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Posts about Cystitis, UTI

Ecoli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae UTI2Non stop e-coli UTI9Stomach pain and uti1Interstitial cystitis2Chronic vaginitis with chronic bladder cystitis2uti1uti5Help with chronic Ecoli UTI161High fever in regular interval and UTI2uti2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Serious case of UTI /Cystitis cured in cat

Hi again. I posted two days before about my cat who had a serious case of urinary tract infection. In people, urinary tract infections may be bothersome but in animals it can turn fatal, and quickly. I came to this forum in desperate need of answers and soon. The UTI had gone on for ten days and it was reaching the stage that an answer had to be found, and immediately. The drug, amoxicillian that was given by the vet was producing side effects. Waiting for a reply and in desperation I started to scan the posts and 32 posts down was Tracey's post -Natural Ways to help with Urinary Retention/Incontinence. My cat's problem started with urinary retention so I read the post and therein lay my answer. D-mannose. She said she was giving it to her daughter and e coli was involved. The same for my cat.Another post confirmed by honeypot81 that D-mannose was used for cystitis. I did a search and found that D-mannose is safe for pets so I ran to the health food store and got there just before they closed. I couldn't get the Waterfall d-mannose but I got another brand. Powdered, 2,000 mg in one teaspoon. I gave my cat no food during this process so that the D-mannose would reach the bladder quickly. I gave it based on weight( 1/4 of a level teaspoon) in one tablespoon of water each time, and after the first hour there was a change, after the second dose one hour later there was further improvement, the same after the third dose.The fourth dose three hours later then three hours later there was nothing less than a dramatic turnaround. My cat who was slumped over, sleeping all day,lethargic , could hardly walk and who didn't eat, was up and alert and walking around. I am continuing to give it and will continue to give it for some time because e coli can become entrenched again if this is stopped too soon they said. It is now 12 hours since I gave the first dose and I now have a cat who is alert,purring,cold wet nose, urinating normally, and meowing for her breakfast. So, thank you,Tracey for your post that gave me my answer, and yes, thank you God for directing me to it and to this forum because I had reached the point of prayer for my answer.
  ajtriva on 2007-11-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Wow! Thank you very much for your post. It might help a lot of people!
Astra2012 last decade
That's excellent news! I'm so glad to hear your kitty is feeling better. I saw something about D-mannose recently. I should go back and take another look.

Daisy43 last decade

I absolutely *love* how you took the time to post a follow-up online! I don't know how many times I have looked for 'homemade' help online to only find many people looking for the same thing I am and them posting that they're going to try something out...only to never give the result. Thank you for this post. You've helped someone out nearly 4 years after leaving your comment.

My cat is also suffering from a UTI right now and is fighting me about taking the smelly (and I'm sure awful-tasting) antibiotics. I read that the antibiotics are a temporary fix to alleviate surface problems with cats and doesn't treat the underlying problem causing the UTI. It seems that poor diet (cats need low carb, high protein diets and commercial foods put in a ton of carbs in the form of grain fillers) and an alkaline pH level tends to make them susceptible to UTIs.

My cat, ironically named Itty Bitty, is a 17 pound female Ragdoll. I just started a D-Mannose treatment 10 minutes ago. I went with 1/2 a teaspoon of D-Mannose in 1 Tablespoon of water because of her size. I think I'll follow this up with several hourly treatments like you did until she shows improvement. Then I'll continue with a small daily dose for preventitive measure.

Luckily, D-Mannose is sweet-smelling and sweet-tasting and she lapped it up like it was a treat! Wish me luck on getting her better!
IttyBitty23 last decade
I wrote a loooong detailed reply and I lost it!!!!!! I simply don't have the time to write it again, so here is the massively condensed version:
Thank you so much ajtriva. My cat was sick with a UTI for weeks, not responding to antibiotics much at all, she'd had blood tests, ultrasound etc. No appetite, no energy, sleeping, no vitality, lost a lot of weight. Started the Waterfall D-Mannose last Friday night - 4 doses hourly from 8 pm. Appetite improved straight away and continued improving - by Monday she was eating with gusto again. Continued dosing on Saturday and Sunday - 3 or 4 doses throughout the day. She slept a lot but had a steady improvement - more vitality. By yesterday morning she was 95% herself. Now (Tuesday) she is well! Down to 2 doses a day at present. Still continuing with antibiotics to be on safe side.

Thanks again!!!!!
[message edited by PercyCat on Tue, 15 Mar 2016 13:19:28 UTC]
PercyCat 8 years ago
My hyperthyroid cat has a uti, been to emerg. vet gave her antibiotics and subq fluids. Seeing how d mannose helps however many hyperthyroid cats can have kidney issues, is it safe to give this to CRF cats?
therese2 8 years ago
Hello All-

Was online posting for my own issue and your thread caught my eye. I'm a lifelong animal lover and owner and know exactly about UTIs and other Urinary Tract issues first hand. My kitty cat Blue had serious recurrent UTIs his entire life that resulted in many midnight trips to emergency vet where he sometimes had to have his bladder drained via needle (he also had stones) And then needed to be pumped full of fluids.

Finally found the homeopathic remedy Cantharis which was a life saver for him. As soon as I heard that telltale cry or he had a "purposeful" accident in front of me to signal me he was in bad shape.. one dose of cantharis... 15 minutes.... sleeping kitty. No midnight vet visit.

Cantharis may not be a "solution" remedy to heal the cause but it brings immediate results and soothes their pain within minutes. Have used myself if UTI symptoms surface... God send. :) Just an FYI at this point as it looks like you've got your issue under control. But may help you in future or another dealing with the same. xoxo
Ejere 8 years ago
My 5 yr. old male kitty has gotten some type of UTI twice this year. He has always been fed a raw, grain-free wet diet. We could never get him to a vet because he'd probably have a heart attack from the stress of the ride over and all. I gave him D-mannose and Cantharis last time and the symptoms (frequent urination with not much coming out) went away within a day. I only have Cantharis in 30c potency. Does anyone know if that is ok for a cat, and also how often it is ok to dose. If the dose on the bottle says 3-5 pellets for a human, do you do the same for a pet, or less? I'd appreciate any advice so I know if I am doing things correctly. Thanks.
RustyRiver3 8 years ago
Thank you so much for your long post. I followed your treatment example closely and within 24 hours my cat used the litterbox normally. This after days of leaking, missing and going outside the litterbox. I did four on-the-hour syringes straight into the mouth, along with 300mg into her food 3x daily. She's back to herself now.
Chowvueckai 6 years ago

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