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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

about dosage

sir i have some confusion about dosage.if i dissalve 3 pills of siliciea 6c in one drum water and sip whole water is it 1 dosage?my main question is, can i make wet dosage from pills any potency e.g 1x 3x 6c 30c 1m etc?what is more useful,3pills directly use or 3pill mix with 1drum water suck it then sip?
  Jakir Hossain on 2012-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
yes it is one dosage.
Yes you can make one dosage out of what
you asked.
Many homeopaths like the pills in water
bc they feel the water spreads out over
mouth and tongue better that way
and gets into system better.

doses such as dry pills, wet doses, split
doses and olfactory doses are picked
by your homeopath depending on
how sensitive you are, and depending
on their chosen method of how they
like to dose. You are not going to find
one set of rules here. Almost every
homeopath on this site does it a
little different. There is no ONE answer.
simone717 last decade
thank you sir for your reply.sir i want to clear just one thinks more,suppose i have gels 3x or veratam alb 3x or aconite nap 1x potency in globules form.if i mix 3 globules of gels 3x in 1drum water and use it three time instead of one time?my main doubt is: suppose,aconite nap 1x globules itself lower potency after that if i mix 3globules of aconite 1x then will be this remedy effective aganist diseases?i shall be grateful if you or anybody answer me.
Jakir Hossain last decade
f you want to be sure of potency
mix it up each time. That solves
the problem.
simone717 last decade

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