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Allergy3Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 month old reflux/food allergy84 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2My boy has eye twitching and cold eczema7Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Whey Protein allergy2Food Allergy139


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

4.5 year old with acute asthma, eczema, and allergy to pistachios/cashews and chickpeas Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
And surely it doesn't have to be a teaspoon full of pellets !! :)

It has to be a teaspoon from the 500 ml water bottle where only 2 pellets have been dissolved. The same bottle is to be used for all 3 doses, and do not throw the bottle.

Just keep it, we might need it in the future.
sameervermani last decade
I have ordered the meds...should I also order anything to keep in the house for antidote or sos purposes?
hemraj last decade
You might want to Phosphorus 30C as well as this medicine should be required some time down the road and Nux Vomica 30C for anti-doting purposes.
sameervermani last decade
I have ordered all these 3 meds.

Thank you so much for your time

We will be very busy and then away for a few days during the break so we will start her on return as I do not want another high fever like before especially since we're away.
hemraj last decade
Also since I 'm ordering meds ....what do you think about Cina. Do you think she matches the Cina profile. An ayurvedic doctor about a year ago said she had worms and we even tried her on the meds but she gave us such a hard time that we stopped. We figured that homeopathy would be better for her as the meds did not have any taste.

Thanks again for your time.
hemraj last decade
Well, Cina is one of THE leading remedies for worms, and the Cina child is VERY cross and irritable with a craving for cold drinks, and sweets and a tendency towards tummy aches. They also sometimes have a tendency to pick their noses and grind their teeth at night. These children have large bellies at times. They do not like being touched and nothing satisfies them for long.

In view of the miasmatic representation as well, Cina might indeed be useful especially now that you are telling about the worms. Are you SURE she has worms ?

sameervermani last decade
No, i'm not a hundred percent sure whether she has worms or not but as I said before an ayurvedic doctor said she had worms and we even tried her on the meds and we stopped because she gave us such a hard time. Then I got her stool test with her family doctor and it came back negative and we never then continued with any treatment.(Again this all happened about a year ago). Since then,we decided to look into homeopathy so here we are now. But the only homeopathic treatment that she has really had is Sulfur which you know about. So what's your opinion?

hemraj last decade
Hmm..I will stand by my original prescription of Arsenic simply because asthma is pointing more towards it.

There are indications for Cina, but not as much as Arsenic.

Go ahead with Arsenic as described previously in this thread.

sameervermani last decade
ok...will start with arsenic..but have ordered cina as well along with the other meds/
hemraj last decade
sameervermani last decade

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