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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need a new homeopath


I am looking for a new homeopath, one who is well versed and knowledgeable in working with very high and even mega doses, as through the course of working with our now deceased former homeopath, God rest his soul, we found out that we (my family and I) dont respond to anything less that 10m and some of us are at high as 10-Gb.

We have found remedies that work for us, and they are all very similar.

Thank you.

  narnia51483 on 2024-07-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes Sarah, tell me
HealthyWorld 7 months ago
Hi. Yes. We have been using homeopathy for around 11-12 years, under his guidance and direction. We had been through many different remedies until finding out recently, with his approval, that stramonium was something we all needed at different potencies. We had been using aconite and nelumbo nucifera, and it seemed that we all needed all three for a while at our individual potencies. Trying to suss out if my husband needs anything right now. I am pretty versed in realizing, most of the time, when someone needs a remedy and which one. We would just need help with now and then consulting, basically.
narnia51483 7 months ago
Is anyone here comfortable with high and megapotencies? If not, can someone please provide me a resource to find a homeopath who is well versed in these situations?
narnia51483 7 months ago

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