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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


A month or so ago the music system fell on my hands. I had hurt my thumb nail but not much.
Thereafter I noticed a swelling on my right arm just above the wrist. I didnt take much notice as there was no pain or anything. Yesterday the lump (it is a fleshy lump) started aching / worse cold application like bath in cold water and better warm. Today I went to the Doctor who after examining it said that it was trauma injury - thrombosis and prescribed some anti biotics like Doxt and Chymoral. Is there any homeopthy medicine I can take so as to not take the antibiotics.
Pankaj, Astra, Kuldeep, walkin pl help
  maya_hari on 2005-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Antibiotics are NOT the correct treatment for thrombosis -- as defined below!!.
It MAY be a Bursae... this the old type docs used to lay on a desk and hit sharply witha book .. it disperses the fluid-

BUT would not suggest this . Try either Bellis per 6x twice a day for 10/14 days and wait-
2· wks to judge results .


try Hepar Sul 6x same way should absorb problem-

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs. The condition can be painful and may result in blood clots breaking free and traveling to the lungs (embolism), where they may obstruct blood flow and cause serious health problems or death.
Blood Clot

DVT occurs most often among people over the age of 50. In recent years, researchers have identified a number of risk factors that may contribute to DVT. They include inherited conditions, long periods of immobility, pregnancy, recent surgery or trauma to the legs, smoking, cancer, use of birth control pills and certain forms of heart disease.

Once diagnosed, deep vein thrombosis is usually treated with medication that helps prevent additional blood clots from forming or existing blood clots from growing larger. Physicians may also prescribe special compression stockings that help blood flow upward through the veins of the leg. In serious cases, a device called a vena cava filter may be implanted into the veins of the leg. This basket–like device prevents blood clots from traveling up into the lungs.

Deep vein thrombosis is a type of thrombophlebitis. However, it should not be confused with a less dangerous form of thrombophlebitis called superficial vein thrombosis (SVT or phlebitis). SVT occurs when blood clots form in the surface veins of the legs. This condition is not as dangerous because these blood clots will not travel to the lungs.
walkin last decade
Your doctor must have been sleeping through med school!

Antibiotics are used ONLY to kill bacteria- in closed injury (skin not broken) they are USELESS.

Doesn't he know that?!

In injuries like that arnica and bellis-p are best - as to hepar I have no exp.
Astra2012 last decade
I second that - I think you should take the bellis.
Minsa last decade
Thanks walkin n Astra. I do have Bellis 30 but will call for 3x. Arnica I am taking 6 in succused dose as advised by Joe for my circulation. Otherwis I have it in 30, 200 and 1m.
maya_hari last decade
walkin I had suffered from thrombophlebitis for 12 years before the cause was diagnosed by my same physician and he advised sonography of the liver. I was found to have gland tb on my liver itself and it was about to burst. I agree that the ulcers on my legs i used to get were very deep and damn (forgive me for swearing) painful.
It was diagnosed as everything possible to cancer. I'll never forget those 12 years.
Yes my present condition maybe bursae.
maya_hari last decade
Dear walkin,
it seems that i can't stop falling. A week or so back my foot just turned over and I fell on the bedpost quite hard. it was difficult for me to get my balance then. i hurt my chest on the right side. Not much pain then. Here i must let you know that my BP has increased these days for no apparent reason. It is now 160/100. I was also told that diabetics do lose their balance for no reason. As i have quite a few times fallen. I wear 1" heels as cant get lower ones which wont hurt my feet. In this only my foot just turns over at times and i fall, but the last time was 2 years ago.

A few days later all the muscles on my right arm were aching very badly. A single dose of Ruta 30 as advised by a physician put paid to it.

Now from the last 2-3 days the gland in my right underarm has become egg shaped and is aching quite badly. The previous problem of bursae also has aggravated. I had to take the anti-biotics as the Bellis (i took 30 as 3x was not available at that shop) had not helped at all. I took 3 doses in 3 days. The antibiotics had helped a lot.

This problem of gland swelling up in my underarm has happened many times. Last time a single dose of Belladonna 30 had helped but this time it didnt. took 3 doses, last a few hours ago.

What do you suggest??
maya_hari last decade
walkin do reply...
maya_hari last decade
As per my doctor's advice am taking Belladonna 30 and Echinacea Q 10 drops both once. My gland has reduced but pain is still there though less, as is the pain on the swelling on my forearm.
It does seem that walkin is angry as I took the antibiotics.
Cant Astra, Kuldeep or even walkin help??????
maya_hari last decade
maya_hari please email me.
kuldeep last decade
Kuldeep have emailed you and waiting for yr reply either here or in mail.
maya_hari last decade
1st stage hypericum
alangail1 last decade

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