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Posts about Allergy, Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Allergy34 month old reflux/food allergy8Whey Protein allergy2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Food Allergy139Skin allergy4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

nasal allergy, catarrh and depression

Dear i have problems of depression from emotional shock from 15 years when i am 15 years and nasal allergy and catarrh in throat and chest from 4 years, are these diseases are curable in homeopathy pls tell me remedy. i have already taken Ignatia Amara 1 M, Teucrium m.v 30 C.
  zaffar_consfela on 2011-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Tell us more about the events that happened 15 years back?

What was going on in your life 4 years back when you developed nasal allergy and catarrh?

Tell us more about yourself as a person.

What generally makes your complaints better?

What was the effect of the two remedies you took?

Niel Madhavan last decade
15 years ago my father worked in textile mills where i passed my childhood and he resingned and went to other mills where i often remain sad, weep every day and often masturbat two or three time in a day.
zaffar_consfela last decade
What is masturbat?

Please answer the remaining questions as well...
Niel Madhavan last decade
masturbat is rib the penis and ejaculation semen, and other i feel hesitate when sit with a girl and marriage. when i took Ignatia amara 1m and teucrium m.v i did not feel better and my homeopath are using me these medicines from 3 months but don't see any improvement.
zaffar_consfela last decade

Please take three wet doses of Nux vomica 200 as follows:

Day 1 Morning : First dose
Day 2 Morning : Second dose
Day 4 Morning : Third dose

One dose if 2 pills taken on the tongue. Do let me know of the condition 7 days after taking the remedy.

Niel Madhavan last decade
I have already taken Nux Vomica in 200c and 30c but did not see improvement.
zaffar_consfela last decade
my homeopath doctor also prescribed me allium cepa 1 M on weekly basis but did not see improvement, my problem is post nasal drip and catarrh. not sneezing and runny nose.
zaffar_consfela last decade
Please take Nux and let us know. If you want to carry own with your own ideas, you are welcome.
Niel Madhavan last decade
but nux vomica will antidote my all medicines?
zaffar_consfela last decade
Niel Madhavan last decade

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