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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

dosage question

I just received a bottle of arnica 30c. It says on the bottle to put 4 drops into a teaspoon of water, but I was told to put only 3 drops into an entire bottle and take a capfulof that. That seems very diluted to me. Please help. Thanks.
  ozzye69 on 2012-06-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Most homeopaths on here say put
3 drops or 2 drops or 4 drops---
into a 1.4 cup of mineral water or
a cup of water and drink that.

Everyone seems to have
their own way of dosing.I assume
your homeopath told you how to
dose this??
simone717 last decade
Yes homoeopathy relies on highly diluted medicines. Arnica 30c has already been diluted 1 part to 100, 30 times, so there is no actual Arnica left in it. The dilution factor does not diminish the power of homoeopathic medicines.

Follow the instructions of your practitioner, who knows your situation, not those on a bottle.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, Simone
ozzye69 last decade
Hi-by Yes Simone, I think you mean
your homeopath told you to dose it
this way? If so, like Brisbane said you
should follow the directions bc the
homeopath has a reason for
instruction to be the way it is-so go
ahead with what you were told.
simone717 last decade
Ok, thank you.
ozzye69 last decade

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