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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

back pain

my wife is suffering from back pain since the birth of first male child in 1997. the pain aggravated after a fall and she injured her coccyx. she is currently taking hypericum200 two times a day. pl suggest some remedy
  salam473 on 2006-08-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 30c in the wet dose will help your wife.

This is made by inserting 3 pellets or 2 drops of Arnica 30 into a 500ml bottle of spring water and this is shaken hard to ensure that it bubbles before a teaspoonful is sipped thrice daily.

The Hypericum 200 is also best used in the same wet dose when she will discover that it seems more powerful in deadning the pain. It is usually potent for about 4 hours when the pain returns.

The Arnica has helped many who have back pain and she should feel better in about 2 weeks when I would appreciate your report.
Joe De Livera last decade

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