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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hello everyone, my name is Ted and have been dealing with severe depression since 12 years of age. I have tried many things. Some things have prooved invaluable such as taiji chinese herbs "gui pi wan" and free and easy pills for anger and worry. Also FLOWER ESSENCE THERAPY is what is going to take me over the finsih line. I havent tried homeopathy yet but I just ordered some remedies for memory so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Also, I wondering if these remedies "wear off."

thanks and good luck to all
teddy 2 decades ago
Did you try Sepia?? Any changes you noitced ??

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Hi Teddy,
Memory, balance -- since it is apparently affected by the health of our nerves, thinking, depression, pain in the nerves in ones back... all of these things are affected by B12.
I have quite a lot of medical research posted on my site:
Your fingernails reflect your health --
Learn what warning signs to look for --
Karen Kline

I think it is really important to have enough B12.
I have had excellent results using homeopathics for other things.. but for depression related to low B12, I think the fact is that more B12 is needed
Consider-This 2 decades ago
Hi Anon,
I hope you are doing better.
I don't know if you looked at my site about B12, or not. But if you have lines on your fingernails, or if your moons on your fingernails are gone, you may well have a B12 problem.

I identified with a lot of what you wrote, I mean really a lot. I was going to repeat the things I agreed with, but because I have some brain damage from the extended low B12, I can't really remember... like wanting to yell at your kids, or wanting to hit them... I used to feel that way and I think it's because without enough B12 our nerves are just too frayed all the time, so small things hurt as if they were big things. Now that I have a lot more B12 in my system, I have a lot more patience and I engage in conversations more, I believe you were saying you don't hold extended conversations...

So if you have lines on your fingernails... just look at the B12 information on my site... I have my site link in my profile and I put it in my reply to Teddy.

I do hope things are going well for you : )
Consider-This 2 decades ago
Hello Pankaj varma,
I didn't try sepia. Can you tell me which potency i should take, and how many doses?

anon99 2 decades ago
Just try one dose of Sepia 200 C.

See if there are some changes in 3/4 days....let us know.

First the physical changes will show up.

Others will follow later during the course of the treatment.

Do you experience "Swings in mood" quite often ?
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Dr Pankaj varma,
Thankyou for the reply.
Can you read my same post in this forum and pleasw reply?
I don't have any mood swings i guess.

anon99 2 decades ago
Coming back.

Meanwhile see what one dose Sepia might do for you.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Dr. Pankaj varma,
I ordered sepia 200. It will take a while to get it. I will start it as soon as i get it and post back the response.
anon99 2 decades ago
Hello Dr. Pankaj varma,
I took sepia 200 one dose today. I will post the response regularly from now onwards.
I hope you give follow up in this case.

Thankyou very much.

anon99 2 decades ago
I keep checking thread almost every day.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
not spots. spots on fingernails aren't what I'm talking about.
Consider-This 2 decades ago
Dr. Pankaj varma,
It's been two days since i took sepia 200.

No aggravations as per now.
I got my period it was surprisingly not painful.
I didn't took advil this time.
No leg cramps, nothing.

I felt my irritation also got less.

I will post after two days again with the response.

anon99 2 decades ago
Pl. do...

...more improvements can be expected.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Thank you for your website. I needed to be reminded to take the sublingual B12 + folic acid. My Dad has pernicious anemia and he was almost in a wheelchair before he was diagnosed.

The homeopathy books often recommend Thuja for nails with lines, but I have no further knowlege of this. I certainly have vertical lines in my nails, but the moons are all visible.
museon 2 decades ago
Hi Muse,
It was nice to hear from you. Something is seriously wrong with me because my muscles were contracting in this really painful way last Thursday so that I couldn't move and it make me scream. Not lady-like.
I really wish I hadn't let my tetanus innoculations go for thirty years.
Sooo, this morning when it felt as if the contractions were coming back, I was really scared.
Your message was a nice break.
I'm glad you still have moons. that's a really good sign. The lines will decrease if you keep taking the sublingual B12. The lines aren't important, except as a guage to your B12 health.
Thank you so much for writing.
I really needed something positive to think about.
: )
Consider-This 2 decades ago
what is current status?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Dear anon99,
I wonder why a sensible person like you is looking for excuses for medicine. You have two beautiful angels to love you, to take care of you. Very soon they will grow up with some sad memotries and they may come on the same website for help. Is n't that bad?
I wish you inrospect yourself and dig out the beauty from inside. You have to surround your children with an aura of love, kindness, care and devotion. They are a part of you. never give them bad or sad memories just love them and this will change your life. Focus your mind on their welfare and they willbecome your guiding force.
Anyway, you can try Sepia as i have also taken that once but don't take that for a longer period. FIll up your mind with find memories, think of roses, flowers, all pleasent things around you. Do lots of positive thinking and try to make more and more friends and get involved with constructive things. Always POSITIVE!.
Remember, God is with you always.
Neeru Thakur last decade
Hi anon99,

I have been writing to the forum for a while and I have read your letters. It’s amazing how many problems I have in common with you and I was disappointed when I couldn’t follow your experiences to find out whether you have been given advice. Someone is helping me on the forum but I haven’t felt any improvement except for a few days and don’t know if I should continue having faith in homeopathic remedies or not.
Could you be so kind as to tell me if you’re feeling better now and if so what helped you?

Thank you very much for any info you may decide to give me,
Kind regards,

PS If you want you can write to my address: eugeniaborg at yahoo.com
Gina71 last decade
Hi Gina,
I think I've corresponded with you, so this may be a repeat.

Have you looked at methylcobalamin at all?

It has removed my depression.

Your fingernails reflect your health --
Learn what warning signs to look for --
Karen Kline
Consider-This last decade
Dear Karen,

Thank you for your concern but I have already taken Nature’s Way B12 tablets for 90 days under advice from my Dr and didn’t see any improvements. Also I have no lines and have moons on all fingernails.

Thank you,
Gina71 last decade
Hi Gina,
I'm happy to hear from you. But I'm sorry the tablets haven't helped.

Let me see, how to explain this. Tablets that you swallow most likely will not be able to help.

You need to get the lozenges that you put under your tongue.

One reason for that is that our gastro-intestinal system can easily go a bit wrong, and once that happens it can't get the B12 out of food anymore.

The other thing that's REALLY important, is to get the Methylcobalamin form of B12.

That is just VERY important.

It works much faster because it is in the form our bodies can use.

The cyanocobalamin will work, but soooo much slower.

Most people who get the cyanocobalamin kind complain that it doesn't do anything. But for some people it works great. Just not the majority of people.

So, look for the Methylcobalamin lozenges, and get the 5mg ones. That way they will replace more quickly and you will feel reassured.

(It's not so much the company that you buy the Methylcobalamin from, it's that you actually look for an buy Methylcobalamin.)


Your fingernails reflect your health --
Learn what warning signs to look for --
Karen Kline
Consider-This last decade
Hi! My name is Jay. I dont want to be rude but I just want to ask How to post a problem on the depression site. I just want to know so I can put up my own symptoms on the depression site. Thanks.
Jay34 last decade
Hi Pankj,

This is my depression thread.

I improved a lot i believe.

But still I have that 'Social phobia' and stage fright.

I got rid of my fear of driving so i am going out and doing groceries, dropping and picking my kids from school , going for shopping alone.

I did the things i am scared to do again and again. So i got used to them and not scared anymore. But still i cannot talk to new people and make friends. On my own i am fine.

Still I don't know what to talk to people like muy daughter's teachers.

I want to get rid of my social phobia too.

As i see people in some social phobia forums, i think i am way better than them. I don't have panic attacks , my heart won't race, Jutst i feel awkward which is unnoticable to most people. I won't talk to any new people in parties, which feels sad to me. i want to overcome this also. but that's ok. I talk to people i know.

I want to become more sociable. Other people in the forums, they have phobia of signing in front of people.
I am not like that.

If you have any medicine for this. Please guide me in this.

anon99 last decade
Ok Anon !
It is around midnight here.
Will see your posts 2moro.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Depression can be cured in maximally 3 weeks if you Use 3x a day St. Johns (flowers only) Tea (Hypercom Perphoratum): 1 super small spoon in a glass 3 dl, boiling water, filtered immediately in another glass.

Caution: If you take synthetic medication, don’t drink the Tea. Some patients may be sensitive in this herbal Tea if drunken on light, For those patients I recommend drinking in a dark place (no light).

Raif Emini, Herbalist
Toronto, On - Canada
Herbalist last decade

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