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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Scanty Periods

Hi, i m having scanty periods from past 3 to 4 years. Earlier i was taking Ashoka Q, Pulstilla Q but these medicines are not helping me in scanty periods, i got all test done thyroid, prolactin and the results are normal. I basically need a medicine to increase my flow during periods. earlier my periods use to last for 6 to 7 days now they just last for 2 to 3 days that too only spotting. i get periods on time every month from past 2 to 3 months i have started putting on weight. i am 30 years old 5'6" height, i m married not planning for a baby.

kindly suggest me medicine to get proper flow during periods.

  kaitkigg on 2016-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Write about following:
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Skin color/Eye color.

PLease explain everything in detail. Don't try to cut short. What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you.

All your past and present health in sequence oldest to newest. All details of previous treatments (oldest to newest) and their effects.

Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.

Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.

Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?

Write something unique about you (how you are different from others or what makes you special).
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Hello,I am not a doctor but I was also suffering from same problem so you take Bio combination 15 of reckweg company .This will help you.
ranu4 8 years ago
This beats anything!
Patient is complaining about scanty PERIODS and DrKulkarni is asking GENDER!
It appears to me that many prescribers are simply pasting some questionnaire to add respectability to their entity.
Periods is such a common trouble and see the questions they ask!
I request Kulkarni to pls make public his one complete analysis of a case in which he used this info.
Sir, are you really a doctor?
radhey1504 8 years ago
for Kaitkigg: If you need help give me 2-3 days and wait.
radhey1504 8 years ago
Radhey I was under impression that you are a person with some good sense but unfortunately you blew my beliefs in air.

It is a questionaire, dear. It will have it's won format. If you have it printed on paper, I don't think you keep two seprate formats for males and females. In fact, going through your logic, you never have to to mention gender in your questionaire.

Please understand that it for records purpose and it doesn't imply I do not know the gender of a patient with periods problem. please sharpen your common sense.

And I am not here to prove my qualification, certainly not to people like you. If you have any such senseless objections please don't read my posts & better just mind your own business.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
You must have consulted some doctor. What did she say?
Why do you feel that 6-7 days period is normal? What inconvenience are you experiencing because of this "shorter" period? Is it only the reduced amount of discharge that is worrying you?
radhey1504 8 years ago
Did you really need help?
radhey1504 8 years ago

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