The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic liver disease with portal hypertension (Enlaeged Liver & Spleen).
I have come across a cute patient, a small kid aged 3 Yrs. Require ur personalised attetion. She has enlarged liver & spleen, by birth. Doctors have advised transplant????????Extract from Ultrasound report is given below :-
LIVER shows coarse, granular, inhomogenous, exhomixed parenchymal texture and smooth margins.
There is no intrahepatic or extrahepatic cholestasis.
No mass lesion is seen in any part of liver.
GALL BLADDER is well distended. It shows smooth and edematous walls. No stone or sludge seen in it.
CBD is not dilated.
PORTAL VEIN IS dilated(8mm).
Doppler of portal vein shows low velocity hepato-petal pulsatile flow with loss of respiratory phasicity. There is no evidence of any varices in stomach bed or splenic hilum.
PANCREAS appears normal.
SPLEEN is enlarge (8.5*3.5cm) without any mass lesion in it.
Splenic vein at its helium is 6mm is diameter.
There is no ascites.
BOTH KIDNEYS are normal in size, shape and contour with normal calyceal system.
There is no hydronephrosis or nephrolithiasis.
As per latest Bio-Chemistry report
ALK PHOS (APL) are 2680
and above all ALT are 296
General Description of Patient
physical Appearance: Slightly week but active
Diet/appetite: Normal
Mental sufferings: Nil rather intelligent
Craving for: Sweet food
Restless at night
Avoid quilt/blankets in winters.
Homeo medication so far:
Could not find Fer Iod in 3X/6X, so given in 30C. Responded well with the result that he had comfortable sleep.
Dear Doctors please advise !!!!
znaeem51 on 2009-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This post is quite old and I do not see replies.
I wish to say that at this stage, the problem is quite solvable and must have got solved already.
It is very important to treat a kid with enlarged spleen and liver problems using homeopathy. Otherwise, there are no specific treatments as such in other pathies and the person (kid) would unnecessarily face lots of troubles life due to absence of proper treatment (like homeopathy) that existed.
My best wishes.
I wish to say that at this stage, the problem is quite solvable and must have got solved already.
It is very important to treat a kid with enlarged spleen and liver problems using homeopathy. Otherwise, there are no specific treatments as such in other pathies and the person (kid) would unnecessarily face lots of troubles life due to absence of proper treatment (like homeopathy) that existed.
My best wishes.
sci_spi last decade
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