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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Why doesnt homeopathy work for me

First remedy I ever had was Sepia unknown potency and it helped my eczema back in 2013.
After that (cca a year) I developed great depression, later anxiety and even later was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder and had a few psychosis.
Some of the remedies I had: Sulph, Thuj, Nux, Ign, Plat, Lyc, Merc, Anac, Cann-i, Staph, Verat-alb, Sil, Phos, Calc...
My biggest problems are extreme lack of energy, no interest in anything (just smart phone and laptop), extreme mental confusion.
Does anybody have an idea why, since Ive been seeing homeopaths on and off since 2014, has nobody been able to help me? Id usually quit treatment after a year of seeing no results.
Im currently with a new homeopathy and shes put me on Sepia again (200). Its been around 3 weeks and I dont notice any difference.
  yvonne.t1 on 2023-11-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In homeopathy there is called”a block to the cure” sometimes this is an actual physical ailment that has not been diagnosed. For example 3 people I know had a hidden tooth infection that went on for years. They had no pain but extreme low energy and depression (bc the body was always fighting the infection-Two ppl found a tiny red dot on their gum finally and had tooth extracted-the other had one wisdom tooth removed bc it was crowding - Within 48 hours they felt normal again.
Also on this forum, one person refused to stop taking a herbal supplement with remedies, another was found to be allergic to eggs, another had hidden mold in their bedroom-these are some of the blocks to cure. One man did not get better until he remembered an accident to his head at 12 years old-when his new homeopath found out he was given arnica for that and cured.
simone717 10 months ago

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