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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Adrenal fatigue/Low cortisol

Dear members,
Thank you for allowing me to become a member of this group. I am Fay, Dutch and I live in the Netherlands. I have several diagnosis: burn-out, delayed sleep phase disorder, psychosis sensitivity, sleep apnea and adrenal fatigue (with low cortisol for a year now). Until now I have been taking supplements from a homeopath that should have increased cortisol levels which contain Siberian ginseng, Ashwaganda. I also was diagnosed with low iodine. I have started taking both supplements since aug 2015, at a time where the homeopath could not even measure my cortisol. Yeah, that bad :-( However, the iodine has been much better lately, yet on the other hand my cortisol just a tiny bit. I also gained 50 pounds because of the antipsychotics, which is I asume 25 kilograms.
Before all this I have been going through many life stresses: years of working in health care as a nurse, and a follow up uni degree, and family and relationship problems. I also have taken antipsychotics since 2013. I quite these for a couple of months and I have been doing ok. I meditate, pray and excercise (run 3x a week) or play the piano or write a song.
I feel very upset that my cortisol has only increased minimally. The homeopath said that it should be 56 nmol and it is only 35 nmol now. He said that it could even go as high as 200 nmol. The reasons it has not increased is due to stringent financial and relationship strains, and a partner who got chronically sick himself, says the homeopath.
The homeopath has recently added cinnamon to the supplements. I have been really upset that has made me reconsidering a specialist for internal diseases. I have taken this route before, and the specialist did indeed notice a low cortisol. Which resulted in doing a synacthen test. Despite this test the specialist said that she could not do anything for me. Which left me very frustrated. Something I definitely don’t need.
My question to you all is if there are more things I could do that would help elevate my cortisol levels?
I apoligise if this post is too long.
  Fay79 on 2016-11-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Whether your homeopath gives only food supplements or she has also given you some remedy in potentized form. If so which remedies did you have and in which potency.
kadwa 7 years ago

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