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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Cystitis

Hello! I have a chronic cystitis and I have tried lots of allopathetic medicines but without any result! Last month I read an article and searched about cantharis and have already taken 2 caps of Cantharis 10M on a monthly basis. This made the everyday nuisance stop. It came again after a stress explosion! I took again cantharis 200C for 3 days and 200C E.coli when I felt different kind of burning and made it stop for the rest of the day.
Can you please tell me how long can I use both of them?? And if it's safe to use them. Thanks!!
[message edited by california on Mon, 08 Oct 2012 11:54:15 BST]
  california on 2012-10-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please help me!!!
[message edited by california on Mon, 08 Oct 2012 20:32:45 BST]
california last decade

[message deleted by california on Mon, 08 Oct 2012 11:56:50 BST]
california last decade
Hi- first- have you been getting urine checked for E coli?
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 14 Oct 2012 00:30:13 BST]
simone717 last decade
Dear Simone,

Of course e.coli is the only responsible here for all the cystitis I have been through!

I have made lots of tests before and after the antibiotics the doctors gave me.

Doctors admitted that it's becoming from anxiety.. and they can't do anything else.

It was going for a while and before the menstruations the burning comes back again.. and it starts all over again!

Before I take the cantharis it was starting again after sexual activity and before menstruations and the last 3-4 months I had it almost everyday and I was taking uva-ursi 15drops in the water 3 times a day and I was going better.

When I took the 2 10M cantharis pills this bad feeling stopped for 1,5 month and it started again last week because I was too stressed and also because the menstruation came earlier!

I hope you understand what I am going through and help me!!

(I also take rhus tox 200c (I take it when I pain) for my backache because I have Spinal disc herniation (one very big on the 5th spine) and it's getting better with that. If I didn't take it.. the last 2 years I was for 2 months (each year)in bed and the other suffering till summer which was getting better from the heat.)
But I don't know how much to take either. Do you think that my problems (backache and cystitis) are connected in any way? Because a doctor mentioned that.)
[message edited by california on Tue, 09 Oct 2012 15:16:33 BST]
california last decade
Hi-I understand.

A. Uva ursi kills bacteria-my point is on the e coli- you don't get e coli
from stress- it has to be introduced into the system. It is like
eating tainted food and then body has to deal with it. You solve it by
figuring out what is causing this to happen-sex activity with wrong
hygiene or use of lubes??? Something is wrong there and if you fix it
you won't have the uti.

B. As far as getting burning etc before periods- do you have a yeast
infection? bc the vagina starts to slough off extra skin cells etc before
period and if you have yeast that causes burning bc the yeast actually
turns into alcohol in the cells.

C. Yes the backache can have to do with the uti. You would need to
keep track of the incidents when uti and backache now seem to
happen near each other? You can keep taking the rhus tox for that.
but it needs to be figured out what is causing what.

D, Are you saying antibiotics no longer work on the uti?
What are you taking right now and is it helping or not? ( btw) I had friends
taking uva ursi constantly for uti's and it was bc they were using lubes,
once they stopped that they did not have uti's.
simone717 last decade
Thanks again for your reply!

I know that e.coli already exists in our body and I know that with some wrong things I do, I might turn to have the uti again.

Whenever I took antibiotics I was clean from e.coli for some time and later I had it again. I had gone to gynecologist several times but she never told me that I had yeast and we couldn't understand what was causing it again and again.
The last urologist I saw told me to take cranberry gels for 6months but I took them only for 3 months and then I took uva ursi.

I have uti for so long and the last three years my backache was so bad I had already uti. Both uti and my backache are getting worse when I get my menstruation.

What do you mean by bc? Antibiotics still work and the last I took was ciproxin 500mg and for a month furolin but came again after I stopped it.

I don't use lubes and I try to be very clean so I don't understand why it's still happening.
california last decade
Hi- bc is a shortcut for because. :-)

A. yes taking the cranberry gel caps are a good
preventative to up your system to fend off any e coli-
they work before the e coli gets in there for the most part.
Drinking lots of water also is a preventative.

B. Yes we have e coli in our body but for you to have it
in a urine culture- it has to be getting up into the
urethra ?? So how would that be happening?

If you took antibiotics and it killed the e coli for some time-
then that is an answer. It was gone- then it got back in there.

This time have you had a urine culture and is it E coli again?

Yeast can also cause burning etc and you can have yeast
up in the vaginal tract where they are not showing up as
a discharge or infection. -

Sometimes when this has gone on a long time then it
affects the kidneys which can be another reason for your
back hurting. I think you need to go to a local homeopath
who can assess you in person .

I also think if you have not had urine tested this time- get it
tested and ask the gyno or get a new one or internist to
find out kidney function.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 14 Oct 2012 00:31:58 BST]
simone717 last decade
I know that I have uti because of the odour they have.

Last summer I had a very bad UTI situation and I went to the clinic with 40°C fever for 4 days! (I had a furuncle at my genitals and it opened and the pus went into the urine and BOOM! VERY BAD UTI!) They checked everything in my body!! Kidneys ofcourse and I took ciproxin and it was gone except the furuncle.

I also had an ultrasound again this summer and it was clean because doctor's thought of kidney stones.

You are right about the yeast but because of the millions of antibiotics I had that too and I know how it feels and it's not like uti.

I will check again if it's e.coli after my menstruations ends and I will go to a homeopath. I don't live in California, sorry for the misunderstanding.
california last decade
Hi- ok, so you still have the furuncle? and the bacteria in a furuncle is staph not e coli.
The furuncle has to be healed.

You have to stop the Cantharis. you have been taking way
too high a dose there. If you take too high a dose or it is
wrong remedy-you end up having symptoms that the remedy
is supposed to fix. You can click on remedies store here
and read the materia medica for Cantharis. While it is for
burning etc- in too high a dose or if it is not indicated?
it will cause burning. Never take a 10m unless you are
prescribed by a homeopath.

Actually most sudden acute things you can figure out remedies-
and have a good success with them. But chronic things are not
easy- also uti's are usually acute but the remedy has to be
right. I have had cantharis for them and the uti was
'palliated' in other words appeared to be gone for a few days
and then returned.

You need a homeopath who is a real homeopath- not a naturopath
who does 'some homeopathy' Person should have at least 5 years of practice and be good with female issues - Your
full case has to be taken in depth here.

Reva v who comes on this forum and is a homeopath from
India- tells people to try the D-Mannose powder by Now-
(Amazon dot com has it) and says people have very good
results with it. However you have a more complex thing going
on than just that-I would still use the Rhus tox for the back
pain until you go to homeopath. But when it works then stop
the remedy . You always stop a remedy when it works or
starts to do anything and watch what goes on. Bc if you keep
taking it - it will produce the pain you are taking it for.

Cantharis also could be cancelling out any good effects of
Rhus tox. So If I were you- I would get the D Mannose powder-
use allopathy and the Rhus tox till you go to homeopath.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 09 Oct 2012 21:20:03 BST]
simone717 last decade
I have taken cantharis 200C again but I will stop it because you are right. Should I use smth else to suspend it?

I will find someone to help me here. I have used D-Mannose the pills but it didn't help me.
The only thing it helps is cranberry.

Thank you for everything! :)
california last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Sun, 14 Oct 2012 00:28:54 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hi- this info. was given to me by a homeopath and it is for
antidoting wrong homeopathic medicines-10m's etc when wrong
is considered homeopath medicine abuse- it is not like you
took one dose of a 200c or 30 c a few times. You took - a lot.

In future try to never self prescribe unless it is acute and you
are doing a few low doses of something you think is correct-like
Arnica 30c a few times for a fall or bruise etc- something simple.

Please order Hydrastis30c and Aloe30c-
Take them morning- afternoon- before bed. have a 6 hour gap.
no food or drink 30 minutes before or after. No coffee while doing this.-
Get pills and take these remedies together- 2 pills of one and 2 pills
of the other under the tongue. 7 days max.

I was told it will take less than 7 days of this to start feeling better-
and getting rid of Cantharis effects of burning and so on. When you
start feeling better then stop the remedies. this is a general remedy
solution for overdosing on homeopathic remedies.
simone717 last decade

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