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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Jet Lag Fatigue

I am 44 years old and live in Canada. I visited my family in Pakistan for 6 weeks. It was hot and humid and 8 hours ahead in time.
Usually when I return from overseas, I have a and . It usually takes me a few days to get over any fatigue.

This time, it has been three days now and my fatigue/weakness is not going away. I caught up on sleep, but when I get up to do any house work I feel shaky and weak. I have to lay in and rest for hours in order to feel better. I was mostly in a stressful situation and mostly sleep deprived. Right now my body is undergoing a de-stressing condition. I am so tired to the point of fatigue and weakness. This morning I did a little bit of house work and felt so weak that I almost felt like I will pass out (but I did not).

Upon my return, I also got a heavy period with a lot of clots. The period is over now (I have IUD). My body is under a lot of stress and I have to de-stress.

While in Pakistan, my stomach was mostly upset from the food (upset stool). I also have hypothyroid for many years and taking an alopathic medication for it. T4 and are in the normal range.
Usually when I am under a lot of stress of a long time, I do feel fatigue and weak and have to rest.

As a general symptom that I experinece with my hypothyroid is heart racing when I feel warm. I usually feel warm.
Kindly help me. Yesterday I took a few doses of and it helped a little.

Thanking you,
  pollen on 2018-08-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. don't repeat.



anuj srivastava 6 years ago
Thank you for your advise.
I want to highlight a few things before I start the remedies:
1. My stomach is no longer upset and I have regular and normal bowel movements
2. My main concern is the weakness, shakiness and fatigue from the smallest exertion
3. Feeling shaky and heart racing when warm (for the past few years)

My thyroid is sensitive to remedies so that is why I am double checking with you.

Thank you and I await your kind reply.
pollen 6 years ago
all your issues have been taken into account before prescribing.
anuj srivastava 6 years ago

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