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Posts about Fatigue, Melasma

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Melasma caused from waxing and adrenal fatigue

I first noticed melasma after I had my upper lip waxed, although I can not remember for sure if it was already darkening before waxing. For almost two years I have been trying to get rid of this. I believe I am suffering from adrenal fatigue as well and I understand that melasma can be a result of adrenal fatigue. As I work on healing my adrenals, I notice that the melasma seems to lighten and darken but never go away completely. An interesting and annoying fact that I see is that dandelion and milk thistle seem to make the melasma worse for me. I wonder if anyone else has noticed too. Right now I use diaper rash cream on my lip (40% zinc) and then I cover with a mineral powder. It works good when the melasma is lighter. When the melasma is dark, I pretty much have to deal with it and try to stay out of the public. boo.
I have tried MSM, HQ, kojic acid, acv, and anything else I could. Does anyone with adrenal fatigue have any suggestions?
  zeraldi on 2012-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
have you taken birth control pills in the past or Now? Birth control
pills can trigger melasma ( also called the mask of pregnancy) and
hormones are off balance.

I had melasma after only taking birth control pills for 2 months. I stopped,
and the melasma was there for several years, and made worse by the sun.
simone717 last decade
No, I've never taken birth control pills. They make me sick. I had a very stressful job (physical and mental) for many years. After a bout with heat exhaustion, I resigned and the adrenal fatigue really presented itself after that. It has been three years but I haven't gotten consistently better. My body doesn't seem to handle stress at all. That is when the melasma is the worse.
[message edited by zeraldi on Mon, 17 Sep 2012 22:37:04 BST]
zeraldi last decade
It appears as if you need your entire case taken to
get you back to normal. The melasma then is just
part of the picture.

You could go to a homeopath in person ( usually the
best option)

or use edit button-on low right- change your headline-
I would ask for RevaV- she is homeopath from India in

It is easier when you ask for who you want on here-
like -Dr. Reva please help with extreme fatigue and
melasma. She also has email- revav6 At gmail dot com
you can send her email and tell her you are on here-
put your browser link in.
simone717 last decade
zeraldi last decade

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