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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Low cortisol

Is there homeopathic remedy to bring up cortisol levels? My cortisol levels are low throughout the day and I have weakness fatigue etc
  Rorpere on 2024-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Low cortisol can be adrenal gland fatigue - this can be from poor diet/lack of sleep. I suggest you get A complete blood count CBC test to get right diagnosis. You could be anemic or have a high white count indicating you are fighting off some low level infection. I’ve seen ppl complain about fatigue and the cause was a bad tooth /gum problems /candida. Find the real cause and then the right remedy can be found.
simone717 last month
You can try aurum metallicum 30ch 2 doses (3 pellets) daily, first dose when you wake up, no eating for 1 hour and second dose after 10 hours.

From 2 years ago I started to make provings on me and learn what action do have homeo meds on the body, I discovered some interesting things.
[Edited by Poirot on 2024-07-31 03:22:07]
Poirot last month
You can click user names to see bio and past threads of anyone on here.
The forum lets any person on earth post health advice/ not just homeopathy. You can also google materia medica of any remedy. There you will see hundreds of symptoms that groups of healthy ppl had after taking a remedy.
Those symptoms need to be well matched to what the patient is experiencing. When the match is good, the body thinks it is a similar second disease. The human body will not accept a similar disease- it reacts by raising life force to clear out the remedy-but at same time it clears the real disease.
If you take the wrong remedy you can start having symptoms listed in materia medica that you never had-
Wait till you find out more about your pain so a right match can be prescribed.
[Edited by simone717 on 2024-07-30 19:09:56]
simone717 last month
I had problems with cortisol levels, for me it worked aurum.
Aurum doesnt give bad symptoms as argentum, sulph etc. if you respect the dosage.
[Edited by Poirot on 2024-07-31 03:17:27]
Poirot last month

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