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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Multiple Symptoms and Suffering.. no end with treatment..COPD..indigestion.. acidity.. colic.. IBS.. erectile dysfunction.. inconstinence.. lessened control on stool and urine.. uneasy feeling in the groin and penile area..hernia like pressure..

I have been suffering from a variety of diseases for a long time now, thus my homeopathic doctors are getting annoyed as I end up asking too many remedies in a short time. A brief description of my symptoms and treatments followed are listed below, kindly advise the best and smoothest cure in a short span of time as I am running out of patience.
I was a heavy weed smoker for a long time(5-7 years), consuming an average of 5-6 joints a day.
I started smoking weed in 2005 and quit once for 8 months successfully in 2007. I took a course of Naltima and chlorodiazepam for a one and a half months in 2007 and was able to quit marijuana for 8 months. After 8 months, I started taking weed again from November 2007 and continued till February 2012 after developing an array of problems and from the scare of developing Kancer.
During 2010-2011 end, I started getting a couple of symptoms that were covered with over the counter medications like Pantaprazole-Domperidone, Sompraz 40 for acidity everyday. I used to generally take these medications once at empty stomach in the morning. At times, I felt alright with hunger generated in the morning without medications, however as the day progressed and with the intake of 3-4 joints, I would end up gathering high flatulence and acidity by the end of the day, so much that i felt something pushed my chest from downwards causing pain in the chest relieved a little by the passing of gas. However, I took Pantaprazole or Sompraz in the evening, before or after food and the problems would be alleviated a little after doing stool which at times were tarry black and dry and in a state of varied constipation. Stool movement would only be cleared in water is entered from the anus sufficiently to clear the region for a couple of time to pass all the stool and accumulated gas. In the morning, I would wake up with hunger cramps or sleep in distress with hunger cramps thus when I woke up I would have bile and some kind of bad smelling gasses and liquid trapped in the stomach making me feel uneasy and nauseated. I would drink 1-1.5 litres of water and vomit out or flush my stomach with fingering my throat to vomit the water that is mixed with the bile (lower layer) and the foul smelling liquid and gas trapped above it to help me feel better and less nauseated. This continued from 2011 starting till date, after leaving marijuana in February 22nd, 2012. I used to feel feverish the entire day, only feeling hot and sweaty due to excess pressure during a constipated stool (at times loose and jelly like) and lotta pressure near the circle of willis region of the brain.
Towards the end of January, just before leaving marijuana I would haluscinate of things moving unexpectedly around the corner of the eye. I would be scared immensely of spirits. My sexual libido was also gone, but had a day long urge always which had put a lot of pressure on my penis and the reproductive system ejaculating everyday for 2-3 times.
After leaving marijuana, the world and all the symptoms just amplified to hell potencies, a list is described below:
1. Heart Palpitations along with weakening of the left and right arms and hands and I would feel excessive palps on the fingertips during such an attack. Shortness of breath was also accompanied with it. The heartbeat will be felt coming to the throat and throbbing behind the eyes and throbbing head(brain). The palms would become cold during this time as the heart rate pulse remained around 96bpm.
2. Acidity is a prime factor as no urge for food would be generated without taking Pantaprazole or Sompraz in the morning, and the following day the same morning vomit with 1-1.5 litres of water would be needed to relieve discomfort and nausea.
3. I could not give up smoking, and the marijuana and smoking over the years have me on Aerocort Inhaler for 2 years now. With temporary relief. If I have 10 cigs a day due to tension, I will be completely gasping for air with raw lungs and trachea and dryness and phelm like jelly or just white sputum.
4. Done CBC tests in March and have had an increased eosinophil of 11% which the doctors said is the cause for the multiple infections in the respiratory region including Pharyngitis in the morning and at times during the day. The PNS X-Ray has detected sinusitis of both Maxillary and the bilateral sinuses. Chest X-Ray showed increased venous activity with no tumors or abnormalities as such. The ultrasound has no abnormalities of the whole abdomen (liver 182mm, normal spleen etc. only the post void urine retention was 54cc which should have been within 10cc as I have great loss of control in emptying the urine also erection during urine at times. The entire system is messed up there. The same with the stool, other than muscle movement due, I dont have much normal control on exiting the stool, the inclusing of water into the anus increases its size at times helps in complete evacuation with a gas burst and water at times..or just gas burst with water spray at times if the water content in the anus or the pressure is not maximised the flow would stop somewhere inside evacuating within the rectum.

5. The brain fog continues till day, with some relief from Vita-c 15 Forte and Ginseng 1x and Bacopa Monierri 1x.. they increase the Panic attack like palps and shortness of breath at times.. The shortness of breath accompanied with COPD is dangerous at times feeling like if I breathe out the sympathetic nervous system will not take air back into the lungs, I have to concentrate and do that for hours to regularize as I fall asleep.. and usually during the shortness of breath as I consciously breathe in a lot of air, I feel a lil dizzy and tingling sensation on the limbs and the face and the head with lightness in the heart region and the heart palps happen with a feeling like shock multiple times during the episode. I have a hard time remembering short term memory and panic on the lightest of thoughts. The nose is blocked most of the times only opens for a few hrs or during sleep time after using NASIVION on either nostrils which I have been using for 3 months now for temporary relief and the sprays feel like scraping the inside of the nose and causing a cut like burn during the spray.
6. Due to the vomit and smoking, I have also developed a TMJ disorder and also because I have had teeth setting correction with cross bite with bridges. I feel pain when chewing a lot and now I have a tension in the left and right jaw and muscles which causes blunt pain when in chewing posture. The urine does not evacuate completely and is scanty and blocked with uneasy feeling with the anus feeling tucked inside the hip due to presence of gas.
7. The ejaculation draws the blood down from the brain with some relief from heavy headed ness, with a premature, blocked, lil ejaculation after long massaging and with a stiff lower penis with the head soft and the stiff going away as soon as the brain diverts a lil elsewhere or massaging stops.
8. The reason I stopped marijuana was primarily the development of multiple sub mucosal cysts present till date, a lil soft with the use of Condurango 6 and Belladonna 30. And the tongue was red and sore at multiple parts which has gone down a little but with the vomitting a smoking the pain is still there with little reddness still persisting.

FEVERISH tendency with chills and body heat fluctuating with HOTNESS.. After food the feverish tendency comes back.. it increases with increased flatulence and acidity.

Also had ear pain and incraesed tonsils which have reduced a lil with the use of PHYTOLACCA 30 and PHYTOLACCA Q for 1.5 months now.

The medicines I have had so far are:-
Then switched over to homeopathy... Starting treatment with SPONGIA and others the prescription did not mention. The stomach size increased many manifolds with no or less movement and ultimate constipation. Then homeopathic doc suggested CHELIDONIUM, HYDRASTIS CAN, and CARDUUS MARIANUS which kept the sharp pain near liver pancreas and stomach and lower abdomens high with some bowel movement. BOWEL was turmeric yellow in color and like TOFU.
SWITCHED homeopath doctor again, he prescribed NUX VOMICA 6 (Which I still take, helps somewhat with the acidity, and hunger and overall well being but the gas issue is still persistent with a lesser degree now, negligible), R-49 3 22ml ampules to end now, the bad smelling mucous is less now but not gone. If I am off it.. the pharyngitis is back with nose blocked and dry and dry mucous and blocking feeling, BACOPA MONIERRI 1X (increases the PALPS thus have stopped taking after half bottle of pills), belladonna 30 helped with the rawness of the lungs and larynx a lil bit but not completely curing, PHYTOLACCA 30 (if stopped taking then the pharyngitis re-appears in a period of 24-48hrs and then it keeps on oscillating..).. he also prescribed Ginseng 1x which is having a placebo effect.. as I cannot feel anything that is helping after I take the medicine.. Also he prescribed taking v-C15 forte ampules from Reckeweg.. I had increased palps and throbbing till the throat during the starting days of taking the first 12 ampules as soon as I went to sleep with increased shortness of breath and lightness in the arms.. and complete restless ness which has somewhat decreased in vigour.. I am on the 22nd ampule now.. The sleep regulation was however a lil better.. but if I am of it for three or four days.. the problems with sleep are back again.. The doctor also prescribed K-MEM from K-ayrveda.. he said that I was filled with floating free radicals due to the marijuana exposure and that was causing all the organs to not function properly and the memory failing with the brain not function properly due to slight cerebral atrophy.. The doctor also gave me 8 metred wet doses of Ammonia Carb.. for the nasal polyps ( I have to take Nasivion Nasal Spray once or twice a day to clear nasal blockage otherwise the nose is blocked, I try and take in and out water during a bath which temporarily clear the nostrils for an hour or two..not more than that..).. at last he again switched medicines and gave me Carica Pap. which started screwing my system again with stomach cramps and a foul smelling stool.. the stool is however constantly fluctuating..and the trapped gas causes intense irregular bowel movement.. Unable to get any clear results and invested so much on medicines again.. I switched homeopathic doctors..
The new doctor told me to stop all medications and start with a dose of Camphora 200, Nux Vomica 1M in 2 wet doses and then start with Chelidonium Q everyday twice 10 drops.. this again affected my system big time.. my stool constipation was back big time.. I had to get out of doing stool with half of the stool remaining inside.. I asked the doctor to relieve the constipation and the COPD and nasal dryness symptoms which were back with a bang after stopping Ferrum Phos, Mag Phos, Kali Phos, Kali Mur (causes nausea so I regulate the dosage between 2 and 3 tabs).. he suggested Carbo Veg. 6 6 globules twice daily.. This started stool to get soft and smelly with cramps and multiple times urge with excessive mucous, being excreted everytime.. The sub-mucosal cysts on the lower and upper lips were also getting bad.. I was in distress researching out proper homeopathic meds.. so took Passiflora Incarnata 6 6 globules 2wice for sound sleep( sleep was ok.. but nothing else.. screwed system.. but the flatulence and overall body temperature which stays around 100F after meals .. makes me feel chilly round the clock.. then goes out and comes back again.. I tried Arnica 30 6 globules .. for the TMJ disorder .. the pain goes to the left ear.. while closing the jaw everytime.. chewing.. or gulping spit or water in.. all this distress increased my smoking many folds and I am back on the 10 cigs a day which is causing heavy wheezing.. dryness.. shock like sensation in lower trachea and lungs and the heart region.. There is a constant erection everyday.. but as soon as I touch the penis.. due to brain fog and nervous problems and distress as the Asshole feels it has gone inside.. and pressure in that region and the flatulence.. causes the erection to soften but erection must be done so i ejeculate a soft penis.. this has hurt the penis.. and now when I put some pressure for gas let out.. or emptying the bladder the right part to the head of the penis has a pain and electric sensation.. The doctor changed the medicines.. asking to stop all other and take.. Merc Sol. 6 (40 - Globule size) 4 globules 2wice daily and Holarrhena 3x 3 drops 2wice daily with a one hour gap... this has caused troubled sleep and uneasy feeling all along the body.. The jaw pain and clicking and shuffling sound and pain to the inner left ear still exists.. Hyperacidity after food.. lotta flatulence.. digestion not normal.. foul smell from the mouth.... diminshed apetite.. Ultra brain fog.. due to distress increased and palps and shock like attacks with shortness of breath when lying down or going to sleep.. The stomach area is screwed.. with less urge to drink water.. urination inconsistence and loss of control.. along with stool that needs to be pushed out multiple times with water inserted... The COPD.. blocked nasal passage temp relief with Nasivion.. and the sinus area.. feeling (like when water enters the nose.. the pressure and dull pain and sensation created.. in a diminished form..).. pressure behind eyes.. and the normal well-being feeling is gone.. and the clean air intake that people enjoy from the nose and mouth is gone..(temporary 20% relief with Aerocort 2 puffs)
KINDLY SUGGEST SOMETHING.. A PROPER TREATMENT.. wherein I can get a result..in time with immediate temporary relief.. I have bought medication/.. just homeopathy of over Rs. 7000.. and with no relief... suffering.. Help me end my suffering..
  avishek on 2012-06-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Looking for a reply .. soon.. specially from the likes of Dr. Shah.. Joe Livera.. :)
avishek last decade
Hi there,

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

nawazkhan last decade
1. ID - avishek
2. Age - 28
3. Sex - male
4. Single/Married - single
5. weight - 98Kgs
6. Height …. 172cms
7. country - India
8. climate - Hot / warm/ humid
9. List of your complaints - There are so many complaints that I have posted a huge post.. above.. kindly go through it to understand the array of problems I am having..

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint
2 years..COPD
3 years... IBS and acidity
Incontinence of stool and urine - 3 years..or more..
Cerebral pressure and Fog - 3 years
Sinus - 2 years ( recently detected)
Foul breath and acidity - 6 years
palpitations.. weakening of arms.. pain around chest.. sometimes left..sometimes centre.. sometime right side.. like half bands to the back.. - 2 years
blocked nasal passage..dryness.. and pain at the back of the eye - 3 years
throbbing head pain... more when I took week.. 3 years..
tonsils enlarged - 2 years
ear pain..in ear stitching pain.. and infection like feeling.. now with a TMJ disorder.. click on left jaw.. with pain and pain into ear everytime of bite action.. cannot completely bite.. pain near jaw back..below ear when pushed...
shortness of breath - comes and goes.. mainly with palps.. - 9-11 months
reddish tongue with pain - lil less now.. but comes and goes - 3 years
stopped smoking for 2 days now..

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
non diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
salt and sweet at times
13. Thirst
lessened a lot..
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)
normal range with and without
16. What exactly is happening?
Kindly refer to the post I have written.. it contains intensive information on exact symptoms and time frame..
17. How do you feel?

overall feeling of wellbeing gone.. dont get hungry in the morning without taking antacid.. wake up with hunger.. after which If food is taken without antacid like opeprazole or pantaprazole (ppi).. acidity occurs..
18. How does this affect you?
memory loss..short term mainly.. coordination.. anxiety.. sympathetic nervous system not working properly.. dont feel good.. fresh air with full lungs not taken for a long time.. taking a bath makes things a lil better.. IBS.. cramping abdomen.. acidity.. slight hiertal hernia.. as something pops when touched.. if lying streched on left side.. just below the left rib cage.. concentration loss.. floating sparks at times in front of eyes.. at times.. they are tiny black and white sparks..
19. How does it feel like?
overall bad.. and sluggish and lost edge..
20. What comes to your mind?
sexual and dirty thoughts.. hate going into lil unclean bathroom.. lil black or drty things.. makes me think I am licking them ..or touching it with penis.. dirty thoughts.. must masturbate once a day.. lead to erectile dysfunction completely.. and ejaculation is incomplete.. with more stuff staying in.. if masturbating after a few days.. strange shocking feeling near base of penis.. prostrate size is normal.. (Ultrasound report of whole abdomen is normal.. only post void had 50cc urine.. as had problem urinating in unclean bathroom.. have to imaging nice things.. and loss of neural control..on excretion as a whole.. stool must be evacuated with water a couple of times..
21. One situation that had a big effect on you?
not making it happen in life.. from all corners.. delaying studies.. an array of problems..
22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?
anxiety.. sluggish.. palps at times recently with shortness of breath from feb, 2012
24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
washing hands multiple times.. has lead to arms to become whtish after dry with burning sensation.. I try to stay clean after every touch.. human.. or things or pets..
25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
chelidonium majus Q Hydrastis Can Q
Carduus Mar. Q
*phytolacca Q and someothers without names..
switched doctors
Ferrum Phos 6x, Kali Mur 6x, Kali Phos 6x, Mag Phos 6x, SBL Tranquil, Bell 30 90% alcohol (3 times 3 drops daily..phytolacca 30 same dosage.. nux vomica 6 same dosage.. ginseng 1x.. bacopa monnieri 1x, vita c 15 forte 24 ampules.. carica pap Q 2 drops 3 times daily.. natrum sulph 6x 3 tabs 3 times daily.. arnica 30 wet dose for 4 days twice..then to globules 6 3 times daily.. passiflora incarnata 6.. 6 globules 2wice daily.. Condurango 6 .. 6 globules .. 3 times daily for the sub mucosal multiple cysts in lower and upper lips... allenzyme.. 2 tsps..3ice daily..after meals...before allenzyme.. digeaid...
Then changed doctor..
started with Chelidonium Q 10 drops twice daily.. before that nux vomica 1M two doses 2days..at night.. camphora 200.. 1 dose.. 12 ml..
massive constipation.. and other problems.. changed to Merc Sol 6 40 size.. 4 globules 2wice daily.. and holarrhena 3x 3 drops..2wice daily.. .. amebices.. like symptoms.. acidity.. changed meds .. instead of Merc sol.. nux vom 200.. 30 globules.. 2 times daily..
advised to take Omeprazole (Sompraz 40mg) daily .. in empty stomach in the morning..

26. Family Background
self employed family.. middle class..
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient
28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?
self employed.. at startup stage.. struggling..
29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food
scared of food now.. but loved good food.. tandooris.. chinese.. continental steaks.. burgers.. fries.. etc..
30. Name of foods which increase your problem
foods heavy in nature.. now even fruits cause acidity..
31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
like to stay at home and relax and make things better.. specially the COPD.. which I believe can never be cured.. also the acidity and multiple times stool evacuation..
32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
kindly read the post.. there are multiple problems
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
kindly read the post.. there are multiple problems
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
fluctuating stool.. constipated.. loose.. dry.. soft.. hard.. pebble like.. dark brown.. dark red brown.. dark green.. greenish black.. turmeric yellow.. mucous laden... must evacuate with water inserted in rectum to clear residual stool.. multiple times.. and have to put immense concentration or the anus would shut and the clearing operating would be incomplete..
Urine.. fluctuating color.. the flow is diminsihed as if the sphicter muscle is partially closed.. or its getting obstructued.. will end abruptly with drops on pants or floor..
spit is fluctuating as well.. white.. clear.. stringy.. mainly...

Will request you to read the Original post of the complete description of symptoms..
avishek last decade
A plenty of time is required to read all this. Please hold your horses.
nawazkhan last decade
sure.. eagerly waiting..
avishek last decade
Alright, lets start on Aloe Soc 200C, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, One Daily Dose, for 3 days.

Stop all remedies. You need to follow directions, if you want to get well soon, inshallah?

You must not self-prescribe as these remedies have serious side effects. These remedies are very powerful.

You have already made a big mess of your health. I hope and pray that you will respect the precious time of others helping you. I am a very busy person. Therefore, unnecessary Q's will not be entertained at all.

Good luck, many prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks a ton .. dr. Khan.. I have not self medicated myself.. all were prescribed by doctors.. only Passiflora Incarnata.. and Arinica 30 was self medicated.. It seems my health situation is grim.. will I be ok.. is it too late.. what Should I do after three days.. when the aloe Soc course completes..
avishek last decade
'what Should I do after three days..'
Who knows what is going to happen in 1 minute and you are worried about 3 days. Response from this remedy will be, inshallah, evaluated and your changing symptoms in 3 days will be considered for the next remedy.

'only Passiflora Incarnata.. and Arinica 30 was self medicated.'
still self-prescribing.

'It seems my health situation is grim..'

' will I be ok..'
Put your full trust in our creator as it is only in his hands.

' is it too late.'

Now, you must be careful with your silly Q's in the future, if you want to stay with me? I am sorry, I don't have time to waste on your stupid Q's. If you carry on, then, I will have to ask you to forgive me and request your treatment from someone else. And surely, this is going to happen.
nawazkhan last decade
No more Q's Dr. Khan.. I have faith in God.. hope he will have mercy.. also the COPD.. intense wheezing.. and the lungs not being able to take full capacity air.. and dry.. Hope the COPD can be cured too... as I have read COPD is irreversible.. The ferrum phos 6x that I took earlier helped a bit.. I have faith in you and HIM so dont get annoyed.. I am in dear distress.. waiting for a miracle cure..Kindly keep helping me.. hope I will become ok.. also the Sompraz 40.. omeprazole magnesium in the morning.. for acid regulation the entire day to continue work.. should I keep taking that every morning.. and should I have the Aloe Soc.. before or after food..
avishek last decade
Also forgot to mention.. the nose is blocked.. if I dont take 1 spray of nasivion.. and the aerocort Inhaler that I have been taking for months now for the lungs to ease..a lil bit.. should I continue them as well..
avishek last decade
bought.. reckeweg aloe soc 200.. is just 200 means 200c as there was no 200'C' mentioned on the medicine.. and the guys at the store could not clarify.. did I buy the right product???
avishek last decade
yes, 200 is ok.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Dr. Khan,
Replying after taking Aloe Soc. 200 for 3 days now.. today is the fourth day.. I have been taking 4-5 drops (as an extra drop would fall unintentionally after the last drop) in 45-60ml of water.. everyday in the morning since Sunday morning.. Quick analysis of the situation.. The holarrhena 3x and nux vom 200 that I was taking before starting aloe had severely constipated the stool also turning the stool black and pungent.. apetite was diminished as well the as the acidity (reflux) continued..after taking aloe Soc. the apetite has slightly increased.. flatulence.. continues.. the lungs are producing some phelgm.. and nose is producing some phelgm.. the constriction and the dyspnea and the wheezing of the lungs and the lack of air intake continues.. I have just one cigarette now in the morning for the past 4 days.. as I am habituated whilst going for stool and the eyes dont open.. The IBS symptoms are lessened but still have some vigour.. I am still taking 1 omeprazole in the morning everyday.. as without it the acidity continues..heavy acid reflux.. tried 2 days without it.. Have to still take Nasivion Nasal Spray to clear the nose twice daily still..or else the nose would block out.. and the trachea is really dry with some ear inside ear itching.. pharyngitis is lower.. Dr. Khan.. kindly suggest to ease the wheezing.. dyspnea.. and dryness of the lungs and the lack of oxygen intake.. it is causing a lot of problems.. I was wondering whether the vomiting I did..some of the acid water got into the lungs many a times.. whether that has destroyed lungs tissue.. will I die soon.. as the wheezing..dyspnea.. and normal air intake of the lungs feeling constricted (also heart palps whilst lying down) doesnt go away a lil even though I am still using nebulizer (aeroCort) 2 puffs.. 2wice daily.. Kindly assist Dr. Khan.. I am following all ur guidelines.. no other homeopathy meds other than Aloe Soc.. only the omeprazole for acidity ( which I had to take)..the inhaler and the nasal spray.. I hope i dont die in the next few years..I am not married.. and 28 years old.. have never done anything bad other than taking cigarettes..marijuana..and some alcohol..save my life Dr. Khan.. the breathlessness primarily (also the abdomen area issues) will kill me..:(
avishek last decade
I am attaching also a picture of the sub-mucosal cysts..multiple on the lower lip.. they also appear in the upper lip.. but less in number.. they are like multiple small bumps.. Hope these can be cured too.. before they become something dangerous and malignant.. one of the previous docs suggested Condurango 6 & bell 30.. which did not do much..The report from the aloe soc. 200 dose is reviewed in the previous post..

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avishek last decade
Another update Dr. Khan.. Since the stomach grumbles in the evening..for an urge to go to stool and no stool happening.. tried the self anema with a telephone shower.. which I have to do always.. since either stool does not come out completely or does not come out at all and its dry inside..Its either constipated..or constipated with small balls of stool coming out with flatus after multiple anema.. the morning stool was fluid and with cramping.. semi liquid.. and almost did it in my pants.. had to go twice in the morning.. There was too much flatus..both upwards and downwards..applied lots of pressure to try to pass stuck small balls.. one was stuck completely..so applied too much pressure.. having pains around the bladder and abdomen..felt like a pregnant women delivering and collapsing due to exhaustion only part no c-section can be done in this case... still after taking aloe.. Kindly help.. eagerly waiting for a reply from ur end..
avishek last decade

Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, One dose when you wake up in the morning and one dose at 2:00PM, for 3 days.

Also, Rhus Tox 200C, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, One dose at 10:00AM and one dose at 6:00PM, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
And will the aloe Soc.. continue.. also.. vomitted forcefully yesterday in the morning.. as bile had formed in the stomach.. before I could eat.. Thus.. the force might have done something inside.. and now when I burp..which happens continuosly after taking food.. there is a sharp pain below the right tonsil.. should I take something for that as well..
avishek last decade
Stop Aloe Soc.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for the effort..Dr. Khan.. hope this relieves some of the issues.. I am travelling constanly with all these ailments.. in terrible shape.. my anus is heavily scratched and burning.. chest pains.. cracking jaw.. abdomen pains..cramps.. urge to stool..then no stool..lots of flatus.. overall body ache.. urine problems.. blocked nose.. dyspnea..wheezing.. dryness inside.. In lotta pain.. hope.. allah..christ and Sri Vishnu..hail their magic powers on me.. and may find me worthy of a healthy life..
avishek last decade
Dr. Khan.. bought loose.. Ars. Alb 200 and Rhus Tox 200.. SBL.. from the homeopathy store as I dont know whether u will ask me to continue it.. thus did not buy reckeweg.. as the reckeweg..Aloe soc 200 will now be shelved at only less than 1/4th use.. do you suggest I but the german Reckeweg.. or this will do the work now..as you might change it..after 3 days..
avishek last decade
Please buy 'german Reckeweg'.
nawazkhan last decade
surely .. Dr. khan.. but just one small query.. will I be continuing.. this med..for sometime.. or else the rest of the bottle will go to shelf.. started the course.. today.. the stool has normalized a little.. the urge to do stool after completion of stool still exists.. please dont take otherwise.. just confirming before I purchase.. it..reckeweg.. Thanks.
avishek last decade
Please do not ask silly Q's. I am a very busy man.

Simone, please help here.
nawazkhan last decade
I apologize dr. Khan.. if I have asked any silly questions.. I understand ur patience and virtue of finding out precious time to help me.. I am greatful.. I am just trying to convey.. Thanks..
avishek last decade
Ok, no problem, but, what can I do for 'or else the rest of the bottle will go to shelf.'?
nawazkhan last decade

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