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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr. Sameer pls help: Severe allergy in my 9 year old son

Severe allergy in my 9 year old son
From arup68 on 2008-12-09
1 replies 42 views
Hi everybody,
My son is suffering from perennial allergic rhinitis associated with mild bronchial asthma.
His symptoms are:
i) Frequent and violent sneezing - he sneezes everyday right after getting up from the bed in the morning which continues throughout the day(more or less). He also sneezes during his sleep. His nose is itching and he inserts his finger to scratch. He also rubs his eyes. He is very sensitive to dust, smoke and cold.
ii)He has to be given medicine for controlling his sneezing. Sometimes when the sneezing gets uncontrolled even with medicines ( he sneezes throughout the day with nasal discharge for one or two day constantly) he develops cough. The cough is dry at first after a day or two he expectorates and also discharges lot of sticky mucus from nose. The symptom improves with medicines after a week or so.
iii) He has sensitive skin. Sensitive to insect bites. Once had eczema type eruption about three years ago.
iv) He is very sensitive mentally and shy and introvert. Cries very easily.
v) He gets very frequent mouth ulcer despite maintaining a very good oral hygiene. the ulcers are white white round patches with red border which are seen on inner lips and gums and are painful.
vi) He has diagnosed with allergy to milk, cabbage, grapes, house dust and grass. We avoid such things and also specific immunotherapy is undergoing for almost 7 months.
vii) He has been given Tuberculinum one dose, bacilinum 200 twice a week, Ars. Iod 3X three times a day for 15 days repeated for 3 months. Also he has been given Pothos 2C/0, Lemna Minora 6, Indium Met 30 for symptomatic relief of sneezing.
He has also been given Sabadila, ars alb, alium Cepa etc.

Frequent sneezing is his main problem - if this gets controlled his symptoms like cough also gets controlled.

Thank you for reading a long post. As a result of his allergies his school, his daily activities like outdoor playing etc are seriously hampered. We are very much worried about him.
Please suggest medicines for his conditions.
  arup68 on 2008-12-21
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