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Rheumtoid Arthritis from 3 years 1



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

want to know the treatment to cure rheumtoid arthritis

hi my aunt is suffering from rheumtoid arthritis and she complais for shifting pain in all joints and she would like to shift to homeopathy so i would like to know what will be the remedy in homeopathy for RA
  khyati835 on 2010-06-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homeopathy is a good option for RA.A personalized Homeopathic treatment will be more beneficial.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
hi thaks doc for reply so what you can suggest how we can get a personalized hom path treatment as she used to visit one homeopath earlier but that dint help her it was just feel good feeling so she stopped and she really needs a proper treatment for her problem.
khyati835 last decade
You can approach a qualified professional Homeopath for a treatment.
Dr.Saravanan last decade

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