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Kidney Stones



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just one more question: how many pellets each time?
carla last decade
depends on the size. if they are the usual size of biochemic tabs we get here (roughly the size of a small allopathic pill), two tabs a dose.
Minsa last decade
In Italy nobody knows what "X" means..could you explain what I should say to the farmacy?
Hey Lu..I wrote you an email. Are you around?
carla last decade
X is the decimal potency whereas C or CK are the centisimal potencies
maya_hari last decade
I'm sorry to bother the forum with another question but here they seem not to understand. My farmacist today asked me if decimal potency or "X" stands for CL. Or could you give me a more detailed explanation?
carla last decade
CARLA : You may ask the pharmacist to give you the remedy in powder form. That should solve the problem, because the remedy indicated by "MINSA" i.e. Calc.Phos.6X is a TRITURATED Tissue Salt Remedy(decimal) and not a Homoeopathic POTENCISED remedy (centisimal). "X" remedies are normally / usually available either in POWDER form or in TABLET form and NOT IN homoeopathic PILLS / PELLETS / GLOBULE / LIQUID form.

IF the pharmacist gives you the remedy in powder or tablet form, then the remedy is in "X" form
(TRITURATED Tissue Salt Remedy). Anything apart from above is NOT in "X" form and hence not the suggested remedy for you (take a print-out of this and show the hard copy to the pharmacist to clear their confusion).

For a better understanding, of the above, you may consider reading the following posting "http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/29781/ "

Besides above, did you try the Tulsi / holy Basil plus Honey preparation, as described earlier in this post. The herb and honey is freely available in Italy countryside. Kindly do post over here, when you do so and the experience you get for your problems.

Keep Smiling ... HA21
HA21 last decade
Ha21 I still haven't tried your remedy because my doctor asked me to stay without sweets until september. I will post the results as soon as I tried it.
Thanks for the explanations but I still haven't been able to get hold of the remedy because the farmacists needs more informations. Today they said they need to know what is the "diluition" of the remedy, ie ch, k, cl....they said they understand that "x" is decimal, therefore "6X" means "60" but they still need to know the diluition. All this doesn't really make much sense to me since I'm not that familiar with homeopaty, but I hope it does to you, and that you can give me some additional info..
Sorry for being a bore
carla last decade
Talk of labouring the issue! (not you, carla, I am referring to your pharmacist.) 6x means 6 in the decimal potency, period. As HA21 explained so well, tissue salts are triturated and available in powder or tablets. Can't you just order it online?
Good luck, kid!
Minsa last decade
Just for the record..although I know you are exausted with this as much as I am..
I tried ordering online but there is no place that ships to Italy. Including this one. So I did my private researching and I found that 6X is the equivalent of 3ch. So on monday I'll go order that, since no farmacist seems to understand what I need. When I talk about tissue salts or powder they look at me as if I were crazy.
Had another colic yesterday..I wish I could get rid of all this gravel all at once.
Thanks again for your patience
carla last decade
Just for the record..although I know you are exausted with this as much as I am..
I tried ordering online but there is no place that ships to Italy. Including this one. So I did my private researching and I found that 6X is the equivalent of 3ch. So on monday I'll go order that, since no farmacist seems to understand what I need. When I talk about tissue salts or powder they look at me as if I were crazy.
Had another colic yesterday..I wish I could get rid of all this gravel all at once.
Thanks again for your patience
carla last decade
Just for the record..although I know you are exausted with this as much as I am..
I tried ordering online but there is no place that ships to Italy. Including this one. So I did my private researching and I found that 6X is the equivalent of 3ch. So on monday I'll go order that, since no farmacist seems to understand what I need. When I talk about tissue salts or powder they look at me as if I were crazy.
Had another colic yesterday..I wish I could get rid of all this gravel all at once.
Thanks again for your patience
carla last decade
1. CH is homoeopathic potencised NON-TISSUE-SALT-REMEDY. CH will be in liquid / pellets / globules, and normally Bio-Chemic remedies are not prepared in those forms.
2. "X" is BIO-CHEMIC TISSUE SALT REMEDY and the remedy Cal.Phos.6X is a TISSUE SALT REMEDY.
3. Homoeopathic remedies work on a different platform-wavelenth-absorbtion parameter, whereas Bio-Chemic remedies work on a different platform.
4. There is no such thing as equivalent when consideration of Homoeopathic verses Bio-Chemic.
5. Simply speaking, CH will not work, AS when in comparison to "X" remedies.

There should be many suppliers in France, Germany, India, U.K., U.S.A., who would ship to Italy.
Any help required - email me.

As mentioned earlier, I would again say : For a better understanding, of the above, you may consider reading the following posting "http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/29781/ "

Keep Smiling ... HA21
HA21 last decade
I had kidney stones long back and have used Berberis Vulgaris Q, Sarasaparilla 30 for my patient. He is fine now. He had .5mm calculi in his right kidney and is taking the medicine regularly. And also one has to drink 2-3 litres of water everyday. Urine retention should not be there. Avoid road travel for longer distances if your country is of humid climate
sumi58 last decade
Thanks for the tip, sumi. I am currently taking Berberis 30 but never tried it in mother tincture and never used Sarasaparilla either. My main problem though is not to get rid of the stones (mine are quite tiny so easier to expell) but to avoid the formation. I build stones as I breathe, litteraly. I'll try your remedy anyway..thanks!
Ha21, I finally managed to shed some light into my brain and read the article you suggested. Now I have understood and understood also that here in Italy they don't know much about cell salt. I surf the net some more to find a site that ships to Italy, but to no avail..can you suggest me some urls?
Thanks for your patience
carla last decade
Hard to believe, I know, but I finally got hold of the cal phos 6X in farmacy in Rome! After having visited all the sites in the net I could find, after having wandered around my town looking for it and getting back from doctors and farmacists only dull look and head shaking, I finally have it. I hope, I do hope that will help me.
Thanks for the tips and the patience..
Lu..are you around? If you are, give me a sign:)
carla last decade
Hello everybody
it's been a long time but here I am again, seeking for your help.
My situation of kidney stones sufferer has improved, but it's still far to be solved. In the past six months I haven't formed any new stone but I still have to get rid of a 4mm stone wich is not bothering me because is in the upper side of my kidney and not moving and of several micro-stones that are killing me. I have been feeling pretty well in the past months but in this last one I've been having cholics every day but one. I'm at the end of my wits and feeling totally helpless. Can you give me some suggestions? I'm currently taking berberis vulgaris 30, three pellets four times a day.
Thanks and Happy New Year to everybody!
carla last decade
Carla I am working on a book on how to be rid of kidney stones. If you care to try the advice, I will send you free a link where you can pick up the book.

I will expect you to keep in touch with me, and tell me what your questions are.

I prefer to send you the link by email, rather than to post it in a message here.

satchit last decade
Satchit, thanks for your offer. I don't have your email though. Post it here, please, and I'll write you asap.
carla last decade
Hi Carla,

I tried to put email in and got this message:

Email addresses are not permitted on this forum.You are not yet allowed to post external urls to this forum.

how about erik(at)erikthevermilion(dot)com
satchit last decade
[post removed by moderator - if you have something to say, please say it here rather than requesting contact away from the forum.]
drprabhat last decade
Please use Berberis vul Q(mother ticture)15 drops in hot water four time in a day and the chronic codition(pain) u may take it 15 drops after every 1/2 hr. In addition take Apis mel. 200c morning time and Merc Corr 200 evening time.
Aayan last decade

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