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High Blood Pressure



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

High Blood Pressure

My doctor has put me on Rx for HBP, all of which cause terrible side effects.
Is there a homeopathic remedy that would help?
  haggis on 2006-07-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Blood pressure is a constituinal matter. Tell us everything about yourself.
girilal last decade
It would depend on what causes your BP. If it is general anxiety etc. then I would recommend Gelsemium 30 or other remedies specific to your condition.

If your BP is an essential BP you might want to take Crataegus Q (5 drops morning + evening) daily for a month and report results.

Also, please post the class of allopathic BP meds your doctor's giving you. There are several type of methods to reduce BP and your GP should tryvarious methods before deciding on a choice.

I have found Cratageus works pretty well with beta blockers + diuretics.

You may also take Glononium 10M (3 doses ) once a month.

in good health
terracotta last decade
BP is not a thing of play. Please don't stop taking allopathic drugs right away. You want to try out homeopathic in partnership with your GP. Nowadays, any cognizant GP would let you try out a course of natural therapy, yoga, meditation, exercise, diest control etc as a first line of action and then put you on meds. Weaning off meds is to be done carefully and gradually.

I concur with girilal that you must provide a complete history of your condition before choosing a particular tratment option.

best regards,

terracotta last decade
Also follow this thread;
terracotta last decade
The drugs that I was unable to tolerate for HBP are:
Linisprol, Atenolol and Dyazide. I am not on any of them because of their side effects. One is a beta blocker, one is an ace inhibitor and one is a diuretic. Currently I take nothing.
As for me, I am a calc carb/natrum muriaticum I would say.
My mother died at 102 about two years ago; she and I were the last people left alive in the family. I had been her full-time caregiver for 18 years. We were housebound, living in a city where we knew no one. After her death, I made a couple of good friends, but during the last two months, both died of cancer. I became sick afterwards, and I learned I have very high cortisol and high blood sugar---insulin resistance, not diabetes. I control my blood sugar with diet. I have not been able to get my blood pressure under control. The high cortisol causes me to have periods when I get a feeling of dis-ease, which grows into fear, accompanied by a drenching sweat.
haggis last decade
---peculiar this combo---feeling of disease
grows to .fear + drenching sweats

strong characteristic remedies with such pathos---calc;chin;nat-c;phos-ac;sep;sulph--easy fright--then calc;sep;sulph.....

ifindeed calc is remedy quesion is dosing method---and also in calc cases wil find need essentail faty acid supplementation ...this in fact initself will fect blood pressure---if not on any meds then got an advantage...start 'udo's choice oil blend' and knock off sugars and acids ...see how this goes and how signs/symptomologychange--and assess from there..
John Stanton last decade
add ferrum ..

also helps know locale of sweats--whether whole body -or parts actually affected....
John Stanton last decade
Actually the sweats pretty much cover my body. My hair gets soaked, as do my
haggis last decade

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