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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Migraines Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I would like to add that if everything fails you can use ice in a plastic bag on your head as this too helps with the migraine. Or position your head in the cold draft of an airconditioner.

I am speaking with experience in the treatment of Migraines which I suffered from about 40 years ago, some years before I started on Homeopathy.
Joe De Livera last decade
It is seen from different forums that Belladonna is a good remedy for migraine. Presently I have Belladonna Q (in liquid form). Grateful if someone can suggest as to how it can be used and will it be effective. Thanks.

anands last decade
Please help for migrain pain
for a freind;
2 Age around 36
3. Throbbing pain sometimes on left side and sometimes on right side. Better with cold shower worse with heat. Swelling occurs on side where pain occurs. Sometimes starts early morning that is he wakes up with pain, sometimes in evening. Noise and light irritates.
Pacified with dark cold rooms.
After sleeping for 10 hrs atleast it improves.
Please suggest
janks last decade
Please suggest some remedy
janks last decade
please take three doses of bryonia 30c daily thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for 2 days and report back after a week.
During the attack of headache you should use Rescue Remedy, a Bach Flower Remedy. You should add some 5 drops to some 100 ml water and should sip 1 tsf water at a gap of every 15 minutes. Or you may also add 5 drops of Rescue Remedy to 1 dram pills. 2-3 pills may be taken at a gap of every 15 minutes.
Rescue Remedy dilution is generally availbale at a homeo store.
kadwa last decade
Dear Dr Kadwa

i want to ask is it safe to use bach flower remedy with homeopathic medicines?

please let me know
kamran.cisco last decade
Flower Remedy dilutions are flower essences in non-potentized form. Therefore in my opinion they can be taken with homeo remedies.
kadwa last decade
OK Thanks

how can i find flower remedies in pakistan
kamran.cisco last decade

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