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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Scanty periods

Hi I am 28 year old girl. I started getting periods at the age of 13. It was always regular. Since last 2-3 years I am getting scanty periods (cycle is regular though-28-30days)flow is red & normal in appearance also there isn't any pain during periods. I have history of pulmonary tuberculosis, which was treated 7 years ago. Please advise some medicine to get normal blood flow.
  ketneer on 2011-10-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I suggest you following medicines

1. Ferrum Phos-12x 4 pallets 2 times a day.
2. Pulsetilla-200 6 pills at bed time every day.

Take this medicine upto the next MC and than give feedback.

shouse_nsk last decade
Thanks a lot, I will surely try this and will let you know next month..
[message edited by ketneer on Wed, 12 Oct 2011 09:30:53 BST]
ketneer last decade
Hi i continued the above prescribed medicines for a month i. e. from the last period till this months period. Even this month I got my period on the 28th day and it was as scanty as before (only for one day). I got my haemogram done which shows normal HB count i.e 12% (was done in the last month )even sonography reports are normal. But this problem is persistant. my weight is 51 kg and height 5'2''. I do not have any other health issues. I also see that my eyes are sunken deep and have dark circle (my age is just 28 )I am unmarried. I do not take any other medicines. Please help
ketneer last decade
Please continue the medicine till next MC.
One more medicine I am adding is 'Ashokarishta' It is an Ayurvedic preparation.
Please take 2 teaspoon after you lunch and dinner every day in 1/4 cup of water.

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Hi. I have taken medicines as per your advise. Shall I continue these during periods. (Most probably I will get it tomorrow!)
ketneer last decade
Yes, you can continue in your MC period also

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Dr. R P Tamhankar,

I have great regards for your very impressive prescriptions. Thanks for bringing your excellent experience to this forum and benefit the patients.

I would like to share a remedy that consistently works in my practice for scanty flow. It is Kali Brom 3x, 3 tablets, every night and it puts the patient in a very healthy and normal flow permanently, even after stopping the medicine for years. I tried several remedies including pulsatila in the past and none matched any close to this. Please consider.

Sorry if you see this as an interruption.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Hi Dr Tamhankar,

Even in this month I got period on the 29th day. However again the bleeding was just for a day. & then it stopped on the second day. But I am very thankful to you as I have noticed the flow was bright red through out. Could also notice few tissues in the flow.
[message edited by ketneer on Mon, 12 Dec 2011 11:56:08 GMT]
ketneer last decade
In addition to Ferrum Phos please take crocus-30 6 pills 2 times a day.
Keep 30-40 minutes gap between two medicines
One dose of Pulsetilla-200 (6 pills)at bed time, please continue.

Take this treatment upto next MC
then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Tue, 13 Dec 2011 01:54:53 GMT]
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Tue, 13 Dec 2011 01:55:23 GMT]
shouse_nsk last decade
dr. Tamhankar,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

If i understand this correct, now I will be taking

1.ferrum Phos 12X - 4tablets twice a day
2.crocus 30 - 6 pills twice a day(with gap of 30-40min after Ferrum Phos)
3.Pulsetilla 200 - 6 pills at bed time.
4.In addition to above shall I continue taking 'Ashokarishta' ?
Thanks & Regards!
ketneer last decade
Treatment time table is OK
Yes, you continue Ashokarista

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Hi ketneer.. i am going through the same problem
Scanty periods but everything else us normal. I want to know what medicine finally worked?
Rachel3 5 years ago
Rachel without a case history it'd be difficult to suggest any thing that could be really helpful. So either on this thread or on a new thread post your case with full details.
maheeru 5 years ago

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