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Any remedies to remove acne scars Page 4 of 11

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I liked that passkey. I laughted.

Hey guys some of you already taking Silica in high potency. Now dont' give Silica a bad name.
kuldeep 2 decades ago

I trust you completely man :).

It is just that in the place I stay there is really no brook or river nearby, so I am not sure if I will pick up the right rock or not, you know which really has some silica in it.

But what I do have is Silica health supplement bottle. The active ingredient there is Silica( horsetail rush herb aka Equisetum arvense).
It has about 100 tablets of 11mg each.

Can I use it to prepare the homeopathic medicine in place of rocks. Basically dissolve it in water, do succusion and then use it. Would it have the same effect.

Just wanted to get your thoughts on it, since I do not think I can even get 1x anywhere, even this site has minimum of 3x.

Let me know...

unluckyguy 2 decades ago

I trust you completely man :).

It is just that in the place I stay there is really no brook or river nearby, so I am not sure if I will pick up the right rock or not, you know which really has some silica in it.

But what I do have is Silica health supplement bottle. The active ingredient there is Silica( horsetail rush herb aka Equisetum arvense).
It has about 100 tablets of 11mg each.

Can I use it to prepare the homeopathic medicine in place of rocks. Basically dissolve it in water, do succusion and then use it. Would it have the same effect.

Just wanted to get your thoughts on it, since I do not think I can even get 1x anywhere, even this site has minimum of 3x.

Let me know...

unluckyguy 2 decades ago
Dear Dr. Kuldeep

I've red and taken ur silica medicine recipe and I'm just new here.I'm just wondering what do you mean by drops? is it by teaspoon per drop?


mincs_06 2 decades ago
Each and every rock on the earth is Silica. I suggested clear one because it is soft. Even Granite is Silica.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Dear Dr. Kuldeep,

Wanted a clarification from you...

After waiting for 10 min, when we remove the top one third of the water from the bottle in which we had put the finely crushed pebble rock... Is that one third our medicine or will the two third still left in the bottle our remedy?

I am sorry I am little confused.

Sir, I have sent you one mail on your id as well.

Can this remedy be used for the raised skin formation(Micro Papule/keloid) after genital herpes to clear the raised, non itchy, brownish skin on glans penis.
Thanks for clarifying.
Believer 2 decades ago
Top third is the potentized Silica. Bottom 2/3 should be thrown away.

Silica will drain out any trapped formations from the skin to correct its architecture.

It should work on Keloids too.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Can anybody tell me what is Flouric Acid is?

mincs_06 2 decades ago
Calcium fluoride dissolved in Sulphuric acid
passkey 2 decades ago

Is Silica should be taken 15 minutes "after or before" taking any food or drink?
I just want some clarification pls.Because I already started taking the medicine.
mincs_06 2 decades ago
Yes try to put a gap of atleast 15 minutes before and after.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Hello Dr. Kuldeep,

Does silica also helps in enhancing the suppressed skin(holes) which usually is left after acne. Please suggest.
prashanthc 2 decades ago
Dr Passkey
I am unable to get any fluo ac. 3X. Too low potency. Can I make my own by mixing calcium fluoride 3X in sulphuric acid?

Can this be used to remove depreesed acne holes?

Thank you
mensbestfriends 2 decades ago
Dr Passkey:
Can I make fluoric acid 3x by mixing cal flu 3 x in sulpuric acid? Will it remove acne holes?
mensbestfriends 2 decades ago
Dr Passkey:
Can I make fluoric acid 3x by mixing cal flu 3 x in sulpuric acid? Will it remove acne holes?
mensbestfriends 2 decades ago
Dr Passkey:
Can I make fluoric acid 3x by mixing cal flu 3 x in sulpuric acid? Will it remove acne holes?
mensbestfriends 2 decades ago
Not worth the trouble! .

Use 6x --- OR use Kuldeep's method od making up Silica . Which seems to be very effective ,

If you do that please report results here for the benefit of others!.
passkey 2 decades ago
I Dunno about all these acne treatments and home remedies because nothing seemed to work for me for the past 12 years.Last week I decided I had, had enough of acne and decided to stop eating wheat and start using asprirn face mask on my face.Believe or not its clearing, the only thing to ever work!!! Hardly cost me anything just the price of aspirin tablets.Finally my nightmare is almost over thank God.
2happy last decade
I Dunno about all these acne treatments and home remedies because nothing seemed to work for me for the past 12 years.Last week I decided I had, had enough of acne and decided to stop eating wheat and start using asprirn face mask on my face.Believe or not its clearing, the only thing to ever work!!! Hardly cost me anything just the price of aspirin tablets.Finally my nightmare is almost over thank God.
2happy last decade
I think it will be an advantage of using Silica after asprin face mask treatment because mask will soft up the scar tissues and silica will work from the back to expell foreing matter.
kuldeep last decade
Silicea is always a good answer.
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
ok Im gonna try this sillicea thing too then, hope its in regular chemist's.
2happy last decade
i bought some silica 6c. i need help on how to take this remedy. i.e. how many and how many times a day. i am 18 years old and have a lot of old acne scars. i am not taking any medicine at the moment. thanks in advance for any help. :)
sajeev last decade
Well, after taking 30c silicea with no results I found this post. I am quite confused about how homeopathy doses work, ie. which is stronger. I gather the 30c I was taking was too heavily diluted to have been of use?? (is a 2x less diluted and therefore stronger??)

So I went into the garden and selected the most crushable looking rocks / stones and put them in the oven for a while (unfortunately none were semi-transparant). I proceeded to crush them and got about 15g of powder. I followed the instructions and now I have the top 1/3 in a water bottle ready for use. Please correct me if I have done it wrong.

A few questions before I begin.. can I / should I keep the bottle in the fridge? I assume if I don't I may need to remake the solution more frequently? how often should the solution be re-made?

I have decided to wait till after the weekend to begin taking the "medicine" since I don't want a major breakout to affect my weekend fun, hehe.

I keep people posted with my progress . . .
beaker last decade
Yes 2x is closer to the mix you have now made.
No need to put in fridge - it wont go "off".

Keep us posted
passkey last decade
Thanks for reply :)

I just figured it would eventually go off because water goes stale, but I guess it would take a long time for that to happen in a capped bottle.

It was metioned that hepar should not be taken while taking this silicea. Obviously I will also stop taking my silicea 30c but must I also stop taking the other homeopathic remedies I have been using (graphites 6c, thiosinaminum 30c, natrum muriaticum 30c and thuja 30c)?
beaker last decade

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