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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Homeopathic dosage,

General Rules for Determining Dosage
People who are beginners in homeopathy should primarily use the 6th potency (written on the bottom as '6x' or '6c') or the 30th potency ('30x' or '30c'). The 6x is a dose of the medicine that has been diluted 1:10 six times with vigorous shaking between each dilution, while the 6c has been diluted 1:100 six times. Only homeopathic practitioners who have a great deal more knowledge of homeopathy should use the higher potencies (200x, 1000x, or higher). It is important to remember that homeopathic medicines are more powerful the more they experience 'potentization'--the pharmaceutical process of dilution and shaking. Higher potencies thus should be used with great care.
Homeopaths have found that injured people tend to need more frequent repetition of doses shortly after injury. One may need to prescribe a medicine every 30 to 60 minutes immediately after severe injury. After a couple of hours, the frequency of doses can diminish to every other hour or every fourth hour, depending upon the severity of pain. Doses every four hours or four times a day are common when a person has a non-severe injury. A person will generally not need to take a medicine for more than two to four days, except in fractures or severe sprains where one to three doses daily for five to seven days are common.
The basic principle of how to determine dosage is: The more severe the condition, the more often will its repetition be necessary.
It is important to remember that a medicine should only be taken as long as the person experiences pain. Do not continue taking the medicine unless there are still symptoms. The basic idea is to take as little of the medicine as possible and yet enough to lessen pain and stimulate one's healing powers.
Administration of the Medicine
The medicine should be taken into a 'clean mouth.' Food, drink, tobacco, toothpaste, and other substances should not be put into the mouth for at least 15 minutes before or after the dose. It is generally best to place the medicine underneath the tongue.
Homeopaths have found that some substances can neutralize the effects of the homeopathic medicines. Although there is some controversy around which substances are implicated more than others, it is best to avoid the following substances for at least 48 hours after taking the final dose: coffee, camphorated products (including lip balm, counter-irritant muscle relaxing cremes, Tiger's balm), strong herbal teas, mentholated products, cough drops, and mouthwash.
Care and Storage of Homeopathic Medicines
Special handling and storage of the homeopathic medicines are needed in order to avoid possible contamination. When the medicines are correctly handled and stored, homeopaths have found that they can last for several generations. Since it is very difficult to determine if the medicines have been contaminated, one should take the following precautions to prevent potential problems.
--The medicines should be kept away fraom strong light, from temperatures higher than 100 degrees, and from exposure to strong odors like camphor, menthol, mothballs, or perfumes.
--The medicines should always be kept in the container in which they were supplied and never transferred to any other bottle which has contained other substances.
--The medicine should be opened for administration of the medicine for the minimum time possible. One should be careful not to contaminate the cap or cork before replacement.
--If, by accident, more pills than the number specified in the prescribed dose are shaken out of the bottle, do not return them to the container; throw the excess away to avoid possible contamination.

* Give Arnica right away.

* If deep aching is present give Eupatorium.

* When the soreness and bruised feeling improves give Symphytum.

• If it still doesn't heal properly after six weeks, give Calcarea phosphorica


* Three pellets of 30 C every four hours for the first few days or give it whenever the pain returns after being better.

* If the first medicine does not work in 12 hours, give another one.

* After initial improvement, give another dose only if symptoms begin to return.

* Lower potencies (6 X, 6 C, 30 X) may need to be given more often (every 1-2 hours).

* Higher potencies (200 X, 200 C, 1M) may need to be given only once, but they may be repeated if the symptoms definitely return after being better,
  fahadkhaan on 2007-10-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you very much!! Its a very big help for people like me, who knows nothing about homeopathy.
dallasMom last decade
Good guidance !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thank you Mr.Fahadkhaan for your good precious thread.Please help me with this thread over my email.
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
i am taking sanguinaria 6 for my ache in right shoulder. i cannot lift my right hand above the shoulder height. sometimes i feel ache below the elbow. the dosage is 4 times a day. please advise me.
dipankarjpg last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.