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Kidney Stones



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stones

I have a patient who has 8 Stones in his right Kidney. He was first diagnosed with stones when he had a colic in his Ureter last October and was admitted to hospital where he was scheduled for surgery. However with the medication that he was given his colic eased but the stones are clearly visible in the Xray and they will eventually have to come out.

An attempt was made to blast the stones on a Lithotrypter but this did not succeed. He has appealed to me to help him as he is scared of this major surgery and I would appreciate any advice from members of this Forum who may have treated similar cases.

The size of these stones varies from 6mm to over 12mm. The Xray shows that his right Ureter is enlarged and this should hopefully ease the passage of the stones.

I am aware that Berberis V 6 is the remedy but I would like to know if any remedy can be suggested to dissolve these stones to ease their passage down the Ureter.
  Joe De Livera on 2005-05-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

First, will you excuse my poor english. I answer you from France and my english is rather poor.


Berberis is certainly the remedy. I don't think there is a remedy for dissolving stones.
If I may give you an advise, is to try Lycopodium or Calcarea Carbonica in 30C : one dose each week.

If your patient make an other colic, Belladona and Colocynthis for pain would be the principal remedies.

Have a good day.
Flavia10 last decade
What does Berberis do for the kidney stones? Ease passage?
lajaw last decade
Berberis is (I think) the best remedis for nephretic colic with remedies for pain.

It also helps in gall bladder lithiasis.
Flavia10 last decade
In Clarkes Mat Med I found a ref to Calcarea Renalis which may be of interest or of help.
erika last decade
Also have a look at Hydrangea in Boericke.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Hi Mr. Joe,

I live in Karachi, Pakistan. I have had kidney stones and also a ureteric colic. When there was a calculi in my right ureter, right kidney was only 15% in function. Allopaths were making preparations for surgery, but I was then asked to see one homeopath who is famous for treating patiens with kidney problems. I took his medicine (he names it with his own no. and I doknow whats inside) but after three days i started feeling better and when an ultra sound/ KUb was done after 10 days, no stone was present and I never knew where it went. It probably passed after being dissolved. Then again I have had kidney stones and everytime i take his remedy and the problem is solved.

If your patient needs a solution urgent then I can give the contact details of the homeopath.

Regards to all

inneed last decade
Hi Mr Lu,

Thank you for your post and the information that it contained. My patient is now stabilized but it will be only a matter of time before his 8+ stones in his right kidney will give him some problems.

I live in Colombo Sri Lanka and it is unlikely that your Homeopath will disclose the name of the remedy that he used to dissolve your kidney stones. I am convinced that there must exist some Homeopathic remedy that will help to dissolve the 8 stones but it seems to me to be impossible to persuade your friend to disclose the name of the remedy he used for you even if we are prepared to pay his fees.

However I would appreciate if you can please let me have his name and other contact details preferably his email address and phone number as I would like to contact him and pay his fees for the information. If you prefer you may contact me on my email address:
joe at titusstores.com

Thank you for your help.

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Mr. Joe,

I will get back to you soonest with his contact details.


inneed last decade
hi Lu,
I'm also based in Karachi, his contact details would be most helpful. My employee is really suffering.

Many thanks
leghari last decade
Dear Mr. Leghari,

I couldnt get his email address or telephone no. But since you are in karachi, you can visit him at Tayyaba homeo clinic, opposite Urdu Science College. His name is Dr. Talha and he quite famous there.


inneed last decade
Many thanks. Will get back with an update.

God bless
leghari last decade
I've been suffering from kidney stones for three years now and threfore I read with a great interest your post about the natural remedy that worked for you, Lu. I live in Italy..very far from your country, but I would be happy to pay the fee of your doctor for a telephone consultation. I'm constantly in an agonizing pain and I'm ready to try anything to solve the problem. Since I read you don't have his email or telephone, do you think I could try and call his clinic for a telephone appointment? Please, give me some hints...I'm drowning here...
carla last decade
Dear Caria,

Sure I will try to get the information for you. Just in case you are not able to get hold of him, let me know your address etc. and I will send you the medicine by normal post if possible. Dont worry about the charges, the medicine is cheap and sending would be cheaper as well. I would definitely do so for you if you are in so much pain.


inneed last decade
I was so relieved reading your answer that I almost cried. Thanks a lot for your generous offer, after all these years, yes, I'm pretty desperate. My kidneys are perfectly functioning but I keep forming little stones every two weeks or so. Therefore I have cholics twice or three times a month. And they last for so long...All the doctors I've consulted said it's just my metabolism and there is nothing to do. I'm new to this forum so I don't know whether I can post my email address here. If it's allowed, please tell me and I'll definitely do so. There are a few things I would like to ask you and I wouldn't want to occupy too much the space here.
Of course I will pay for the medicine - in case I can't speak to the doctor - and for the shipping. Thanks again. Thanks, with all my heart.
carla last decade
PS: Do you also know by any chance if this medicament works also for gallbladder stones? I have a small one and wouldn't like to undergo surgery.
carla last decade
PS: Do you also know by any chance if this medicament works also for gallbladder stones? I have a small one and wouldn't like to undergo surgery.
carla last decade

One of my collegue used to have same problem that you seems to be having.He would get kidney stone formation every year. He took Barberis Vulgaris( 6C) based on the pain symptom and it worked. As far as I know he has not experienced the problem since then.
vlohia last decade
If the composition of the stones isnt known, then there is only one approach, and thats the remedy that fits the totality.
When using that in a low potencce fore a time, and gradualy ascending upwards, you intervene with lycopodium, magnesium, or alumina.
Apply remedies as needed,( when the changed picture demands it),if the stones begin to move downward, to ease passage.
This is the intercurrent , acute treatment.
Every step of the case need close controll.
Its nothing to toy with.
A experienced homeopath need to controll this.
allvis last decade
For disolving kidney stones I may suggest to use Epigea Repens in mother tincutre 5 drops in tablespoonful water 3 - 4 times daily.
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad last decade
Dear Caria,

Kindly wirte all the details, even yr age sex etc. Since when you have it etc and also about the gall bladder. Give all the details and I will take to the doctor to read and prescribe. Today I will get his no. and post here in the evening.

I wouldnt ask you for the payment if I have to send it.

You can wrte yr email here in a different way. example mine is easysolutions786athotmail.com


inneed last decade
Chimaphilla Umbellata is also an excellent remedy in kidney and gall bladder problems. 5 or 6 drops in a tablespoonful of water 3 times a day for a few weeks may be enough to dissolve small stones in a large number of cases. Hydrangea is also an excellent remedy for this problem.

rajivprasad last decade
Thanks to everybody who posted here for me. It's so great not to feel alone in this:) You gave me so many different remedies it's hard to chose...since I'm sure I can't take , ie, Epigea Repens, Hidrangea, Berberis etc..altogether, right?
One question about Berberis: I take Berb 30 daily, four times a day, three pellets. Am I to increase the dosage when a cholic occurs? Or shall I just add cholocintis 5 in case of pain?
Doctors here don't have a common point as far as drinking water goes. Some say over two liters a day, some other not to exceed one liter, unless you have sweatted a lot. What's your advice?
I'm also taking a mother tincture of Parietaria, which seems to be able to break stones. Should I stop that and take one of the MT you suggested? Or can I just take it along with, ie, Chimaphilla umbellata?
My stones have been tested and they are made of calcium oxalate.
Thanks again, everybody. I already feel much better and in higher spirit...:)
Lu, I will send you an email with my whole medical history and the details. You are so generous it leaves me speachless. Thanks.
My email in case anybody would want to get in touch, is sam at alfanet.it.
I wish I could do something in return...
Hugs to everybody
carla last decade
Dear Carla

I just went to doctor's office to get his no.

His name is Dr. Talha Siddiqui.

Days Monday, Wed, Thu
Timings. 11am to 1pm and 6pm to 8pm Pakistan Standard Time.

Tel: 0092-21-4820646.

Let me know if you get hold of him and what he says.


inneed last decade
Dear Lu
thanks for the info. I tried calling today but had no luck because of the miscalculation of the time zone. I'll call again on monday and let you know if I succeded.
I'm taking Berberis 30 and Chelidonium Q, at the moment. Hope it will help...
carla last decade
Dear Carla.
Nothing thats suggested to you , is of homeopatic origin.

You told the stones where calcium oxalate, in the repertory, there is only 13 remedies for this problem, none of them has been suggested to you.

It will need a full case analysis, in order to decide what remedie you will need, in order to stop the formation of stones.
And to dissolve them.

If you want my help, im avilable.
allvis last decade

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