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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Multiple Symptoms and Suffering.. no end with treatment..COPD..indigestion.. acidity.. colic.. IBS.. erectile dysfunction.. inconstinence.. lessened control on stool and urine.. uneasy feeling in the groin and penile area..hernia like pressure.. Page 3 of 3

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Ars. alb 200.. Rhus Tox 200.. and since in the morning had great issues and nausea.. took nux vomica 6 3 drops in the morning.. the apetite was back..this was yesterday..
avishek last decade
How are the eyes Avishek? Also, please describe the head pain in detail? What type of pain?
Please reply as requested.
nawazkhan last decade
Sorry for the late reply Dr. Khan.. I had become vry sick..over the past few days.. The body was feeling like beaten up badly, pain.. massive irritation from within.. After taking the ars alb 200 and after stopping rhus tox 200, the nose was much cleared up.. didnt need to take nasal inhaler.. also did not require aerocort.. however I dont still know whether the steam room sessions i was taking were aiding in recovery or not.. as I have not being able to take the steam for 4 days now.. and the nasal blockage and the lungs fee-ness has gone.. I am back with some wheezing and the other problems that I already had.. The head pain.. between the eyes has eased up a lil.. not gone.. it was a blunt pain..sometimes throbbing.. sometimes not.. as i have slept mostly.. for 4 days now.. but the pain on the top of the Scalp is still there.. not in severity but there.. I live with my family.. so they were really worried with my illness.. and my father got hold of a homeopath he has some faith in.. and she prescribed one medicine.. Calcarea Os 200 once in the morning for 2 days.. then Calcarea Os - 2 M/0 in S/M (dunno what that means).. I had to leave ur meds and follow her..since I had no choice as my family wouldnt allow me to take any other meds than the calcarea.. and I did not have the strength to get up and do my own thing.. after taking the calcarea.. the stomach bloating still continues.. the pharyngitis still continues..more in the morning.. the nose block is back ( as I said..dunno if the steam was helping..couldnt take any for 4 days).. the lung constriction is slowly getting back.. I have to clear the mucus multiple times.. the bloating of the stomach.. is more after food.. but does not go away after stool.. still remains there.. I had great trouble doing stool.. isapgol didnt help.. then tried Duphalac once in the night.. worked well.. in the morning.. but bloating..gas..acid reflux..gas causing discomfort in the upper abdomen..hitting the diaphragm causing cramping and pressure extending to the chest.. the sub mucosal cysts.. the small ones.. still there.. completely left smoking for 3 days nw.. not gone.. feeling uneasy..dunno..if its aggravation from the calcarea.. is milder than the ars alb and rhus tox aggravation.. but still 40-50%.. also taking mebeverine twice daily..has provided some relief from the cramps and IBS issues..very small amount though.. there is a small white patch that has developed on my left upper arm too..dont know if I had some reaction to the remedies.. or my liver has been very badly damaged..and 1 esomeprazole magnesium truhydrate for the acidity.. the reflux is symptomatically better.. I dunno what to do.. I will stick to the calcarea as my family insists on the course of action and I dont have the strength to take my own medicine.. for a few more days.. if nothing happens.. will leave all meds.. and just leave it upto god.. I joined this forum as doctors were experimenting continuously.. looking for one Simillium remedy that would have cured me.. I still have full faith in you.. If you can finally suggest 1 remedy I can take with calcarea OS.. to completely cure me..without aggravation.. as I dont have the energy to fight with an aggravation or deal with detoriating health.. I just dont have the strength.. it will be a godsent remedy.. Inshallah.. I hope you can find something hidden in all my posts that have been telling towards one final curable..remedy.. with almost no aggravation.. Hope you can help this ailing man.. I am absolutely apologetic to have occupied you in your busy schedule.. I am sorry if I have ever said anything that might have hurt you.. I am just now on a give up state.. and will soon leave all meds.. so if you can help..with one correct remedy that will cure me within a few days..without aggravation.. Allah.. and all the gods including mine..will bless you.. and my soul will bless you.. if you find my post.. delusional.. pardon me.. I am really sick.. and am in great distress with no proper help.. but dont thing I never appreciated your help.. I have immensely acknowledged your work.. and the fact that u have been helping a total looser like me from the states at no cost.. I am sorry if I have ever made you feel sad..Thanks ..Dr. Khan..Simone.. and BrisbaneHomeopath for being my suppport for such a long time.. time seems to be ending soon for me.. will soon get out of all meds if I dont see a miracle..:).. it is me at fault.. not being able to handle the homeopathic system of medicine.. or as such any medicine.. hope God spares my life for a better future.. I always wanted to have a nice family of my own.. looks dim nw..:(
avishek last decade
Please give me some time to read and process your long post.

Please be brave and be patient.
nawazkhan last decade

May our God Almighty bless you with good health and happy life soon.

Is it the Calcarea Oxalica that you are taking now?

You must listen to your father and other family members for the best treatment. Face to face meeting with this homoeopath is much better than this forum. Please stay with this treatment as this option seems to be the best choice.

Good luck to you.
nawazkhan last decade
Its Calcarea Os.. I believe calcarea ostrearum.. all the palps.. with shortness of breath.. the panic attacks like symptom..shock like feeling near the heart and breathing difficulty.. when asleep are getting back slowly.. they had gone away for quite some time now.. the stomach is immensely bloated.. Its getting worse.. will try it for a couple of days more.. maybe for 3-4 days.. if things dont become ok.. will leave all.. still in search of a simillium remedy which i have heard have completely cured many..different for different people... Homeopathy is tough.. and I believe the notion .. 'Homeopathy has good medicine but no good doctors..' is actually true.. THANKS a lot Dr. Khan for staying in touch with me.. If you can still suggest one remedy that will cure me..without aggravation.. I will be delighted.. My time has neared its end.. My business has almost packed itself up.. so its a total closure untill and unless I get cured miraculously.. Thanks Dr. Khan for ur support..
avishek last decade
Dr. Khan, coming back to you after a long time.. calcarea did not work for me.. made thngs even worse.. thus went back to allopathy.. drs said that I had amoebic and infective colitis.. thus went on some anti biotics for sometime..like metronidazole..rifaximine..ofloxacin.. things get okay for a while and as the meds are completed.. things become bad.. however.. the constipation and the stool emptying half and returning back from the anus/rectum always and still remained.. I saw a new homeopath near my place.. he gave me pancreatinum 3x.. byonia and lyco and carbo veg and asoefoetida ..all potency 30.. I was damn apprehensive about the pancreatinum as it is diabetes.. thus have only taken 10 tabs so far and stopped it.. The intense stomach bloating.. and the stool half emptying still remains.. rest returning back.. this is a very frustrating feeling.. the stool color returns to normal for sometime during use of only allopathy meds.. but any bryonia.. nux or carbo or lyco..pancratinum usage.. brings the dark stools back.. my ESR is 3.. thyroids normal.. SGOT and SGPT normal.. bilirubin normal.. all reports are normall.. kindly help.. also I am sick worried if the 10-12 tabs of pancreatinum might have caused diabetes ..or might cause dibetes to occur in the future..Kindly help..
avishek last decade
[message deleted by friends55 on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 14:07:20 GMT]
friends55 last decade

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