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Arnica Montana:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

To: Joe De Livera, Re: Arnica

Hello Joe, i have FINALLY received my arnica 30C (took over a month!) and i am ready to take it (This is for hairloss and sometimes poor sleep). The 'pellets' Are very small, is this okay? (They are about the size of 1/4 of a Pea or a caviar egg.

What is the instruction to take arnica 30C for hairloss. Thanks alot i will post progress.
  Diesiel on 2006-07-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Oh and By the way, is it okay to drink Green Tea? Because i drink it 1-2x a day.

I should also note that i have been diagnosed with seborreah and have like patches of 'Dandruff' on my scalp and was prescribed a special lotion to rub on my head to help with it (I beielive its a Vaso constrictor). Is it okay for me to take this lotion with the arnica? Or should i consult a homeopathic remedy? Thnx.
Diesiel last decade
Please read the posts that I have made advising patients on the therapy that I used which many have reported was successful in first arresting the loss of hair and later the regrowth.

I would recommend the use of Arnica Q in an emulsion with 25% Coconut or Olive oil which is directly massaged into the scalp daily.

Green Tea is OK.

Dandruff can be helped with Graphites 30c and I would not recommend you use the lotion which you describe as a Vaso Constrictor which may even increase your condition and may even antidote the therapy
Joe De Livera last decade
Okay thank you joe. Graphics can just be taken under the tongue right?

Also would it be easier if i shave my head to apply the Arnica concoction? I am planning on shaving my head so that i can take care of my dandruff problem easier.
Diesiel last decade
Mr. Joe I have been reading your post and in fact I have saved your posts about use of Arnica. I find different potency is suggested for different symptoms. Can you explain to me the logic behind the potencies as it becomes easier for me to apply my mind and use it practically when I understand the logic behind any thing.Thanks for your help.
Reiki last decade
Answering your question will involve a long article on the use of potencies of various remedies which vary from one to the other and I regret that I do not have the time to give you the information that you require.

If you have any ailment that you wish to use Arnica for, please indicate it and I shall advise you.
Joe De Livera last decade
Mr. Joe i have been reading many homeopathic medicine books and materia medica for past many years and have been practicing for myself and my family members, so I thought I will be able to understand this in short. Any way thanks
Reiki last decade
I'm not geting the fizzing when i hit the bottle of water....Its just bubles like regular water....
Diesiel last decade
It is bubbles in the wet dose that make the difference in the cure of an ailment as each shake of the water in the bottle seems to increase the potency of the remedy ever so slightly, thereby enabling it to help the curative process better.
Joe De Livera last decade
Okay i have been doing this:

I put in 3 small pellets of the arnica 30C into 400 mL of spring water. I bang the bottle before each dose, and i do 2-3 doses every day (Teaspoonfull).

So far i dont think i've noticed any heavier sleeping yet. I will update if the hair situation gets better.
Diesiel last decade
Okay i have been doing this for 2 weeks now and i think the hair siutation is getting a bit better, but i dont know for sure, i will update in 2 more weeks.
Diesiel last decade
To Diesiel

If you wish to something more for your hair regrowth you can use Arnica Q mixed in coconut oil or olive oil in the ratio 1:5. This emulsion must be succussed prior to application on the tips of your fingers to the scalp.

This has worked wonders for those who wish to regrow their hair.
Joe De Livera last decade
Okay joe i will see if i am able to obtain this 'arnica Q". Tell me, does it have any other similar names?
Diesiel last decade
Is it also called the mother tincture?
Diesiel last decade

Mother Tincture = Q
Joe De Livera last decade
Okay joe i have been taking arnica for about a month and i think i have seen reduced hairloss with maybe even a little bit of vellus hair regrowth. But my situation has defenintely not become worse so thats good! I will now try to Incorporate the arnica Q with Oliver oil mixture, Tell me, do i need to heat the mixture or anything like that? I will report progress with that as soon as i am able to obtain it. Thx
Diesiel last decade
Hello joe, i am still taking arnica 30c twice daily with little or no result (my hair still thin around my temples/ears). I have already purchased Minoxidil but i am still waiting before i use it (I want to be sure to try every 'natural' way i can before i use any pharmecudical drugs). Besides the Arnica Q, can you please advise me on any other path i should take? I await your reply, thanks.
Diesiel last decade
You cannot expect a perceptible growth of hair to replace all you have lost for perhaps years.

This therapy is not an instant fix and you have seen that it has reduced or stopped your hair loss and you have reported vellus hair regrowth.

There is nothing else that can beat the record that I have established for treating hair loss and you can go ahead with the Minoxidil which you have purchased which will antidote all the good that Arnica has done for you so far.
Joe De Livera last decade
ok i will purchase the mother tincture formula with the olive oil mixture.

as promised i will report progress.

mr livera, i am forced to shave my head for reasons i dont wish to delve into, do you beleive this will be beneficial for the arnica q application? thx
Diesiel last decade
Your need to shave your head is of interest to me and it is just possible that the growth of hair may be stimulated by doing so.

The downside will be that when you massage the Arnica emulsion with Olive oil, your head will be a shiny ball.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hehe, that is not really a concern of mine ;)

I am wondering how long should i leave it on my scalp for? Do i wash it off after X minutes?
Diesiel last decade
No. You should not wash it off at all as the idea is to keep it slightly oily to enable the Arnica to help the dormant roots of the hair to resurrect.

I have used the same Arnica both internally and massaged into my hair and discovered that my hair grows very fast at the rate of about 1cm per week.

I am 77 years of age and have a full head of grey hair.
Joe De Livera last decade
Instead of pellets can I use Liquid drops say 3 drops of the arnica 30C into 500 mL of spring water in order to get required dose.
iffi123 last decade
Yes you can.

The Ethanol drops are by far the more effective to the pellets.
Joe De Livera last decade

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