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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Liver cyst

Hi, I have been taking chelidonium mother tincture for liver/gallbladder problems. I had had a scan done and I have a 40mm liver cyst. What do I take for this? Thanks
  chicgirl63 on 2024-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In addition CARDUUS MARIANUS Q ten drops three times a day and NAT SULPH 6X five tabs three times a day for a couple pf months.

Weekly feedbacks.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Hi thanks, will get these and get back to you. Iam sometimes sensitive to carduus, because Im in menopause and have an ovarian cyst, which got worse with carduus. Was taking carduus 30C.
chicgirl63 8 months ago
ovarian cyst also? Any remedies taken for the cyst?

You can try the Mother Tincture for four to five days.And give a feedback.

The Success of the prescription depends largely upon your ability to describe your symptoms. Let modesty not prevent a full statement.


While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.


Check out these under-mentioned threads for describing your symptoms.



While taking medicines, use common sense in diet to avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful.

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Dreams are an expression of the unconscious and of our personality. They are therefore of great significance for remedy selection in homeopathy.For more about dreams visit u/m site.


Make you reply in full giving all the particular examples to simply write. I have a headache, a backache, an eruption or a cough” would not be a guide in the selection of a homeopathic remedy.

Such statements are too general and do little good. It would be more guessing to select, one out of a little good.

It would be more guessing to select, one out of a possible hundred remedies.(UNLIKE ALLOPATHY WHERE ONLY THREE OR FOUR REMEDIES ARE THERE FOR HEADACHE,THERE ARE HUNDREDS IN HOMEOPATHY.)

But when you add to the above statement, “I have the headache, the individual peculiarities, “sharp shooting pains in the left side of the head and temple,” you simplify the selection of the remedy very much.

When you further add that ‘the pains always come on when the lightest cold air touches the head and the pains are much less when lying down or covering up the head warmly and much worse when rising up walking about or when the head becomes cool.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Hi, the symptoms of the liver cyst is more of a pressure, especially when walking, moving, some breathlessness. There were no gallstones in tests when I had them done, but that was after taking chelidonium q. <br>
My ovarian cyst is about 4.6cm. Ive had it for about 8 years. I find it gets painful with estrogenic herbs, homeopathics of any kind. I was taking sepia for menopause symptoms but rarely take it now. I am currently taking oophorinum and apis for the cyst which helps with the pain. Symptoms are mostly feels like a lump, through to the back also. I have had a hysterectomy due to grade 4 endometriosis about 17 years ago but still have my ovaries.
chicgirl63 8 months ago
Which ovary?Right or left?

I suggest you go through the threads I have posted for giving a detailed case history.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Hi, the ovarian cyst is on the right side, it feels usually like round lump, painful with estrogenic foods.
The liver symptoms are mainly in the area under the ribs, movement, coughing etc, makes it hurt,like fullness and pressure but is localised to the right side and to the middle of the upper right. It feels like a pressure or lump, sometimes it causes breathlessness. I eat a lot of vegetables, less fat, some meat. Its sometimes painful during the night, chelidonium gives some relief. Its better lying on the opposite side usually.
Thanks Apart from that I have had candida off and on for many years,had to do low carb, low sugar diet, but it has improved very much lately. Thanks
chicgirl63 8 months ago
I still suggest you peruse the threads.Because you have not stated your mentals.Till then continue what you are having and in addition remedies I have recommended.
[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-06-14 03:22:16]
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Also, rarely have constipation or diarrhoea now, stools normal in colour. The reason for candida, after much research was parasites, liver flukes in the pancreas.
chicgirl63 8 months ago
Have the recommended remedies.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Hi, Im usually a quiet person. Have recently been through family estrangenent and extreme anxiety associated with that. Usually Im a nervous person, especially with meeting strangers, always think they wont like me. Currently have worries with my husband showing some signs of early dementia. Otherwise we have a very good relationship.
chicgirl63 8 months ago
In addition SEPIA 30,Calc Fluor 6x and Nat Sulph 6x five drops/pellets three times a day.

Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Hi, just reporting in, Im taking the remedies, the carduus is affecting the ovarian cyst a little, do Im only taking a small dose a day. Taking chelidonium q, and Nat sulph regularly. Still have some liver pressure/ pain. Some days very little. Cutting back on fats helps. Mind is slightly depressed, not inclined to talk or be social at the moment either.
chicgirl63 8 months ago
Carduus 3 times a day.10 drops one dose.

Continue same protocol with a feedback after a week.

Have Sepia as advised also.
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Hi, have tried increasing carduus, but it affects my ovarian cyst, giving me pain and makes me depressed and cranky. Liver pain comes and goes, slightly easing. I do forget to take so much Nat sulph but take it about 3 times a day. I feel its helping. Thanks.
chicgirl63 8 months ago
What about SEPIA?
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
The Sepia didnt help with the pain, it seemed to make it worse if anything. I only have sepia 6c as Im sensitive to it.
chicgirl63 8 months ago
anuj srivastava 8 months ago
Ive been taking the nat sulph and chelidonium regularly, theres less pressure pain in front middle,the pain is more in back of liver and right side. Mood is depressed, easily irritated.
Sepia does help with that.
chicgirl63 7 months ago
Have Sepia in addition.Feedback after 7 days.
anuj srivastava 7 months ago
Ive been slowly improving on the chelidonium and Nat sulph. I had to back off on the nat sulph as I felt it to be affecting my mood, I didnt want to talk to anyone and felt I was shutting down. But the pain is definitely easing.
Currently I got a tooth infection in a previously filled tooth. It was tested by a homeopath and was a staph infection. Its been settled for a while, I took staph 1m. So I need to take it again, and maybe something for the pain,that wont intefere at all? Thanks
chicgirl63 6 months ago

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