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Kidney Stones



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stones Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Carla.
Nothing thats suggested to you , is of homeopatic origin.

You told the stones where calcium oxalate, in the repertory, there is only 13 remedies for this problem, none of them has been suggested to you.

It will need a full case analysis, in order to decide what remedie you will need, in order to stop the formation of stones.
And to dissolve them.

If you want my help, im avilable.
allvis last decade
Hi allvis

I'm a bit confused here...Berberis Vulgaris is not an homeopatic remedy?
carla last decade
Berb.v is a homeopatic remedy, but is not prescribed for you, based upon homeopatically principles, at all, it seems, as its not verified in ouer repertories, as far as i know, on the symptome calcium ox composition.
It seem, like what youve been prescribed, is a naturopats hijacking of homeopatic remedies.
And that as i told you, not of homeopatic origin.

Anyone may misuse homeopatic remedies, as do they misuse whatever they migth lay their hands on, people are like that, but that dont make them homeopats or the misuse, homeopaty.

Youve posted on a homeopatic site, and expected homeopathy, didnt you?
allvis last decade
To tell you the truth, and in spite of the fact that I've been treating myself for years now with homeopathy (of course with an homeopathic doctor) I posted here hoping to find any remedy, not only strictly homeopathic, to solve my problem. I've tried different homeopathic doctors who gave me different remedies. None of tham has worked. So I thought I relied on the experience of people who maybe have been through the same problem, or the same discomfort, and came up with an answer that can work for me.
carla last decade
So you posted a lie when you posted you where confused..
and why did you do that?
Did you really need it clearer than what ive expressed earlier on?
If this is a habit of yours, well, im not to say that you havent received correct homeopathy..since homeopathy has to rely on what you express, in order to find the correct remedie for you.

Simple as that.
allvis last decade
Why all this aggressivness towards me, allvis? I didn't mean to offend you or to lie when I asked about berberis. English is not my mother language, in this forum there are a lot of people from different countries and I simply thought I might have misunderstood something.
I agree, maybe I didn't give the correct answers- informations to my doctor in order to find the best remedy for me. I don't always have the right answers, especially concerning myself...but one thing I'm very sure of, allvis, is I'm not a liar. I'm here to seek for help and, hopefully, to give some, if I can.
carla last decade
A lie, is a lie, regardless of language, and hidden intentions, or holding back info, when asking for help, regardless from whom you ask it,is ensuring the cure fails, or may be dangerous to you.

And then you go ahead and accuse or blame the one asked for help??
Thats the agressiveness you speak about.

And no, im not english.

And one more thing, if you want herbal or naturopatic treatment, or other forms of treatment, there are, approriate sites to ask for that help in particular, this is a homeopatic site, and you cleary stated you wanted no homeopatic advice!
allvis last decade
Really, allvis, when did I say I didn't want an homeopatic remedy? And why would I come to a place called abchomeopaty if I were interested in that kind of remedies?
Let's stop this altogether. We've already occupied too much space of the site with our useful quarrel...:)
carla last decade
Yesterday I spoke with the clinic of Doctor Siddiqui and I got his email. I' ve written him asking if he were available for a long distance patient...waiting for his answer now.
Thanks Lu, I'll keep you posted!
carla last decade
Please try to be civil, thank you. FYI, we do welcome non-homeopathic methods in this forum - anything that works.
moderator last decade
Dear Carla.
Wishing you all the best. Do let us know if he prescribes something. just incase if he still insists on his own remedy and he has no way of sending it over to you, let me know. I'll be glad to assist you on this. You sure get different remedies being prescribed from different homeopaths...also in this forum....but I am sure of what dr. Siddiqui gives, as I have had results 100% on myself everytime I took it.

All the best

inneed last decade
Thank you, Lu. I will accept your kind offer if I can't get hold of the remedy in any other way. I just came out from a colic that lasted eight days, so your words of encouragement are really welcomed! I keep repeating myself now I'm on the right track and the suggestions of the people on this forum plus dr. Siddiqui will help me solve the problem :)
You all people have already been ì a blessing. Thanks.
carla last decade
" Allvis,
Please try to be civil, thank you. FYI, we do welcome non-homeopathic methods in this forum - anything that works."

May i ask whats this slander?
Whats the meaning of this??

Kindly do read the posts before you judge, so you may spare yourself, for the humiliating experience of showing up your infantile prejudice!
You owe it to yourself.
Not to me.
Im tired of being pestered by fools like you!
allvis last decade
Hi, This is Salman from Lahore, Pakistan.
We discovered from KUB that My wife is having a 05mm calculi in Right Kidney. She is having a sever pain for about 15 days.
now homoeopathic or allopathic. What should we do ?

(reahpak at hotmail)
GreatSalman last decade
I visited Dr. Talha's office with my employee, two weeks of medication had noeffect and he had his stone removed two days back. Didn't work for us :-(
leghari last decade
AYURVEDIC CURE for Kidney stones.
50 leaves of Tulsi plant (Indian name = Tulsi, Latin = ocimum sanctum, English = Holy Basil).
Crush into fine paste. Add two Tea-spoon of Honey. Mix throughly. Immediately consume it. Two times a day on empty stomach. Dissolves all types n sizes of stones in 7-21 days, depending. No Pain or discomfort. Must drink atleast 2-3 litres (2000 ml - 3000 ml) every day.

The most effective and cheapest way to dissolve stones. Tulsi oil is volatile and cannot be stored, hence consume it immediately. Tulsi contains, Vitamin A & C, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, chlorophyll, phytonutrients. Safe, Experimented and Repeatedly proven since 15 years.


Nosodes : Morgan.

Bach Flower : Crab Apple + Walnut

Incidently, the well matured dried bark and thick dried roots of the Tulsi plant, is used by good witch's to remove bad omen from a bad ghost / bad soul infested house.

Keep Smiling ... HA21
ha21 - rediffmail - com
HA21 last decade
Since I'm having a (mild,luckily) colic, any remedy is highly appreciated..:))
A few questions, Ha21, along with my thanks..
The honey is optional? I'm following a diet for my stones in which I can't have sugar or honey. Also..shall I pour water and drink the crushed leaves or just swallow them dry? I also have a gallbladder stone (1cm). Can I use your remedy as well or can it affect my gallbladder negatively? (epatic colic etch) Or will it help also the gallbladder?
Hope I'll be able to find the herb in our herbalist's shops.
Thank you
carla last decade
CARLA : Thank you for the thanks. The honey could not be optional. I think the conjunction of Tulsi leaves and Honey, is the main reason, to act on all kinds of stones (Kidney, Gall Bladder), into corroding and dissolving the stones. For stones, instead of homeopathy, I have been prescribing the Tulsi-Honey formula since 15 years with always positive results.

Honey acts like a corrosive agent against our human tissues. Hence its usage in Anti-wrinkling, Anti-Fat (anti-weight). Honey consumption is normally suited to all types of diseases including Diabetes, and should be suitable to you too with your current specific diet. Honey is anti-bacteria'cide and a pro-wound healer.

Tulsi grows wild worldwide (except extreme north), and should be easily available in any Garden plant nursery shop. As mentioned earlier, Tulsi contains an volatile oil, hence here is no therapeutic value in consuming dry leaves or Tulsi powder.

CARLA : If you are inclined enough, please experiment (== shall I pour water and drink the crushed leaves or just swallow them dry). If you are successful, please do post it over here for the benefit of all stone sufferers.

Incident'ly, Honey (as stand-alone) when applied (massaged weekly) on the face skin for 5-7 minutes, also micro-corrodes the top skin layer only, dis-lodging n inducing the old worn out skin cell to fall off, thereby by causing rejunevation of skin cell. Honey, due to its superficial corrosive action, also lightens up the skin color and tone.

Keep Smiling ... HA21
ha21 - rediffmail-com
HA21 last decade
HA21, I'm inclined, only I have to speak with the macrobiotic doctor who is currently seeing me now because he is very strict about sugars, saying is one of the main cause of my stones - along with my previous diet of white carbohidrates.
I hope to persuade him to let me try the tulsi remedy for at least a month and be sure that I will post here what happens..and my blessings to you, of course :)
I still haven't understood if I have to assume it with water or dry. Forgive me, not an english speaker here and also not very familiar with herbal medicaments.
carla last decade
Hello everybody
I have some updates: Lu, dr. Siddiqui hasn't gotten in touch with me yet, I guess he's very busy. I'll send him another email and if he still has no time would you help me out?
HA 21, my macrobiotic doctor told me to give it a try for at least another month before assuming any kind of sugar. So I'll wait 'till the end of august before trying your remedy. Then I'll let you know.
The good thing is yesterday I had my ecography after having had a long, painful colic that lasted one week. I received some good news. My 4mm stone is gone, I just have some gravel in both kidneys but no stones, and this to me is such a relief...
Now, I would like to know how to go on in order not to form any new one, since in the past years I've been forming stones without pause. At the moment, following some of your advice, I'm taking berberis vulgaris 30 ch, four times a day plus parietaria Q ten drops two times a day (it's supposed to help breaking stones) and Chelidonium Q nine drops twice a day for my gall bladder stone which hasn't been checked but that is not bothering me at the moment.
Any idea/suggestion of how to go on? Both to help dissolving the gall stone and to help my kidneys not build stones? I really appreciated your help and I'm looking forward to your advice.
Thanks everybody..
carla last decade
Dear Carla,

We pray for your good health. I am here...should you need my help, just feel very free to ask me....you can also email me at faisalraza71athomtail


inneed last decade
Thanks lu..:))
carla last decade
Hi carla - Calc phos is reputed to inhibit the tendency to form stones. This is biochemic theory - not to worry, same remedy, different theory is all - so if you would like to try it, please read it up. I'd go with 6x taken twice a day, stop after a fortnight, give a break and restart, maybe moving up to 12x once daily.
Minsa last decade
Minsa, thanks for your answer. I just need some clarification. "6x" is like "30 ch" or "5ch"? Shall I take three pellets each time?
Also..shall I also go on with Berberis? I don't know exactly what it does..I took it trusting the advice of the people here:)
And it helped!
carla last decade
We need Murthy for this! Na, Carla, just get 6x. You can continue the Berberis, if you still need it.
Minsa last decade
just one more question: how many pellets each time?
carla last decade

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