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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Discharge problem


please help me I have a big problem of early ejaculation if I saw or tocch my girl friend or think it took me 03 to 07 seconds to discharge I don't know but It feels very embarrassing for me. I am going to married in few months and in this situation I don't know what to do please suggest me fast a quick reaction remedy which help me to control my ejeculation up to 15 minutes which i think is normal? Please help me.
I am 27 year old my weight is 82 KG, Normal Diet.

My condition is so saware if I saw some girl body part, I be discharge immediately without doing anything please help me.
Also suggest me where i can find this remedy in uk?
  Masroor on 2009-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
conium 200

2 drops

repeat after every 4 days
Dr.Hasnaat last decade
Sorry but have to take 2 drop a day and then next dose after 4 days? Please clarify this thing for me.
tehmer last decade
and is the complete name of this remedy is Conium Maculatum 200 ?
tehmer last decade
yes Conium Maculatum 200 is best for you take this medicine 2 drops a day at a gap of 6 hours and then next dose after 4 dose.then tell me.

Dr.Ghafoor last decade

I have already disclosed its miracle cure for the first time in this forum on 21st of January 2012, the link is given below


All those who used this medicine were shocked to see the quick result of Baryta Carb 30, the very first dose of this medicine will show you the miracle of this remedy in premature ejaculation. You can use 3 drops of Baryta Carb 30 in a glass of water once daily and continue taking this remedy untill you reach the desired results. It may also be used in 6th potency with same results. Baryta Carb is also known as Barium Carb, Barium Carbonicum, Baryta Carbonicum etc etc, is not only the cure of Premature Ejaculation, its the wonderful cure of Erectyle Dysfunction i have always cured my patients of Premature Ejaculation successfully and never needed any other remedy, all those suffering from such problems may experience and observe the magic of this remedy.

Dr Syed Zaair Husain Rizvi
Jaffar-e-Tayyar Society Malir City Karachi Pakistan
Dr Zaair Husain last decade

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