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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema/Psoriasis help! Page 3 of 3

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Thanks for this, erika

The scalp psoriasis began to deteriorate after an amazing improvement before I took the psorinum.

The terrible itching improved after taking the psorinum.

Also the eczema in the flexures of my elbows began to clear and fresh pale, pink skin appeared.

Also my penis was nearly clear.

Also, the eczema became generally dryer, rather than moist.

This felt more comfortable.

I only noticed yesterday the amount of tiny blisters (for want of a better word) and how much the skin weeps when scratched.

I only noticed this morning the herpes-like symptoms of my penis, scrotum and anus.

However, my energy level has been lower since starting on the Sulphur. I attributed this to my body using it's energy to kick the s**t out, so to speak. Also, not being able to exercise (which I do normally 4 times a week) is bound to leave me feeling a bit lethargic.

I think my mood began to lower a bit due to the same reasons.

If I do not sleep well it always has a significant effect on my mood.

Certainly I felt more comfortable after taking the psorinum for at least 2 days. Then I became aware of a slight increase in itching, weeping and bleeding, and now the sleep aggravation and herpes.

Looking again at the elbow flexures the rash is like the original one again - red, slightly raised blotches that are humid to touch.

I can't quite work out what's going on.
kairos last decade
ok - so things physically got a bit better after the psorinum, particularly the itch and some of the weeping and you felt more comfortable - but - after taking the psorinum did you also feel better in yourself or have more energy, or at any time (again after the psorinum) did you sleep better.???
erika last decade
To be honest I think my energy and mood has declined since the very beginning.

On the two nights I took the Psorinum I definitely slept worse. Then a bit better, now worst of all.
kairos last decade
then I think it is definitely worth you changing remedy. Like you I am finding your symptoms confusing - mostly because without being able to see you and your skin I am unable to get a full enough picture to help you properly and thoroughly. Do you have a homeopath you could see local to you?
erika last decade
by the way - right at the beginning i notice you mention herpes also - what area of your body is the herpes on?
you mention recently that you suspect herpes in the genital region but is this just a thought or do you know it is really herpes in this area?
if the herpes are very much a problem yo could consider the homeopathic herpes nosode - again it is better to do this with the help of a local homeopath if you can.
erika last decade
After all that...

Today there is a definite improvement of the eczema and the herpes also.

I definitely have (had?) herpes around my anus. The other two spots were so sore and stinging that I thought they had to be herpetic. However,as I mentioned above, there seems to be an improvement and I slept without waking last night.

This is good because it means I am not so panicky and desperate. Strangely there is a shooting pain in my right toe when I step on it today. Could this be an indication of a cure working downwards or am I reading too much into it?

If it stays like this I can probably bear it til passkey comes back.

Really appreciate your attention erika - thanks.
kairos last decade
Hi - glad to read of your improvement. The pain in your toe ?- time may tell if this is a shifting of the symptoms downwards or just coincidental, it is really hard to tell with some symptoms. The main thing is you feel so much more positive and notice a good improvement. good health, erika
erika last decade
Nobody needs to respond to this, I am just keeping a record of what is happening.

Two days ago the rash around my armpits had nearly gone. After two very hot days and sunburning my forehead, the arm rashes are a bit worse again.

It is mainly confined to sweaty areas. Increased raised red rash with tiny spots of broken skin which weep profusely after I scratch them. Skin feels generally humid.

Penis skin became very dry and flaky yesterday, now it is humid and stinging with bright red slashes in skin folds.

Woken by itching last night.
kairos last decade
...and the pain in my toe only lasted one day!
kairos last decade
This is a diary for passkey, so that he does not have to review the whole thread. I have attempted to record the changing symptoms, especially those that are particularly unusual for me.

I hope you had a good break passkey, if that is what it was.

On day 1, 2 and 3 I took Sulphur 30C, 150C and 500C respectively.

Day 6
Tingling around lips as if cold sore beginning to appear.

Day 8
Existing eczema on forehead beginning to clear.
Psoriasis on head beginning to clear after 24 hour agg.
Tingling in lip finished, producing no sores.
Mod – severe agg around armpit area – pink, raised patches. Humid with dry white ‘fur’ on top.
The same in elbow and knee creases and around thigh/groin/scrotum area. Very itchy.
Waking at 5.30am by itching.
Feeling sorry for myself and worrying that lack of sleep will cause me to get depressed.
Urine beginning to smell very strong and stale.
On waking in morning tongue is yellow/brown coated.

Day 10
Psoriasis on scalp nearly gone.
New patches of inflamed skin on chest and neck.
Armpit agg very uncomfortable with lots of tiny ‘blood’ spots under the raised, inflamed patches. They feel raw and sore.
Agg on lower back and buttock area.
Penis shiny, red skin, slightly leathery.
Itching worse afternoon/evening.
Scratching is beginning to draw blood.
Feels as if my body has been invaded by this rash.
Better for uncovering and cool, fresh air.
Stools have become much softer, but still formed. The last bit breaks, leaving some behind, which is almost impossible to expel.

Day 11
Patch of eczema on forehead returns.
Eczema spreading from elbow crease down forearms.
Pink/red inflammation around eyes appears.
Horrible itching.

Day 12
Take Psorinum 1M at night.
Worse night’s sleep for ages.

Day 13
Pain (rheumatic?) in toes of right foot when standing on them.
Dry weepy skin develops behind each ear.

Day 14
Raw, red rashes have become drier and itching less.
Psoriasis seems to have stopped improving – lightly inflamed patch left, with no crusts.

Day 15
Psoriasis on scalp beginning to spread and thicken.
Eczema on forehead has become a patch of dry skin.
Lips tingling again, but no cold sores.
Rash in armpits, elbows, knees and groin continues to dry.
Rash in armpits particularly uncomfortable with what looks like spots (acne) under the skin.
Dry, cracked nipples with clear yellow discharge. Tingling sensation in both nipples.
Penis very sore with tiny spots of broken skin with clear/yellow liquid appearing.
Everything better on waking in morning. Progressively worse throughout the day.
Feeling fed up and sorry for myself.

Later in day all the rashes develop the little broken spots of skin that weep and become very wet.
Itching intense.

Day 17 & 18
Psorinum 30C at night.

Day 19
Itch lessens somewhat.

Day 20
Eczema around eyes nearly clear.
Rashes around armpits become distinctly raw and stinging.
Centre of rash in elbow and knee crease appears to be fading and fresh pink skin appearing.
Rash spreading from elbow to forearm, knee to calf.

Day 24
Itching so intense that sleep not really possible last night.
Psoriasis back on scalp as usual – raise, thickened flaky patches.
Dry patch on forehead very fragile, bleeds when touched.
Where red rashes have been skin is very dry and dusty – comes off in clouds when rubbed.
In amongst this are tiny spots/blisters full of yellowish/brown liquid which weep profusely when scratched/touched.
Base of penis, scrotum and lower back particularly weepy – they feel wet.
Several ‘nicks’ in the skin of penis and scrotum that are disproportionately painful (stinging pain) – herpes?
Humid, red, raised patches return again to elbow and knee creases.
Development of shiny red, rash around anus making passing stool very painful. I am familiar with this as herpes.
Last night my skin was less itchy if I kept the covers on – very unusual for me.

Day 26
Sudden improvement of all eczema symptoms overnight.
Shooting pain returns to toes of right foot.

Day 29 (21st June)
After 2 very hot days the rash around my armpits has returned with full force.
Feels humid and weeps profusely when scratched or even rubbed.
Penis became very dry and flaky revealing deep bright red slashes which sting considerably.
Itching wakes during night.
Painful rash around anus gone.

Day 33
Overnight improvement of eczema rashes.
Penis slightly less flaky, but still very dry skin that seems to tear apart on touch.
About 5 or 6 days ago I bit my tongue while eating fairly badly. It opened up a big flap of flesh which bled for about ½ hour. Unfortunately it looks as if it might have become infected. The flap has gone a very pale pink, lost the natural texture of the tongue and has swollen slightly. The edges of the flap seemed to have healed but not joined back to the rest of the tongue. I am not quite sure what to do. If I go to the doctor I know he will want to give me antibiotics and I don’t want to ruin any good work I have done over the last month.

Day 36
Weeping almost absent.
Rashes lighter pink, with lumpy, dry, almost crusty bits on top that feel lumpy and raised to the touch.
Itching generally less, but occasionally it comes and I just have to scratch. As I am doing it I say to myself ‘Stop, stop,’ but I just can’t. Then there appear small pin-pricks of blood.
kairos last decade
Hey Kairos. I read this thread with great interest. I have suffered with eczema for over 20 years, but your case made me nearly weep. I bounced back and forth with the steriod creams as well just desparately seeing some relief.

It seems like no one has responded to you since the end of June 2005. What happened to Keypass? I'm in the U.S. working with a homeopath who is, mercifully, very affordable. She first started me on staph 6c and I had some good results as far as getting the skin to feel not so tight or be so leathery. We tried a few other potencies and it seemed that 12c worked best when succussed in 1/2 cup water. After about 5 months it seems to have done as much as it could.

Now I'm using nat mur, which was determined to be my constitutional remedy. I had had sucess with it for another problem. I'm taking LM1 in 6oz water once per week. I've noticed that it has reduced the itching somewhat, but not totally. It seems from your diary that you're very sensitive. I am too, so she's giving me potencies that may take longer to act, but don't freak my skin out.

I'm hoping you've been able to find some relief since you last posted. You might want to think seriously stopping or substituting the espresso and sugar, because they do trigger herpes (which I also have).I don't know you, so I'm steping out a bit to say please be careful and nix the risky behavior, so you can keep your body strong and heal itself from the eczema. Don't despair: with every difficulty comes relief. Peace.
ukhti last decade
Hi - very amazed to finally read of someone who has gone through what I have, and have some suggestions for remedies if you still need them...
I got eczema as a baby, probably from apple juice, and followed much the same path as you - from obsessed with sex (I attribute it to insecurities about appearance, which seems pretty common sense), but it's the little things as well - similar diet cravings, probably going to find out I have herpes (after being a faithful boyfriend and husband for 6 years, but my wife just had an episode), no sleep for years, constant need to keep my hands busy, etc.

I have finally, after years of prednisone, topical steroids, etc, found a remedy that is helping substantially.

First, I smoke marijuana to sleep - it's the only thing that works for me.

2 (and I know this is a homeopathic forum, but I'm going to recommend regular medicines here) toprol xl, which is a beta blocker, which will keep your hands from shaking after itching, and keep the itching from getting to that frantic stage in general (and helps with sleep too).

3: taclonex and nystatin - taclonex is a combination steroid and vitamin d that will help with psoriasis and really thickened skin - nystatin is anti-fungal, which for years doctors have ignored in my nails and such, but as soon as I started, some of the thickest, plaque-iest skin started coming off, where it had been for YEARS without any kind of remedy - I couldn't even sandpaper or tweeze it off.

Anyway, hope this is of some help, and that there is some comfort knowing that someone else has shared what often feels like a very lonely and isolating life story - we aren't sick enough to be completely disfunctional, but far from normal either. Stuck in the middle.

Thanks, and good luck
llama last decade
Nystatin is an antibiotic and you need to stay away from those.

If you tend to reject sympathetic overtures then have a look at Natrum Mur 10m single dose only.
walkin last decade

Since you're talking about psoriasis natural cure - I would suggest a creams checked on in some clinics network in Eastern Europe. The origin of creams is Dead Sea. 86% remission rate - sounds not bad. I cant post URL here - please find it at psoremiss dot com
You can check out the pictures before and after

Good luck!
brinx last decade

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