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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema/Psoriasis help! Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Psoriasis on head continues to improve gradually.

New patches of inflammation on chest and neck.

Armpit aggravation very uncomfortable, slightly more raised than previously. When I get hot it becomes very red with tiny spots under the skin, as if the blood as come right to the surface. (Same on upper inner thigh area, whic has got slightly worse).

New eruption on lower back/buttocks, as above.

Penis shiny, red skin, looks completely different from other eczema (herpes?) Gradually it becomes dry and leathery. Also, strange thumb-print sized, blue/black mark near base of penis. Looks like a bruise but doesn't feel like it.

Little change in elbow and knee creases.

Itching very intense late afternoon/early evening.

When I wake in the morning there are big scratch marks that have drawn blood where I must have scratched while half asleep. Otherwise trying very hard not to scartch, but sometimes unavoidable.

Energy and mood are a bit down. It feels as if the eczema is taking over my body and my life!

Better for uncovering and cool, fresh air.

Two worries:

1) Can the aggravation ever calm down while I am still taking antidepressants? Will the Sulphur just continue 'throwing it out'? I really don't feel confident to stop them as well as the steroids at this time.

2) If things continue as present I reckon I can only manage another couple of days. I wonder if you could suggest something to 'move me on'? I will leave it as long as I can before using it. I am just a bit worried about not knowing what to do while you are away. I know there are others to help but I suspect that the continuity with one person must be the better option...?

Many thanks.
kairos last decade
Hi Kairos-ever consider you may have lichen sclerosis on your penis? The leathery and bruised discription with itching sounds like it could be that.I had it-it's an evil skin condition of the vulva and penis.And it's very hard to diagnose-often misdiagnosed even with a biopsy. I know I praise beta glucan and Mesosilver-but they did help me.And I understand that they do not fall under the catagory of Homeopathic. But beleive me,I tried almost everything and nothing worked except Mesosilver,beta glucan and I did take some chromium picolinate with it.I tried some tea tree oil-it helps some-but smells really strong.Now I would swear that my LS is cured.
I understand doctors will say that LS can go into remission. But it's strange because mine never did the whole 5 years I had it.And now since taking these alternative things-within 1 week I was no longer itching.And within 1 month my thin-scarred vaginal-vulva skin was healing. Now I haven't had any problems and I'm able to have sex again with my boyfriend.Maybe these products can help you too.
Roxy90 last decade
Well the classic move is to switch to Psorinum, and as hot showers help the condition.

I would think that if you can get and take ONE ONLY tablet of
Pso 1m , it should - hopefully - move the thing on.
keypass last decade
Do you recommend doing that now, or should I stay where I am as long as I can bear it?
kairos last decade
I can get the Psorinum today, but I just wanted to check one thing.

Overnight, the eczema on my forehead (which was the first thing to disappear) has come back.

I wasn't sure if that was an indication that I should take another does of Sulphur?
kairos last decade
kairos please check out that 'keypass' is 'passkey' as otherwise you are getting 2 different advices here.
erika last decade
Thanks Erika

I had rather assumed they are the same person (perhaps foolishly) since they were giving the same holiday dates.
I am sure you are right for me to be a bit more guarded.

On another note, I would be grateful to hear from others who have gone through the 'no more steroids' process with homeopathy in order to give me a bit more courage.
It's not much fun.
kairos last decade
- eczema (red, inflamed skin with little raised spots) now coming out on my forearms, which I cannot recall happening before

- also coming out around eyes, which has reminded me of something.
The first time it ever came out like this around my eyes was when I was about 8/9 staying with family by the sea-side, I remember feeling terribly home-sick, exactly the same feeling as when I now consider myself 'depressed'. i.e. fluttering, uneasy feeling in abdomen, feeling of impending doom, loneliness with crying. Thought that might be vaguely helpful.

- would calendula cream be soothing on the red inflamed and itchy areas, or would that be suppressive? (Tried stellaria before, with no effect)
kairos last decade
I can no longer log on as passkey - so chose keypass as an alternative .

Use the Psorinum and try the creme -- a few days AFTER taking the Pso.

keypass last decade
glad to hear it is you passkey :)
erika last decade
Took Psorinum 1M 48 hours ago - had the worst night's sleep in ages!

Since then though the raw, red rashes have dried out considerably and are itching much less.

However, the improvement of my scalp psoriasis has slowed (stopped?). Overall it has reduced by just over 50%.

I am guessing that it is time to wait, but tell me if you feel otherwise.
kairos last decade
Absolutely -- now is the time to wait, advise any changes.

But am away from 10 - 28 th June
keypass last decade

Psoriasis on scalp beginning to thicken and spread again. Red, inflamed patch with flaky, white scales on top.

Eczema on forehead stable - really just a dry patch of skin.

Lips tingling a lot, but no cold sores appearing.

Rash in armpits, upper thighs, elbow and leg folds becoming dryer (pink, inflamed with dusty, white dry skin on top - cloud of dust when rubbed).

Armpit rash very uncomfortable, some raised hard patches (most likely caused by scratching since they are a bit like scabs). Also a couple of spots, like acne on the face.

Red patches developing on lower abdomen, particularly in pubic hair.

Penis very sore with white flaky dry skin and what looks like freckles at the base. They are, in fact, tiny spots of broken skin with dried yellow/brown pus. Weeps on the slightest touch with burning stinging pain.

When I wake in the morning, everything is very light pink and not too irriatating. As soon as I get up it gets worse (redder and more irritating) throughout the day.

Everything is (unsurprisingly) highly irritated upon exercise due to perspiration (especially armpits). However, I don't want to stop exercising because it keeps my weight in check and my mood up. I have stopped swimming tho' due to your warning about water.

I am craving coffee, but I don't think that is due to the caffeine, more likely the fact that I just LOVE coffee. Also craving sweet things a little more than usual.

Mood wise I am feeling a bit low, fed-up and sorry for myself because of my skin.

Strange symptom that has developed over last 3 days is pain in the middle couple of toes in my right foot, with no obvious cause. I suppose it is a sort of rheumatic, shooting pain which comes ocaissionally when I put my weight on that foot.

Thought I would get all this down before you go away in case you have any advice.

Once again, thanks for your time.

kairos last decade
Forgot to mention one other strange symptom.
Dry, cracked nipples with dryed yellow/brown discharge (as at penis).
Very sensitive - tingling.
kairos last decade
Sometimes it helps to switch to Psorinum say 30c couple of tablets and wait .
keypass last decade
Sorry to press you...but do you recommend that?

If so, 2 in one day or on consecutive evenings?
kairos last decade
One last question...
I think the worst thing that might happen during the coming days is that it all begins to weep/crust like the skin on my penis.
If this happened I think the stinging pain would be unbearable (especially around my armpits).

If this was to happen, would you recommend another remedy? I am asking just in case this happens while you are away - I don't want to mess everything up.
kairos last decade
On consecutive evenings.

Cant be sure but Carbo veg 1m may help if the condition you describe , actually happens.
keypass last decade
I guess I had an inkling this might happen...

I have just noticed now that the little red dots which make up the rash around my armpits and groin have gone a dull yellow/brown and are beginning to break, revealing moisture or pinpricks of blood. A couple have dried and become crusty like the ones around the base of my penis.

These little dots are also beginning to appear out of the generalised rash on my forearems as well. (I am guessing that this movement if positive since it is heading towards my wrists, yes?)

Nipples also broken, bleeding and weeping.

Perhaps it is moving a little quicker than I realised.

Psorinum 30c? or Carbo Veg 1m?
kairos last decade
If iys moving that quick , probably better to wait if poss.

If not use the Pso before the Carbo veg
keypass last decade
I know passkey is away, but would be glad of any reflections on my progress - just for a bit of support really, since it is not that much fun.

I am now about 2 weeks on from taking the Sulphur. I did take the 2 doses of Psor earlier in the week and they did seem to take the dge off the aggravation - especially the itch.

The Psoriasis on my head seems to have gone back to normal again after an initial (dramatic) improvement.

Eczema on forehead nearly gone. Small patch of dry skin left.

Eczema around eyes nearly gone.

Inflamation around armpits still HORRIBLE - the weeping did not turn into much, just a few little specks. Instead the rash seems to have turned into lots of red, raised spots, rather like acne but without the pus. It is now sore, raw and stinging. I DON'T LIKE IT!

The centre of the rashes behind elbows and knees seems to be clearing and there is actually fairly frsh looking new skin. The edges of the rash have crept out - especially down the forearms. Lots of those little red spots and they feel fairly dry (white dusty skin on top).

Inflamation still horrible around upper legs and genital area but 70% clear on penis. That is a relief!

Still feeling sorry for myself and wanting to go to the gym, swim and enjoy a cappuccino!

I would be grateful if anyone out there with a bit of experience could let me know if things sound as if they are heading in the right direction just to encourage me until passkey gets back.

kairos last decade
HI - yep it seems like you are describing an improvement. Hang on in there - I know how hard this can be! If not doing so already then you could use some aloe vera topically (pref fresh from the cactus otherwise buy gel as pure as poss - try on a small area first just in case of sensitivity)
erika last decade
I'm really struggling at the moment and would be grateful of some advice. I understand that it is difficult to contribute to someone else's case, but I am at a critical point.

By that, I mean that I am at the point when things are so uncomfortable that I would normally fly to the steroid creams and antivirals.

I hardly slept at all last night, waking every hour or so because of the itching. The whole picture is as follows:

Psoriasis on scalp returned to raised, thickened, flaky plaques.

Where I have traditionally had eczema on my forehead the skin is dry and fraglie. i only have to rub it gently for a couple of spots of blood to appear.

My right nipple is dry and crackedand slightly swollen with some yellow brown liquid that weeps if touched too hard. the left is beginning to get the same way.

The red, inflamed areas in all places have become a lot drier, with dusty, dry, flaky skin on the top which comes off in clouds when I gently rub it.

Here and there amongst the rash are tiny, scab like blisters containing yellow/brown clear liquid that weeps when scratched. In some places (ie my lower back)after being aggravated I touch it and a large patch is literally 'wet'.

There are numerous tiny spots of dried blood where I have scratched. That has mainly happened over night since I do my best not to scratch during the day.

I had a dreadful night with hardly any sleep. This morning my undersheet looked like someone had thrown a handful of white sand into the bed.

My penis is surrounded by lots of these weeping tiny spots, some of which have formed little yellow/brown crusts.

There is a little open nick in the skin on my penis which is very sore. Also one on my scrotum. I also see that this morning, the skin around my anus is red, inflamed, shiny and moist - a sure sign that the herpes is now coming out, so I guess that is what those other two nicks are too, which cause a stinging pain disproportionate to their size.

On the areas of my body where there are no large rashes (lower legs, upper back and abdomen) there are spots of mini rash. IE red, raised, dry patches with the little blister waiting to weep when scratched.

I don't know whether at this point I should take more Psorinum, the Carbo Veg or something else. I do know that I have to do something. I can't have another night like the last which just leaves me feeling despairing.

One thing I noticed in the night, I usually throw my covers off to stop getting too warm which agg the itching. Lat night it became worse when I threw them off. Very unusual for me.

Any refelctions suggestions from you pros out there would really be appreciated.

kairos last decade
One more thing...a new symptom.

Since the Psorinum (or at least noticeable since the Psorinum) are patches of weeping skin behind both my ears with form small crusts which come off easily only to weep again.

Also, where the skin had cleared and renewed in the bends of my elbows, new marks are developing. Not quite like the tough dry eczema, a little more like the sort of red spots you get on your face, with out pus.

...and my groin area smells...
kairos last decade
just to be clear here - I understood from reading that most of the skin symptoms initially improved after the psorinum 30c - did I understand this correctly.?
If so - how much do you feel they improved and did you feel good in yourself?
how long did the improvement last?
when exactly did the worsening start?
erika last decade
Thanks for this, erika

The scalp psoriasis began to deteriorate after an amazing improvement before I took the psorinum.

The terrible itching improved after taking the psorinum.

Also the eczema in the flexures of my elbows began to clear and fresh pale, pink skin appeared.

Also my penis was nearly clear.

Also, the eczema became generally dryer, rather than moist.

This felt more comfortable.

I only noticed yesterday the amount of tiny blisters (for want of a better word) and how much the skin weeps when scratched.

I only noticed this morning the herpes-like symptoms of my penis, scrotum and anus.

However, my energy level has been lower since starting on the Sulphur. I attributed this to my body using it's energy to kick the s**t out, so to speak. Also, not being able to exercise (which I do normally 4 times a week) is bound to leave me feeling a bit lethargic.

I think my mood began to lower a bit due to the same reasons.

If I do not sleep well it always has a significant effect on my mood.

Certainly I felt more comfortable after taking the psorinum for at least 2 days. Then I became aware of a slight increase in itching, weeping and bleeding, and now the sleep aggravation and herpes.

Looking again at the elbow flexures the rash is like the original one again - red, slightly raised blotches that are humid to touch.

I can't quite work out what's going on.
kairos last decade

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