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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dandruff and Hairfall

Dear Sir

My Son has severe dandruff and hair loss and he is 22 yrs old and we have bald head in our family history from his maternal side.

We shall be thankful if you recommend the remedy for Dandruff and hairfall and also regeneration of hair.

Best rgds
[message edited by pvanantha on Sun, 29 Jul 2012 05:10:30 BST]
  pvanantha on 2012-07-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
graphites 200 weekly dose for one month arnica 6 wet dose evening time daily for one month flouric acid 200 weekly three times one dose daily for one month flouric acid morning times only three days in a week
akshaymohl last decade

Please follow Dr. Mohla.

The moderator will be attending
to the Rakesh spam as this is just
taking over the forum with unpaid
simone717 last decade

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