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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have sweating palms,feets and armpit since childhood and severally affect my social and mental health.
Im 5.8 ft tall and thin person with broad shoulder.
Have a good appetite and feel good when not hungry and cant tolerate hunger.
Past disease are typhoid and tinea versicolor.
Currently facing hyperhidrosis and thin semen and leakage problem.
I feel good in night and under fan or cool wind .
Cant tolerate cold.
Taken silicea but didnt happen anything rather my palms and feets skin start peeling after stopping the remedy the skin become normal and one positive effect silicea gave me is that it decreases my semen discharge.
After that when I consult the homeopathy doctor he give me silicea and nat mur .
And after taking this I feel very energetic and strength on my body and also my penis erectile like my 18s but after few days the palms and feets skin again start peeling.
And also I have low BP and also have lichen sclerosis in private part.
  Satya4 on 2024-07-26
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