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Any remedies to remove acne scars Page 3 of 11

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Hello Dr. Kuldeep

How are you? All is well with me. I think my facial skin is not oily anymore. As far as scars are concerned they are still there but this time I am convinced that their quality has changed. Before they were hard and darker but now they are soft and match with my skin.

I will stay with your prescription. How long should I be taking this medicine?


kuldeep 2 decades ago
For several months.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
I will be leaving this thread, you keep taking the medicine for several months.

About after a month you start Phytolacca Berry Q along with the Silica.

Three to five drops in a cup full of warm water. Reduse the dose to one drop if you have sore throats.

Caution to other readers: In Acne scars I recommend Phytolacca Berry to females only.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
This lot deserves a wider viewing !!. Congrats to Kuldeep
passkey 2 decades ago
Thanks Passkey, we all try our best.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Dear Doctor Kuldeep

I am certainly feeling better and will continue this medicine for long time. Thanks for helping me.

I am unable to buy Phytolacca Berry-Q. They say it is the mother tincture and all vendors refused to sell it to me. Even this site abchomeopathy told me to get a prescription from a regular MD (Not even from a homeopathy doctor). But they say I can buy the higher potency medicine without the prescription.

Please lead me further in this respect.


laura11 2 decades ago
Where do you live Laura?
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Dear Dr. Kuldeep

I live in western suburbs of Baltimore MD, USA.


kuldeep 2 decades ago
For the time don't rush to get it. Stay with your current treatment. Email me after a month.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
I have lots of acne scars, from teh age of 12. Now I am 50 years old and am trying silica. But I make it from some clear quartz crystal wich I pound and shake. Will keep you informed of your most appreciated advice.
mensbestfriends 2 decades ago
Dear Laura,

Keep posting about your improvements and observations, it will help many of such people who want to treat acne scars.

I appreciate your resposes till now.
prashanthc 2 decades ago

Here is my update. My scar marks are in fact reduced. Edges are smoother and are of my skin color.

Three days ago I visited the same plastic surgeon I visited before for consultations and he said now I need 4 sittings for plastic surgery on my face, before the Silicea treatment he suggested 7-9 sittings, actually he was impressed and asked lots of questions about my this treatment. He said this time he can eliminate few steps like abrasion etc. He said he couldn’t care less because I am drinking dirt, but declared the improvements a coincidence.

I am like to continue Dr. Kuldeep’s treatment for more time.

laura11 2 decades ago
Fooey to the plastic surgeon! :) Can you imagine how it would affect his income if just "drinking dirt" were to replace his costly treatments?!

I wanted to let this thread know that I found *silica* for sale, already very finely ground, like fine sand, at a ceramics supply store, you know, the kind of artist's place that sells clay. It is used to make glazes, and is cheap, something like $2.00 a pound!

Will this work, doctors?
nmastae 2 decades ago
Ms. Lauara,
I am so impressed with your improvement, please update us atleast once in week.
vncnt_fernando 2 decades ago
So this thread is active again.


You can use this finally grounded Silica from Quartz. Don't use 20 grams use only half a spoon in a one liter water water. Shake it and wait for 1/2 hour (at least) to settle it down. Then remove top 1/3 liquid without disturbing the bottom sediments. That top 1/3 is your medicine.

And to Laura

Any improvements so far are temporary. If some time in the future you decide to get plastic surgery stop Silica at least 2 months before. Improvements will be permanent after at least two months.
kuldeep 2 decades ago

Do you mean half a *measuring* teaspoon, the same kind of standard spoon used when measuring salt or spices for cooking? If there are 14 grams in a measuring tablespoon, this amount would end up being less than 5 grams of pre-ground silica grains. Is this correct?

Also, regarding LM potencies: I understand that the resulting medicine will be equivalent to LM01. How do I alter it to increase the potency to LM02, LM03, etc.
(I had been taking silica as LM potencies for another condition when I ran across this thread. I have since run out of the medicine and so "paused" the treatment; I would like to resume it again, though, and better I should make my own medicine, right?!

Thank you for your generous contributions to this list.
nmastae 2 decades ago
About 5 grams of ground silica is needed. If you want to raise the potency gradually, whenever your bottle is half finished you can add water into it. If you really want to go into accurate potencies you can try to find the procedure on the internet.

Things which are not soluble are diluted with lactose or other inert material. Silica is not soluble so raising the potency by diluting it with water will be just hit and trial method.

In any case you shake your bottle and add a ml to 1000 ml liquid will be raising the potency by approximately 3.

If you use the medicine without shaking the bottle it will again raise potency significantly since Silica is not soluble.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
"In any case you shake your bottle and add a ml to 1000 ml liquid will be raising the potency by approximately 3."

Does this mean that one such dilution will bring the potency from LM01 to LM03, approximately?
nmastae 2 decades ago
I never went deep in the accurate potencies. Just study more about potency and you can figure out better than me.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Good to see this topic getting so much interest.

Based on some posts I read some time ago, I have been trying Thios 6x and Silica 30c for my acne scars for about a month. I keep a gap of one hour between those 2 and am very careful to not antidote them by skipping coffee etc.

Unfortunately I have not seen any improvement. Based on Kuldeeps suggestions I am wondering if I should reduce down to Silica 1x or something. Will the fact that I was on Silica 30 C for so long be a hindrance to this? Will switching to Silica 1x after taking Silica 30C for a month cause any problems? Please let me know your thoughts on this Mr Kuldeep...

unluckyguy 2 decades ago

I have been taking Thios 6x and Silica 30 c for about a month now for my acne scars but have not seen any benefits.

Based on your ideas,I might need to switch to Silicea 1x, since that is the lowest potency available.

Do you think switching from a 30c dose to a 1x dose of a homeopathic medicine like Silicea be OK, or will there be some bad effects, like antidoting, proving etc.

Please advise me if anyone knows an answer to this...

unluckyguy 2 decades ago
Silica 30C never affects scars.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Thanks Kuldeep,

I meant Silicea 30C, but I guess it is the same.

So you think if I switch to Silicea 1x it will help???

unluckyguy 2 decades ago
Are you going to trust me completely or what?

I told a method to make silica for every soul on the earth.

Come on man have some courage and bring a rock and a hammer.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Silica does of course give courage!!.
passkey 2 decades ago
I liked that passkey. I laughted.

Hey guys some of you already taking Silica in high potency. Now dont' give Silica a bad name.
kuldeep 2 decades ago

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