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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Skin allergy to toilet paper

Severe allergic reaction to toilet paper. The whole area is red, raw, itchy, painful, spreading. Worse at bedtime and during the night. The itching keeps me out of bed as it drives me crazy. Scratching does not help but driven to scratch. Using hypo allergenic toilet paper no difference. Been about 6 months now. I wear dresses and no underwear most of the time to keep it aired out. I have been using calendula soap and salves but no difference, getting worse. Can you please help me Im a 61 year old female.

Forgot to add. I noticed it in 2020 while staying at someones home for a month. That when I used their toilet paper downstairs there would be blood on it but not when I used the toilet paper upstairs. They were different brands. I was having the same blood issue at home and it was the same toilet paper he used downstairs that was causing the bleeding. I changed toilet paper in my home when I got home. Then about 6 months ago this horrendous rash, like a diaper rash came and I cannot get it to go away or heal, it just gets worse
[Edited by dshahen on 2025-01-26 18:06:54]
  dshahen on 2025-01-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Does this show up on your hands from touching the paper?
simone717 last month
No, no reaction on my hands.
dshahen last month
sorry i posted update in wrong place and cant find how to erase this posting
[Edited by dshahen on 2025-01-26 21:30:10]
dshahen last month
You can click your user name and it will show you your threads- then just click on current thread to post. You can see any user bio/info by clicking on user names.
If it was from toilet paper it would show up on your hands too. Skin things are very tricky to diagnose. I suggest you see a dermatologist for correct diagnosis of this. Once you have that the right remedy can be chosen.
Even when the forum had several MDs on here looking at skin pictures- they all disagreed and they all had it wrong- See the dermatologist- it could be a yeast infection or ?? But you need an expert.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-26 21:26:03]
simone717 last month
Thank you for your reccommendation. I wash my hands throughly after each toilet paper use, so the toilet paper is not staying on the skin for more than seconds unlike the other area where it is there, the residue from one shower to the next days shower. There is information online about toilet paper allergies. Thanks again.
dshahen last month
Have you tried bamboo toilet paper? I also saw a product called water wipes - 99% purified water with a drop of fruit extract -that was developed for babies sensitive to chemicals.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-26 22:26:00]
simone717 last month
No, I have not tried bamboo toilet paper It is too expensive for me. I do use hypoallergic toilet paper just for solid waste and a wet face cloth for water waste followed by dry face cloth. Thank you for the reccomendation.
dshahen last month
You can try Sulphur 30c , 3 pills to help - You may have to try more than one dose- but take one dose and see reaction after 8 hours.Homeopathis say the contact with the substance has to be stopped. So obviously there is something in the hypo allergenic tp that you are reacting to. You need to find out what that is.
[Edited by simone717 on 2025-01-26 23:00:59]
simone717 last month
I will try this, thank you. I wasnt connecting the toilet paper that I am using now with the rash not clearing up. I will also try the Sulphur 30c and see what happens. Thank you very much
dshahen last month

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