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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Scanty periods

Hi , I am 35 yrs old and has been facing the problem of scanty periods with dark blood and very painful periods (especially first n second day). I have this problem from past few years.. dr says its normal but I don't get a good feeling about it as my periods last for just a day , sometimes half day n sometimes just spotting for two days. From past few months i've even getting mood swings just few days before my periods . That time i feel irritated, low, gets angry very easily and sometimes too depressed and anxious.
I am hypothyroid from past 8 yrs and take 75mcg of thyronorm, sometimes get low bp but taking no medication for that. I am overweight 5'3" height with 80 kgs of weight. Trying to lose weight from past few months but not able to lose even joined gym. I usually like spicy food but now a days even crave for sweet food.I've two kids both born by csection , 1 d&c surgery and 1 ectopic pregnancy in which my right fallopian tube was removed. In summer i feel too hot and winters my hands , feets are too cold.
Please help!!
  Shalmath on 2016-11-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you get periods on time..what is the average gap between periods? Any other issues unrelated to menses?

gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Yes i usually get periods between 26-30 days. Other issues which i've is thyroid, low bp, i had even developed freckles n moles all over my body due to hormonal changes during my pregnancy. No other issues.
Shalmath 8 years ago

Take a dose of pulsatilla..4 pills..once in a week,till you get next menses and report back.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Thanks for ur reply. Does Pulsatilla come in any potency? If yes then which one to go with?
Shalmath 8 years ago
200c..sorry. I missed the potency part.
gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Ok thanks.. will update you.
Shalmath 8 years ago
Gavinimurthy.. my update on taking the medicine. I took pulsatilla for 3 weeks n before the fourth week i got my periods . They still lasted for a day but the pain was less comparitively to what it used to before and even the blood was bright red as compared to dark brown.
What should i do next?
Shalmath 8 years ago

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