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Great! Thank you!!!!!!!!!
joyinmotion 3 months ago
I took the 5 day course of Pulsatilla 30c and it seemed to help with the itching in my ears. I didnt sleep well while on the remedy but now that I am finished with the course of Pulsatilla I am not waking up as much as I was. I think it cleared up the discharge in the corners of my eyes. I still have an addiction to the nicotine gum and itching deep inside the ears. Excessive sweating at the slightest exertion and especially at night. And very dry skin. Still dont feel thirsty but I make myself drink water. I also have foul smelling urine but I assume that was caused by the nicotine gum. Overall I really think I am doing better in a lot of ways. Mentally and emotionally stronger. I still get episodes when I feel doom and gloom and like I have some horrible disease but they are less frequent.
joyinmotion 3 months ago
Oh, and I forgot, I still have the constipation but I am taking miralax which is helping somewhat
joyinmotion 3 months ago
You now take a single dose of pulsatilla 200c، and from the next day start taking cell salt Nat Mur 6x، 4 tablets thrice a day for a week and update
drsajid 3 months ago
joyinmotion 3 months ago
Hi Doc,
I did the protocol that you suggested with 1 pulsatilla 200c and nat mur6X 4 tabs 3 times a day. My experience was that I sweated profusely way more than usual especially the first couple days. I also noticed that I reached out to people more socially. On the last day of the nat mur treatment I became very depressed (not wanting to do anything and I could feel hopelessness creeping in). I had been having bowel movements which is Fantastic but they are of undigested food clumped together. For example I can see the sunflower seeds I ate and the particles of salad etc. I think my digestive fire is a little compromised and possibly liver and kidney issues. I am speculating that this is the reason that my eyesight is so blurry. Its the worst that it has ever been. If I had the money I would seriously consider eboo. This is a healing modality that cleanses the blood by filtering it and infusing it with hydrogen ozone (similar to dialysis with the added benefit of the ozone). I still have the headaches that wake me up in the morning at around 4 or 5; but I really think that this has to do with the toxicity of nicotine overdose. Toward the end of the nat. mur. I learned that drinking coffee may mess up the action of all homeopathic medicines. So I wondered if all the remedies I have tried were negated by the drinking of coffee because I normally drink a cup every morning. So now I guess I have to quit coffee before I can try anything else? Its not difficult to quit coffee I just usually drink it for comfort and regularity. Last night I took a 1/4 of an antidepressant because I could feel that my mood was heading to a very dark place that could get out of control. I normally wouldnt do that because I think that the stuff is poison but I strongly felt it was necessary. Today I feel hopeful and relaxed and I am determined to quit the gum today with the help of Jesus Christ. I believe that the brain can recover from addictions but it does sustain damage when the dopamine center is repeatedly and continuously abused. But other people have recovered from serious addictions so why not me too!
joyinmotion 2 months ago

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