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Posts about Cystitis, UTI

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cystitis, uti please help, dont want to take antibiotics!

I am suffering from cystitis 10 days ago, its not in the urethra but on the bladder. The symptoms are pain in the whole front lower abdomen and especially on the right groin. It is like a period pain. Difficulty to urinate. There is no burning, no pain during or after urination, but although i drink lots of water i cant urinate.
I never had uti before,it happened after antibiotics that the doctor gave me for a bacterial vaginosis 20 days ago.
I took Nux Vomica but it didnt help. Please help as i dont want to take more antibiotics!
Thank you
  Sun11 on 2017-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you can wait for 1-2 days I'll try to help you.
jawahar 7 years ago

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