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Extreme grinding of teeth - Kind Attn Dr Anuj Srivastava Page 2 of 2
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Can some additional supporting remedies be given for meningitis. If they help her condition they can be continued, otherwise stopped.
Kindly reply.
Kindly reply.
atiyask 11 months ago
I checked here on all the major pharmacies in their online repertoire and this medicine is unavailable.
Is there any other alternative which I can look for ?
Is there any other alternative which I can look for ?
atiyask 11 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Changes after this dose.
Stiffness of back n neck reduced .
Able to tilt her head backwards and also rotate her head to some degree.
Also currently
Lying down on bed is extremely painful . She says her back of the head becomes HEAVY. She complains of pain in the back of her head . She wants STRONG pressure to be applied on her neck, back of head and spinal cord to get relief.
For sleeping she wants to rest her head on my lap by keeping a pillow on my lap and resting her head on it.
She sleeps only on her right side. Lefts side is painful so she avoids it.
She also is unable to open her mouth completely ( like to make a big O with her mouth ).
She wants to eat spicy food but it gives her high acidity .
Stiffness of back n neck reduced .
Able to tilt her head backwards and also rotate her head to some degree.
Also currently
Lying down on bed is extremely painful . She says her back of the head becomes HEAVY. She complains of pain in the back of her head . She wants STRONG pressure to be applied on her neck, back of head and spinal cord to get relief.
For sleeping she wants to rest her head on my lap by keeping a pillow on my lap and resting her head on it.
She sleeps only on her right side. Lefts side is painful so she avoids it.
She also is unable to open her mouth completely ( like to make a big O with her mouth ).
She wants to eat spicy food but it gives her high acidity .
atiyask 11 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Hello doc,
The above medications were given but they give only temporary relief .
Headache is same as described above.
Also during some acute headache attack, when pressure is applied down her back , lots of burping and passing gas follows.
This gives some relief but the headache comes full on again.
The pain in the head is also wandering.
Mostly.its on the back but comes on the top and forehead too.
Lying down is painful for her and she prefers to keep her head high and resting it against a wall or headrest in a semi sitting position.
When the acute headache comes, she becomes totally limp and drowsy . Until her headache is there she simply is silent and in a semi sleep state.
Once the headache passes off she is talkative and cheerful.
Aggravation of her symptoms as usual at night . She dreads sleeping/ lying on the bed.
The above medications were given but they give only temporary relief .
Headache is same as described above.
Also during some acute headache attack, when pressure is applied down her back , lots of burping and passing gas follows.
This gives some relief but the headache comes full on again.
The pain in the head is also wandering.
Mostly.its on the back but comes on the top and forehead too.
Lying down is painful for her and she prefers to keep her head high and resting it against a wall or headrest in a semi sitting position.
When the acute headache comes, she becomes totally limp and drowsy . Until her headache is there she simply is silent and in a semi sleep state.
Once the headache passes off she is talkative and cheerful.
Aggravation of her symptoms as usual at night . She dreads sleeping/ lying on the bed.
atiyask 11 months ago
♡ anuj srivastava 11 months ago
Hello doc,
Yesterday before seeing your post I gave my daughter a dose of your previously prescribed medicine Bry30+ Rhus 30.
My daughter was in extreme pain. The slightest movement was giving her acute pain in the back of her head which would make her cry out. Also she had leg pain and very restless.
After this medicine within sometime she settled . The pain had reduced to a bearable range and could also move .
After the above medicine at night I gave her the dose of Lachesis 200.
I would like to ask you if Bry + Rhus can also be given twice alongwith the cell salts today ?
Thanks a lot for your valuable help
[Edited by atiyask on 2024-03-27 04:19:04]
Yesterday before seeing your post I gave my daughter a dose of your previously prescribed medicine Bry30+ Rhus 30.
My daughter was in extreme pain. The slightest movement was giving her acute pain in the back of her head which would make her cry out. Also she had leg pain and very restless.
After this medicine within sometime she settled . The pain had reduced to a bearable range and could also move .
After the above medicine at night I gave her the dose of Lachesis 200.
I would like to ask you if Bry + Rhus can also be given twice alongwith the cell salts today ?
Thanks a lot for your valuable help
[Edited by atiyask on 2024-03-27 04:19:04]
atiyask 11 months ago
if Bry + Rhus can also be given twice alongwith the today ?Give three times a day.But before that give a feedback about LACHESIS.
♡ anuj srivastava 11 months ago
My daughter took Lachesis 200. Following are her symptoms
- pain attacks are there in her back head region. They are wandering sometimes neck extending to shoulders and sometimes back whole portion . On eating small portions of dates and paneer she feels better.
Acidity is reduced not like yesterday.
But her pain ( wandering neck back of head and back)is aggravated immediately after eating. She burps too on application of pressure on her back and wants hard pressure applied on her back/ neck n back portion of head.
- lethargy is little better but she needs to be constantly eating little of something like dates, jaggery water with salt . This keeps her energy on the positive side.
- when shes feeling better , shes just sitting and laughing at the smallest of jokes. Also she will keep scolding her younger brother, wanting to beat him and getting angry at him. So shes in these 3 states; overly fatigued and drowsy , laughing and angry .
- sometimes rumbling and gurglign sounds from her stomach which is clearly audible to another person sitting beside her.
- sensitivity to noise, light but much less than before.
- feels very cold. Wants to be wrapped and covered up.
- Thirst is less today.
- on waking up she felt a bout of.cold but it soon settled down.
We visited the doctor today.
Her blood pressure is low 85/50. The doctor has asked us to do a series of tests again .
The doctor says her headache could be due to acidity + low BP or any one each.
Kindly guide further to address this issue of low BP with headache and reduced acidity .
Thanks a lot
[Edited by atiyask on 2024-03-27 18:12:15]
My daughter took Lachesis 200. Following are her symptoms
- pain attacks are there in her back head region. They are wandering sometimes neck extending to shoulders and sometimes back whole portion . On eating small portions of dates and paneer she feels better.
Acidity is reduced not like yesterday.
But her pain ( wandering neck back of head and back)is aggravated immediately after eating. She burps too on application of pressure on her back and wants hard pressure applied on her back/ neck n back portion of head.
- lethargy is little better but she needs to be constantly eating little of something like dates, jaggery water with salt . This keeps her energy on the positive side.
- when shes feeling better , shes just sitting and laughing at the smallest of jokes. Also she will keep scolding her younger brother, wanting to beat him and getting angry at him. So shes in these 3 states; overly fatigued and drowsy , laughing and angry .
- sometimes rumbling and gurglign sounds from her stomach which is clearly audible to another person sitting beside her.
- sensitivity to noise, light but much less than before.
- feels very cold. Wants to be wrapped and covered up.
- Thirst is less today.
- on waking up she felt a bout of.cold but it soon settled down.
We visited the doctor today.
Her blood pressure is low 85/50. The doctor has asked us to do a series of tests again .
The doctor says her headache could be due to acidity + low BP or any one each.
Kindly guide further to address this issue of low BP with headache and reduced acidity .
Thanks a lot
[Edited by atiyask on 2024-03-27 18:12:15]
atiyask 11 months ago
Update in addition to the above post :
- last night was difficult since she had recurring headache , neck pain and back pain.
- first time the back portion of head pain subsided by eating dates, drinking water , burping after that.
- second time the intense pain at neck subsided by giving her bryonia+ rhus tox and giving her a oil massage. She says oil massage helps her neck pain greatly.
- third time the pain in the back subsided by eating dates and drinking water and burping after that.
- few bouts of sneezing in the night.
- perspiration too at night.
- sleeping on left side is close to impossible for her. She finds comfort on right side.
- complains of pain in leg and acute weakness in legs .
Kindly guide further. Waiting for your response. Thanks
- last night was difficult since she had recurring headache , neck pain and back pain.
- first time the back portion of head pain subsided by eating dates, drinking water , burping after that.
- second time the intense pain at neck subsided by giving her bryonia+ rhus tox and giving her a oil massage. She says oil massage helps her neck pain greatly.
- third time the pain in the back subsided by eating dates and drinking water and burping after that.
- few bouts of sneezing in the night.
- perspiration too at night.
- sleeping on left side is close to impossible for her. She finds comfort on right side.
- complains of pain in leg and acute weakness in legs .
Kindly guide further. Waiting for your response. Thanks
atiyask 11 months ago
After giving her Lachesis 200 ,
- initially high aggravation of symptoms
- after 2 days gradual tapering of symptoms
- currently almost 50% reduction in her symptoms.
- evening 4 pm onwards aggravation until night.
- wandering pains ( back/ neck / occipital head)sometimes relieved by pressure/burping.
- lethargy is reduced.
- pain sometimes in right side or sometimes left side breast region. It all.comes and goes but when its there its intense.
Sometimes in SOS gave her bryonia + rhus tox. MP + Np didnt give her since its currently over and have placed a new order for it.
Kindly guide further.
Thanks a lot.
[Edited by atiyask on 2024-03-30 10:03:59]
- initially high aggravation of symptoms
- after 2 days gradual tapering of symptoms
- currently almost 50% reduction in her symptoms.
- evening 4 pm onwards aggravation until night.
- wandering pains ( back/ neck / occipital head)sometimes relieved by pressure/burping.
- lethargy is reduced.
- pain sometimes in right side or sometimes left side breast region. It all.comes and goes but when its there its intense.
Sometimes in SOS gave her bryonia + rhus tox. MP + Np didnt give her since its currently over and have placed a new order for it.
Kindly guide further.
Thanks a lot.
[Edited by atiyask on 2024-03-30 10:03:59]
atiyask 11 months ago
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