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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Ovarian Cyst

I was diagnosed with a 9cm simple ovarian cyst. I had a CA-125 blood test that ruled out ovarian cancer. It is just a simple fluid filled cyst. My Dr. put me on ortho-tricyclen, birth control (upped my dosage from ortho-LOW). Anyway, I am getting married in a month. I was wondering if there were any natural remedies I could try to shrink this thing. I am so afraid of it rupturing and landing me in the ER on my honeymoon. I am very stressed out over this. I feel like I have a ticking timebomb in my body. My Dr. said she would not consider surgery to remove it until 2-3 mos. from now, if it hasn't decreased in size. Can someone recommend something natural I could take that has been shown to shrink the size of ovarian cysts? Thanks in advance..
  VioletEyes on 2006-05-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am just updating my post to add more information. The cyst is on my left ovary. I have been on ortho-tricyclen low for approx 3 months, but I'm not always good about taking my pill on time. My periods are pretty regular. Ok, let me know if you need any further information. Thank you!
VioletEyes last decade
Your remedy is Bellis Perennis 30c twice daily.

I have some patients who used it successfully to prevent the chocolate cyst increasing in size but I do not think that it will reduce an existing cyst.

One girl used it after surgery when 2 cysts the size of a tennis balls were removed from each ovary. She experienced pain later for which Danosol was prescribed but had some side effects. She then changed over to Bellis P and was able to avoid another surgery.

You state that your cyst is 9cm diameter which would be the size of a tennis ball. There is a chance that it may prove to be a problem after your wedding and it is a pity that you did not have it treated some time ago when you first noticed the distension of your abdomen which is noticeable if you are slim.

I believe that if you have a baby soon your Endometriosis which is the reason for your chocolate cyst will be supressed and may even overcome your ailment. You will have to follow the advice of your gynaecologist who is best qualified to advice you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for your response. I am slim, have a pretty flat stomach, and I cannot notice any swelling or bulging in the lower abdomen area. I went to my Dr. the instant I felt any kind of discomfort, which was 2 weeks ago. At that point the cyst was the size it is. If i had felt pain or had some indication earlier that I had this, ofcourse I would have went to the Dr. and had it treated.
VioletEyes last decade
you can try overy 3x three times in a day.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
my sister is having the same problem for more than a decade. she is married and has no child so far. she was operated thrice to remove the cyst. The first one is open surgery as the cyst was in advanced stage and diagonised late. She got tonsils removed before that. she conceived once and the baby died on the eighth month and has to be removed by surgery. She is very upset. Can any one suggest any homeopathy medicine? She is fair complexioned. Very sensitive, angry and cry often. she has upset stomach with gas. she also got urine infection like symptoms often and take antibiotics. she is very affectionate with family. she is 32 now and is a housewife. She is a graduate. Not a diabetic or has no pressure. Her only problem is the chacolate ovraian cyst and she is unable to conceive due to this. She has to be under constant medication. If she stops the medicine, then the cyst grows. she don't have specific prefernece for food and is very adjustable. There is no family history of this kind of cyst. The pain is like gnawing and makes her uncomfortable. She takes danosol tablets/injections as per the doctor's advise.
muruganrsa last decade
To Murunganrsa

The problem with Chocolate Cysts is that they keep on repeating even after surgery. I have treated a few cases with Bellis Perennis 30c in the wet dose and 2 cases were able to stop the Danosol and use the Homeopathic remedy only. One girl who used it after the Danosol is now completely cured after about 3 years after surgery when she was on Danosol for about 6 months and on Bellis P for about a year. She does not need any medication any more and can be considered cured.

As you may know Chocolate Cysts are usually caused as a result of Endometriosis which afflicts some women. I know of 2 cases where the mother has Endometriosis and the daughter is also affected and in addition has Chocolate Cysts. One case has had 2 laparoscopic surgeries already within 3 years. She is on Bellis P twice daily.

In the case of your sister it is a great pity that she was not able to deliver her baby after 8 months.
It is possible that she can be helped by Bellis Perennis 30c dose 2 pellets taken twice daily. She can take it with her Danosol and reduce her dosage of Danosol gradually while observing how the Bellis P helps her.

She should avoid any surgery and not use antibiotics as they usually lead to further more serious problems. If as you state she feels bloated after meals, she can take Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) dose 2 tablets after lunch and dinner.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for the reply. I will ask my sister to try this and send you the feedback.
muruganrsa last decade
I have a doubt Mr. Joe.
You have mentioned that you successfully treated with wet dose of Bellis perennis 30c. But, in the case of my sister you have adviced taking 2 pellets twice daily. Is that ok or shall I ask her to take the wet dose? Please clarify.
muruganrsa last decade
I have already replied your email as under:

I treated my patients with Chocolate cysts some years ago when I was using the pellets exclusively.

I changed over to the wet dose last year when I was shown how effective the wet dose is in comparison to the dry pellets.

You may use either and I presume you know how to make the wet dose. You should shake the bottle about 10 times before each dose to ensure the best response.
Joe De Livera last decade
Mr. Joe!

I am writing this with regard to my sister's ovarian chocolate cyst (please refer my earlier posts). You have suggested Bellis perennis 30c in wet dose. She started taking it since mid May. She had a scan on 1st September and she is very happy to see for the first time that her ovaries are free from any cysts. She was prescribed contraceptive injections when she started taking Bellis perennis. In previous occasions, even though she took danazol like injections/tablets, the cysts got reduced only in size and never disappeared. I presume that only Bellis perennis helped her this time. After started taking Bellis she didn't feel that usual irritating pain in the stomach. We are all happy that she has no cysts this time and her morale has gone high. The doctor advised no medicines or treatment and asked her to wait further. We are very eager to see her conceive again in a normal way. She is continuing Bellis perennis. Thanks a lot Mr. Joe for your dedicated service. We are really indebted to you very much. May God bless you with good health and prosperity.
muruganrsa last decade
To Murugan

To say I am delighted with your news is an understatement. I am Ecstatic !!!. I do hope and pray that this improvement continues in the future.

I note with pleasure that she is keen on having a baby and I believe that if she has one there is every chance that her Endometriosis will be history.

Please convey my best wishes to your sister and tell her how happy I am that I was able to help her with Bellis Perennis.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Murugan

I have been thinking of your sister's Ovarian Cyst recently and would appreciate the latest report of her progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dr Joe, I am 48 yrs old female. white collar job. Having 1 kid. My Last periods was on 9th Aug. I am not getting it regularly. I dont experience any pain in my ovaries, or lower abdomen. But in the evenings, my stomach is bloated epigastrium is also bloated, I pass flatus immediately after eating lunch. Should I go for any gynaec check up for cyst or mass in uterus? I am anxious Pl reply. I am 165 cm height and weigh 65 kg. I want to reduce 7-8 kg otherwise I am ok. Feel tired in the evenings.thirst, hunger everything ok I like sweets. I avoid fatty food. Nowadays it doesnot agree with me. Pl advise me
sumi58 last decade
I do not think that you have anything to worry about with not getting your period at 48 years.

I believe that your problem is due to Hyperacidity and Nat Phos 6x is your remedy. Dose 3 tablets after lunch and dinner. You can expect relief within 15 minutes after a meal as the Nat Phos will stabilize the excess acidity in your gastric juice. When the NP has stabilzed your problem you can then reduce the dosage to just 2 tablets.

If you also wish to reduce weight the NP should reduce your weight at around 1-2 lbs per week.

You can also add Arnica 30c to your therapy. It is best take in the wet dose which you make by inserting 3 pellets of Arnica 30c into a bottle of spring water and you will sip a teaspoonful of this water which is the remedy twice daily. This helps to promote deep sleep and should help you to feel better all round.

Please report response in 3 days after you start the therapy.

PS. I am not qualified to be a Dr.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Dr Joe. I will let u know after 3 days. I will start NP and Arnica30 tomorrow itself.

Thank you once again.
sumi58 last decade
Dr. I have a doubt. Should I store this Arnica in the fridge? Or Should I make it daily? Only two teaspoonful a day suffice? Pl reply
sumi58 last decade
No. You do not need to store the bottle in the refrigerator.

Yes the dose is just 1 teaspoonful taken twice daily.

Please note that the Nat Phos 6x must be swallowed whole in the tablet form as the lower potencies do not lend themselves to the wet dose method.
Joe De Livera last decade
thanks for the kind followup Mr. Joe. My sister is still continuing on wet dose of Bellis perenis 30C. I honestly feel that her health situation is improving. Having undergone three operations earlier, she felt pain in abdomen whenever she lifted even moderately heavy things. But, to my surprise, she is now lifting heavy things with ease and says she doesn't feel that pain anymore. That improved her morale, I am sure. She is not taking any other medicines. I advised her not to try to conceive for quite some time. She need to get back the ovary with a normal function first. I don't want her to take any more allopathic medicines. I hope God will give her the child in a natural way in the near future. Thanks again Mr. Joe.
muruganrsa last decade
I am glad to note that your sister's improvement continues. I would advise her however not to lift any heavy objects although she does not have any discomfort as I believe that it is the scars on her abdomen which resulted after 3 surgeries that are the cause of her pain and this improvement will hopefully continue.
She is advised to do some form of exercise like walking daily to ensure that her body is kept in condition.

She can have another scan to check progress.

I would like her to add Arnica 30c in the wet dose which she can take just once daily just before she goes to bed.
This will help her body to come back to normal and will maintain it in that state.

You may like to know that I have taken this remedy myself since 1996 nightly and am convinced that I owe to it my present state of health at age 77.
Joe De Livera last decade
thanks Mr. Joe. you advise Arnica 30c wet dose (one nightly dose) along with Bellis perenis 30c wet dose (twice daily)? Is it ok if Bellis is taken once daily in the morning and Arnica 30c in the night? Please let me know.
muruganrsa last decade
I agree with you that Bellis Perennis can be reduced to one dose per day taken in the morning and the Arnica 30c can be taken at night.

Both remedies to be taken after succussing the bottle 10 times. 1 teaspoonful is a dose.

I would like her to do a scan every 3 months to check progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
I happen to come across this forum by chance researching about the ovarian cysts and treatments.My wife has a ovarian cyst (5 cm). The size did not change in about 10 months. She has been taking birth control pills for 6 months on the advise of the Doctor(gyn). Initially (10 months) ago they said it was a CLEAR normal cyst and it will go away by itself. After couple of months they did see some debry in the cyst and stared giving the birth control pills. Now they think it is endometriosis and suggesting a laproscopic surgery. My wife does not want to go for surgery if there is any chance of other treatments. This is good news that there is some one who was cured by homeopathic medicine. Mr. Joe , I have a question. What is the success rate of this medicine curing endometriosis without a surgery? Where do you practice ?
patient2008 last decade

My sister got relived of this nasty chocolate cyst after following Mr. Joe's suggestions. Bellis perenis works well. And, my sister has cyst problem till recent days. I call it a wonder medicine. She has suffered a lot due to the cyst. You can see the forum posts above for details. Mr. Joe is not in this forum anymore.
muruganrsa last decade
Just type Joe De Livera in google and you find the forums answered by him (especially the sixth in the first page)
muruganrsa last decade
I had a surgery removing 2 chocolate cyst 10 days ago, and I am taking danazol twice a day, what are the restrictions after the surgery, I mean what are the 'don't's I should avoid.. Thanks in advance
Dinaa last decade

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