.
i prefer especialy fruit and vegetables. cheese and yoghurt I have a lot of sugar cravings wich i try to control. I'm not a meat fan. carbs and meatcaused me constipation so i try to avid them.
breakfast is the most importnat meal for me. sometimes when i'm tiered i feel great hunger even in the afternon when i come home from work.
I drink from 2l or more a day but i still feel thirsty most of the time.
ganglion in left heand, scoliosis, problems with nose (sinuses)and ears (inflamation). i had dermatitis or. psoriasis (since i drink cell salts it's slowly getting better), my skin is veary dry especialy in the winter. problems with migraines from time to time, low blod pressure.
father: high blod pressure, calcinate, hemorrhoids
mother: sinusitis, nose prblems, thyroid, anemia, migraines
(those is medical history that is known to me).
[Edited by GmariA on 2021-11-29 21:48:08]
GmariA 3 years ago
You can try Sepia 200 to see if it relieves your constipation. For the medicine to work you will need to stop all other medicines and sour food and drinks. There may be aggravation for a short period after medicine.
♡ telescope 3 years ago
If the medicine is in pallet form take 3 or 4 directly in the mouth. If in liquid form put 2 or 3 drops in half a cup of mineral water and then take it. Do not use tap water.
♡ telescope 3 years ago
GmariA 3 years ago
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