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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Multiple Symptoms and Suffering.. no end with treatment..COPD..indigestion.. acidity.. colic.. IBS.. erectile dysfunction.. inconstinence.. lessened control on stool and urine.. uneasy feeling in the groin and penile area..hernia like pressure.. Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Ok, no problem, but, what can I do for 'or else the rest of the bottle will go to shelf.'?
nawazkhan last decade
Is worrying about the remaining remedy more important than your serious health condition?
nawazkhan last decade

If you want to get well, you buy the German medicines as Nawaz asked.
And then you know you have the most
potent, best medicines to act on you.

next, no one knows how long you may
need a medicine--It could be very little
or it could be longer. You cannot think
about something going on the shelf-

No one can predict this and it is the way
it is. If it goes to the shelf it goes to
the shelf- that is price of getting well.

Nawaz like you to follow directions,
and report in on time , and then
he decides what to do next-You have
to follow along and just do those two
things if you want treatment for you
bc he has 100 people he is treating on
here and that is how he works.
simone717 last decade
Many Thanks Simone! May God Bless You.
nawazkhan last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Tue, 03 Jul 2012 06:35:19 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thannks.. dr. Khan and Simone.. I sure want to get well as soon as possible.. In real distress.. Will buy the reckeweg right away..getting well is important for me.. I have just become heavily skeptical.. has a whole spectrum of medicines..did not work.. pardon me for that.. I am just a victim here.. will report back Dr. Khan.. tomorrow.. Still the flatulence exists..big time.. constipation.. not much relief from the congestion in chest an nose.. and there is that slight sharp pain below the right tonsil which hurts when burping.. since the last two days.. started after I exerted pressure..during a morning vomit..hope nothing serious.. I pray to God that he helps me come through this dark time..
avishek last decade
Hi Dr. Khan.. kindly dont consider this as a silly Q.. Just done a filling.. the doctor has asked me to take Arnica 30.. 3 drops thrice daily..since I pushed for homeopathic..not pain killer.. can you assist on the same.. could arnica 30 (reckeweg0 be taken with ur meds..for the pain and healing.. Thanks..
avishek last decade
a dental filling..is what I had..
avishek last decade
Hi- usually they give you something
so they can do the filling. After filling
in USA they give you nothing for
routine fillings.

So don't take anything. It will heal
on its own.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 30 Jun 2012 06:09:26 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi.. Dr. Khan.. reporting back after three days of Ars Alb 200 and Rhus tox 200.. The nose bloackage is a lil better though I have no idea whether its the meds or the steam room therapies I am taking .. now twice daily for 20 mins each.. after the steam bath.. the nose clears out with much lesser bloackage .. becomes better as the day progresses.. the Rhus Tox caused too much body pain.. rawlike lung feeling.. extreme pharyngitis.. so did not take rhus tox yesterday.. a lil better now..body pain and pharyngitis wise.. other than that.. flatulence..IBS.. constipation and amebices.. mucus stool.. bloating after food.. pain due to pressure on diaphragm.. lots of flatulence both ways.. stool and urination has become a major problem.. the urination was better with Aloe soc though.. the wheezing continues.. a tad better dont know whether the steam room is working here or not.. the acidity and reflux continues.. a lil better if I take sompraz in the morning.. if I eat in the morning after waking up due to hunger pangs without omeprazole.. will get intense acidityu and intensified flatulence.. the pain when burping near the right tonsil also not going.. brain fog still exists.. body ache to some extent.. COPD issues.. though mucus production has somewhat increased..Thanks.. waiting for ur reply.. I was hoping if you could suggest 1 remedy that i could take thrice daily for the entire array of problems..its just a suggestion..dont take it as a silly Q.. Thanks..
avishek last decade
Dr. Khan.. it is just a conversation and knowledge that I am trying to gather with the following question.. a friend of mine.. who has been practicing homeopathy for 5 years now.. in a gathering.. after listening to a gist of my problems.. suggested to keep taking the Ars. Alb 200 (if a lower potency is advisable by you, would be better ) and try Hydrastis Can. Mother tincture for 2 weeks.. at 3 times a day dosage at 10 drops a dose with some mineral water ( which I have stacked after you asked me to use it with the medicines..is this a correct path.. kindly don't get annoyed, I am just trying to gather knowledge..
avishek last decade
also Dr. Khan.. I hope and pray that I get well soon with your remedies and the blessings of God.. I am also doing regular Yoga for a week now.. doing swimming atleast 75-100m a day..taking steam with eucalyptus oil.. the sub mucosal cysts (if you could suggest something for the small multiple sub mucosal cysts in the lower lip more.. and the upper lip scattered..) however are not going along with the pharyngitis after or during sleep..
avishek last decade
For knowledge, please contact Brisbanehomoeopath, David is the best teacher on this planet.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi- if you want to keep up treatment
with Nawaz- look at some of his other
threads. You see patient - lists physical
and mental states, takes prescription based on that, and then reports in again
and gets next advice.

If you want to go with your friend then do
that-and stop this. You have to work with
how the prescriber works--or not work
with them. One person is in charge of your case, it is not a group effort, that
does not work- it only confuses everything.
simone717 last decade
Dr. Khan.. and Simone.. it seems that any question I throw at u guys.. gets a complete wrong implication.. i would not write to this forum.. if I did not require ur help dr. Khan.. I am sharing whatever is happening in my daily life.. howver.. I have stated my state after three days of ars alb 200 and rhus tox 200.. kindly assist me with the next move.. I am all ears.. I have joined this forum to be cured.. that is the only motive.. Kindly help Dr. Khan..tell me the next move..
avishek last decade
Have been trying to tell you that everyone
works different. Nawaz prescribes based
on symptoms given and has no time
for questions as he has way too many
cases and they take a lot of time and lead
to more questions.

David on the other hand likes to answer
questions, but he is not taking any cases.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 02 Jul 2012 19:02:16 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thanks simone.. I think there will be no more questions from my end.. othr than symptom related.. so if Dr. Khan just understands that a sick man.. has a lot going on in his mind.. and pardon me for the same.. and just tell me the next step.. I have reported in a previous post as to what symptoms have been happening.. will mention them again after taking.. ars alb 200 and rhus tox 200 for three days..'Hi.. Dr. Khan.. reporting back after three days of Ars Alb 200 and Rhus tox 200.. The nose bloackage is a lil better though I have no idea whether its the meds or the steam room therapies I am taking .. now twice daily for 20 mins each.. after the steam bath.. the nose clears out with much lesser bloackage .. becomes better as the day progresses.. the Rhus Tox caused too much body pain.. rawlike lung feeling.. extreme pharyngitis.. so did not take rhus tox yesterday.. a lil better now..body pain and pharyngitis wise.. other than that.. flatulence..IBS.. constipation and amebices.. mucus stool.. bloating after food.. pain due to pressure on diaphragm.. lots of flatulence both ways.. stool and urination has become a major problem.. the urination was better with Aloe soc though.. the wheezing continues.. a tad better dont know whether the steam room is working here or not.. the acidity and reflux continues.. a lil better if I take sompraz in the morning.. if I eat in the morning after waking up due to hunger pangs without omeprazole.. will get intense acidityu and intensified flatulence.. the pain when burping near the right tonsil also not going.. brain fog still exists.. body ache to some extent.. COPD issues.. though mucus production has somewhat increased..Thanks.. waiting for ur reply.. ' .. also I took an aroma massage the other dat for 60 mins.. it was excruciating pain.. in the whole body.. however on the top of the skull.. when she massaged..there was phenomenal pain.. now I still feel the pain..in a subdued form after 2 days.. feel like my right eye is a lil sluggish.. maybe I am just being too thoughtful but this is what happened.. I hope no damage has been done to the skull or the brain.. never taking a massage again..Thanks..
avishek last decade
Please continue with these remedies for 4 more days with some strong doses of patience. Please cut down on the other medicine and stuff.
nawazkhan last decade
I am happy to answer any questions you might have about homoeopathy. I will not interfere in treatment however.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by nawazkhan on Tue, 03 Jul 2012 00:35:20 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
other than the other symptoms that still exist.. the massage I took on the scalp has intense pain on that region..top of the head..when pressed.. near the centre of the top part..through a line to the back of the skull.. has there been some damage to the skull or the brain.. there was pain earlier.. but has intensified during and after the massage.. now a lil light headedness also persists..with headache.. and when shaking the head..something moving inside.. with a sull pain.. and pain on the top of the skul.. and behind the eyes.. kindly assist Dr. Khan/Simone..
avishek last decade
feel extra sleepy.. lil nausea..too.. i am going through an intense bad luck phase.. where in i get hurt while getting an aroma massage on the scalp.. from a female with soft hands.. kindly assist doctors.. looks like life is getting full of trauma.. its really increasing the brain fog and endurance for life..:( (read the just previous post for details)..
avishek last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Tue, 03 Jul 2012 22:41:40 BST]
simone717 last decade
How are the eyes Avishek? Also, please describe the head pain in detail? What type of pain?
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 03 Jul 2012 22:39:22 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
What remedies did you take today and yesterday?
nawazkhan last decade
Ars. alb 200.. Rhus Tox 200.. and since in the morning had great issues and nausea.. took nux vomica 6 3 drops in the morning.. the apetite was back..this was yesterday..
avishek last decade

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