The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Lm potency
How many doses of a lm potency do you need to take to see improvement. 6c i can see and feel fast results. Does same apply with lm potency. Some results but some aggravation experiencing♥ Ideal56 on 2022-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If there is aggravation then continue with the same potency it will sub side after a couple of more doses
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Wanted to know how long a LM takes to come through with good bits as so used to understanding the 6c and 30c potency and how fast they can work
♡ Ideal56 3 years ago
If you are looking for the time taken by a remedy to act based on potency
Mother tincture is fastest result
Mother tincture is fastest result
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
♡ Ideal56 3 years ago
Mother Tincture is also written as q or Q
Tell what remedy and what symptoms and the effect of the remedy
Tell what remedy and what symptoms and the effect of the remedy
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Puls 1LM every day for the bladder issue - puls and staph 6c or 30c helps but does not hold when I stop taking it so was put on lm dose every day of puls
Feel bit spaced out and really working on my bowels but that is morning only - today I am feeling anxiety and panicky but think this is due to post meno now - got folliculinum to take too but have to wait to take it till puls lm settles - going to take 2 drops today - had auricular acupuncture yesterday so maybe that is making me tired and spaced out today as I had ear seeds in but have taken them out
Feel bit spaced out and really working on my bowels but that is morning only - today I am feeling anxiety and panicky but think this is due to post meno now - got folliculinum to take too but have to wait to take it till puls lm settles - going to take 2 drops today - had auricular acupuncture yesterday so maybe that is making me tired and spaced out today as I had ear seeds in but have taken them out
♡ Ideal56 3 years ago
What do you feel please post
Spaced out means not up to anything mentally and physically
Do you want me to prescribe or just want that I shud clarify your queries
What do you feel please post
Spaced out means not up to anything mentally and physically
Do you want me to prescribe or just want that I shud clarify your queries
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Pain in uretha burning pubic pain as described years ago.
I have done jobs just feel a little bit not with it - just want clarification on lm potency - I reduced succussion today and did three drops in more water
I have done jobs just feel a little bit not with it - just want clarification on lm potency - I reduced succussion today and did three drops in more water
♡ Ideal56 3 years ago
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Not UTI - I hae appointment for camera up bladder in two weeks but I do believe it is vaginal atrophy/lack of estrogen - no infection in my urine - it is all down to post meno
WAs told 5 drops in five tablespoons of water and succuss 10 times but as I have been aggravating said to drop to 2/3 and find my sweet spot and possibly more water - on checking internet said just take one sip - I cannot contact my own homeopath till Monday now plus she only answers one email in between appointments
WAs told 5 drops in five tablespoons of water and succuss 10 times but as I have been aggravating said to drop to 2/3 and find my sweet spot and possibly more water - on checking internet said just take one sip - I cannot contact my own homeopath till Monday now plus she only answers one email in between appointments
♡ Ideal56 3 years ago
LM potency
It is 50K
In CH it shud be the same as 1M potency is 1K
you have to dilute to increase the potency in alcohol
I am not sure about what happens when the remedy is diluted in water or the pill is dissolved in water. In my personal experience, potencies 1M or higher when given in extremely diluted and very small dose, like one drop in half a cup of water and taking 5-6 drops out of it, acts fast and ameliorate symptoms. As I keep handling remedies and accidentally they happen to get into my body I feel the effect of the remedy and I have never felt aggravation
I suggest that you do that with LM potency one drop OR 01 pill in half a cup of water have 10 drops post if you feel the way I have explained above
Hope I have been able to clarify your doubt
It is 50K
In CH it shud be the same as 1M potency is 1K
you have to dilute to increase the potency in alcohol
I am not sure about what happens when the remedy is diluted in water or the pill is dissolved in water. In my personal experience, potencies 1M or higher when given in extremely diluted and very small dose, like one drop in half a cup of water and taking 5-6 drops out of it, acts fast and ameliorate symptoms. As I keep handling remedies and accidentally they happen to get into my body I feel the effect of the remedy and I have never felt aggravation
I suggest that you do that with LM potency one drop OR 01 pill in half a cup of water have 10 drops post if you feel the way I have explained above
Hope I have been able to clarify your doubt
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
So my homeopath tells me to put five drops of the lm remedy in five tablespoons of water which is way too much then when I told her said 2/3 drops and drink all the five tablespoons of water.
From other people they are saying the same too much - should onlydo one drop and wait and not take it every day till you see how you go.
I am annoyed with her as she knows how sensitive I am - I stopped puls yesterday as felt spaced out not like I am here and my eyes have been bad -burning red, flaky skin and that started last week with the 6c and continued with the lm and on top of that fluid retention. What was the point continuing when it did nothing for the bladder issue and pain in pubic area.
I am emailing her today as she never answers on a weekend and also she limits me to contacting her in between appointments. One thing I know I am not ever taking puls again.
For me so far 6c remedies have worked best and I have had lm potency before where I did 3 drops and one spoon out so why she told me this much is strange.
I really am not too sure where I go from here I am annoyed about the fact last time in over a year was the first time she actually acknowledged I do not have a water infection as my urine is not infected. Only when I told her I had started having anxiety, low mood and panic attacks did she seem to register hormones/post meno - sorry rant over!
Maybe it is time for a new homeopath - see what her response is tomorrow. I am paying a lot of money for these consultations and sometimes she wants two in a month at a cost of £200!
From other people they are saying the same too much - should onlydo one drop and wait and not take it every day till you see how you go.
I am annoyed with her as she knows how sensitive I am - I stopped puls yesterday as felt spaced out not like I am here and my eyes have been bad -burning red, flaky skin and that started last week with the 6c and continued with the lm and on top of that fluid retention. What was the point continuing when it did nothing for the bladder issue and pain in pubic area.
I am emailing her today as she never answers on a weekend and also she limits me to contacting her in between appointments. One thing I know I am not ever taking puls again.
For me so far 6c remedies have worked best and I have had lm potency before where I did 3 drops and one spoon out so why she told me this much is strange.
I really am not too sure where I go from here I am annoyed about the fact last time in over a year was the first time she actually acknowledged I do not have a water infection as my urine is not infected. Only when I told her I had started having anxiety, low mood and panic attacks did she seem to register hormones/post meno - sorry rant over!
Maybe it is time for a new homeopath - see what her response is tomorrow. I am paying a lot of money for these consultations and sometimes she wants two in a month at a cost of £200!
♡ Ideal56 3 years ago
I really do not l know why did you go to her a lot of your issues were resolved here
Tell me what do you want ?
Do not keep going to different sources YouTube friends Materia Medica homeopaths stick to one
Let me know what to do ?
Tell me what do you want ?
Do not keep going to different sources YouTube friends Materia Medica homeopaths stick to one
Let me know what to do ?
♡ Kaps 3 years ago
Where do you get the idea my issues were resolved here? They have never been resolved I have had this problem now for a year and the only two remedies that have helped has been staph and puls but as soon as I stop them the issue returns. Hence why I have had ultrasound and in two weeks a cystoscopy to see if a cause can be found. Whether it is hormonal or interstitial cystistis I do not know just I need to be free of pain.
I do not use Youtube but I am on a lot of forums with registered homeopaths who I ask when I have an issue and although they do not prescribe they advise me when I am unable to contact my homeopath who restricts correspondence. I do not chop and change.
Any not sure about your comment why did I go to her - she has been my homeopath and treated me for over a year. I use this forum for information not prescribing
I do not want you to do anything.
I do not use Youtube but I am on a lot of forums with registered homeopaths who I ask when I have an issue and although they do not prescribe they advise me when I am unable to contact my homeopath who restricts correspondence. I do not chop and change.
Any not sure about your comment why did I go to her - she has been my homeopath and treated me for over a year. I use this forum for information not prescribing
I do not want you to do anything.
♡ Ideal56 3 years ago
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