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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Since March 2002 I have a Lipoma on right shoulder,size of a half size ping pong ball.It has not expanded.I tried Homeopathy but it was reduced slightly.The Doctor did not reveal name of the medicines.On 1989 a small tumour was formed on my left fore head.After treating about one year by CF it was cured completely.I have vericose vein in left testis since long.I cycle for 20 min per day.I have fissure since long.Since Oct 2008 I am suffering from stool problem.There is no solid stool but a muddy stool.My age is about 39,weight vary between 72-78 kg,complexion fair.My skin is dry.There are small red moles on my chest,back,forehead.Homeopathy could not cure that.
  saptar on 2009-03-15
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