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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


hello doctors,

I am feeling alot of itching and dandruff on my scalp, the dandruff is in layer and color is white. And whole day hair is falling, when wash the head handfull hair is fall. when i itch the scalp some of dandruff at the hair root come out. i m felling this prob last 2 months, even i use sulphor and phospors and No relief i have. Please help me.

Age - 27.
  arvindharitus on 2007-10-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try (Thuja-200c) one dose daily only 3 days then stop after 4 weeks report me back please,OK

Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
are oyu confirm doctor, as per my knowledge 200 is a weekly dose.
is it ok to take 200 continues for three days.
arvindharitus last decade
you can take weekly as well
faisal qureshi last decade
Hello Docturs,

Now i am in small relex. I have control on falling my hair. I am doing these things

1. Taking sulphor 1M once in month.
2. Taking Thuja 200 weekly.
3. Massage daily in night a hairfall control hair oil by parachut therpy.
4. Wash my hair with jonson baby shampoo.
5. Rubbing nails as possible by me.

But if i dont wash my hair for two days with shampoo, there is itching start in my scalp. And it is on peak when i am in office(in AC). And when i do this, there is white and dry matterial with some of hair come in my nails.

And now i want to regrow my hair on the bald area(pathces) on my head. What should i have to regrow my hair.
arvindharitus last decade
try for regrow of your hair is. wiesbaden 200 daily one dose ...

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
as i wrote before, as per my knowledge 200 is for weeklt dose, is there is no negative effect if i use it daily.
arvindharitus last decade
What i have to do for dense my hair with new hairs.
arvindharitus last decade

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